‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

Quarrel at lunch

“Are you guys ready to order?” the waitress asked. I looked at Joe who was still looking at his menu, upside down.

“No!” Joe shouted which caused the waitress to step back a few steps.

“Joe, calm down and just order something already,” Nick said getting annoyed with Joe.

“But I don’t know what I want!”

“Get a freakin’ salad and shut your pie hole,” I snapped as I looked at Joe.

“But salads aren’t filling. Okay, can I have a salad and keep them coming. Oh and more of these breadsticks.” Everyone at the table rolled their eyes. The waitress wrote down what Joe said and took the rest of our orders.

“I’m bored, why doesn’t this place have those coloring placemats Frankie always colors on?” Joe complained as he started playing with his fork.

“Joe, you are 19 years old. Grow up and stop slouching,” Kevin said sounding scarily like his father.

“You ruin the fun.”

It was finally quiet for a while, despite the clanging of forks being hit on other people’s plates. Everyone kept looking at each other, not saying a word.

“Is it true that-”

“Jas?” I looked up and behind Joe was the last person I was expecting to see there: Ronnie. I hadn’t seen him since yesterday after I picked up Brian and Jared. We talked, all night and I didn’t come home until almost 2.

I liked this guy and all, but I didn’t really want anything more with him. I mean he did date Amanda, and dating your best friend’s ex was a total no-no in my book.

“Ronnie? What are you doing here?”

“I’m here with Damian. You know him?” I stared at his equally good looking friend. I knew Damian; I thought he was a babe the first time I laid my eyes on him. Of course I was still getting over Joe, and thought every guy around me was hot. I even started going back to the fact that I loved Nick more than a friend. Freaky thoughts.

“Yeah, I know you. What’s up?” I asked.

“Nothing much, didn’t expect to see you here,” Ronnie answered instead of Damian who just smiled like an idiot who just got his teeth straightened and the only thing he wanted to do was show off his perfectly aligned teeth.

“Yeah, I wasn’t expecting to see you here either. Come here much?” I asked.

“No, it’s a boy’s day out,” Ronnie said which made me laugh, Kevin look the other way, Nick scoff and Joe was still playing with his fork.

“Fun, it’s something like that here too. Except I’m the only girl,” I said sounded depressed.

“Cool, well I’ll call you tonight okay? Nice seeing you two again,” Ronnie said to Nick and Kevin. Nick ignored Ronnie and Kevin smiled politely.

“Well, that was awkward,” I said. “And thanks for being so nice, Nicholas.” I looked at Nick who was now playing with his fingernails.

“Huh?” Nick asked stupidly.

“Who was he?” Joe asked finally showing some interest in Ronnie after all.

“Kid from school,” I replied taking my drink and taking a sip from it.

“Yeah, he’s good looking. You sure he’s just a kid from school?”

“Joseph, we are not getting into this now and especially here,” I snapped.

“It was just a simple question,” Joe said.

“Fine, excuse me, but I just met the guy yesterday.”

“Why did he say he’ll call tonight then if you just met him yesterday?”

“Joseph, you don’t want me dating your brother and now you don’t want me dating other people? Do you honestly think I’ll go back with you and we’ll live happily ever after?” I snapped again rather harshly.

“No. It was just a statement, no need for your huffiness here.” Joe slouched in his chair even more and stopped playing with his utensils. He became mute and motionless.

“Look, I’m sorry for snapping at you,” I started saying.

“So, you can date other people, it’s just that I can’t, right?”

“I never said that!” I yelled a little louder than I expected which caused everyone in earshot to stare. I lowered my voice and continued, “Look, I’m sorry okay? I never did anything you don’t know about anyways. He’s just a kid from school that went out with Mandy before, so technically he’s off limits to me.”

“Mhm,” Joe said which pissed me off even more.

“Listen Joe, if you don’t believe me fine. I could care less anyways.”

“Stop saying you could care less, when you know you never stopped caring!” Joe shouted. This was getting ridiculous. I was two seconds away from getting up and leaving the restaurant. I felt bad for Kevin and Nick who were smacked in the middle of this conversation, literally.

“Can you two please continue this in the car, or home?” Kevin asked. “I don’t want anymore attention than we’re getting. Sooner or later you’re going to end up reading something about Joe Jonas fighting in a restaurant all over the internet.”

I shut my mouth and leaned back in my chair.

“Thank you,” Kevin said. Joe made a noise and crossed his arms way too dramatically for my taste.

“Look, the food’s here,” Kevin said breaking a ten minute silence. “Okay, don’t be excited.” Kevin immediately dug into whatever he ordered and Joe picked at his salad. I had totally lost my appetite ten minutes ago, but played around with my food. Nick kept giving me side glances which I ignored. I knew he wanted to talk, but I was in no mood.

I wanted to get up and walk ten feet to my left where Ronnie and Damian were laughing it up about something. I wanted to grab Ronnie’s face and give him a big, fat kiss. Just to piss off Joe even more. As I sat there playing with my food and getting nudge in the shin my Nick, I kept playing my idea over and over in my head.

I get up, walk over and make out with him in a restaurant while everyone stared on wanting us to leave their sight. We’d end up leaving, walking right by a pissed off looking Joe and go make out in a parking lot since we’re classsy like that.

Okay, I couldn’t be that mean. I’d just do that on my own time and coincidently Joe finds out. Okay, still mean. I wondered where all these negative thoughts were coming from? I always have been a happy, non-aggressive person. Then I remembered, I became like this a little over two months ago. Thanks a lot Joseph Jonas.

I rolled my eyes again for the millionth time today as Joe chewed on his salad. I couldn’t wait to leave. Thankfully my phone vibrated in my pocket and I took it out.

Hey are you okay? You look like you’d rather not be there, care 2 talk?

I barely knew Ronnie for more than a couple days and he seemed so sweet. I wanted to get up and talk to him, but I knew Nick better; he’d get up and follow.

I’m alright, thanks. And of course I’d rather be somewhere else but I can’t leave these guys behind. I have to face them sooner or later and tell them the reason why I left.

Nick kept looking at me while I typed each letter. He was probably going to end up texting me as well so I can look at him.

Say you’re going 2 the bathroom. I’ll talk if you want to. No pressure :)

We can talk tonight. Nick is going to follow me or something. Sorry, but thanks for caring.

I glanced up to my left and saw Ronnie looking over at our table with a smile on his face. He was too cute, even if he had more of a malicious grin than a sincere, happy one, but I could care less. He was the hottest guy ever. Well, Kevin beat him by a landslide but that was only because he was older.

“Are you going to eat that?” Kevin asked already with his fork in my plate.

“No, go ahead.” Kevin happily took half my food and ate it himself. He’d been acting like Joe all day and it was bothering me. First Nick was acting like Joe, now Kevin. Why couldn’t they act how they always were?

“So is everyone ready to leave?” Kevin asked.

“Yes,” we all said at once. I wish I drove myself so I wouldn’t have to be stuck in the car with all three of them for a good twenty minutes.

“Thanks for not paying Jas,” Kevin said as he drove towards our houses. He looked in the rear view mirror as I sat in the back and looked out the window.

“Mm,” was all that escaped from my mouth.

“Good to know you’re not completely mute.”

“Are we going home?” Nick asked.

“Unless you want to go somewhere else,” Kevin said looking at Nick through the mirror. Nick looked like he was thinking but kept quiet.

“I don’t know where else there is to go. Jas where do you want to go?” I shrugged.

“Did she shrug?” Kevin asked as Nick laughed.

“Yep, she’s a shrugging, mute girl today. This is fun.” I sighed as I continued to look out the window. This was the longest, most boring car trip I have ever been on. I’d rather be home sitting on the couch and staring at Jared running around the house kicking the soccer ball.

I finally realized we were seconds away from home. As soon as Kevin parked his car in his driveway I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door.

“Thanks for lunch Kevin,” I said as I closed the door and started walking to my house.

“Aw, come on over!” Kevin said as he closed his door. I waved my hand in the air and made my way to the front of my house. I was expecting footsteps behind me and sure enough I heard those footsteps and a hand being thrown around my shoulder.

“Expecting me?” Nick asked.

“Of course. Kevin’s too lazy to make his way to my house.” Nick chuckled as I reached into my pocket for my house key. I put the key in the hole and turned it. I walked in my house and the aroma of some fancy Puerto Rican dish filled my nostrils.

“Gross,” I muttered as I threw my house key on the little table by the door. Nick laughed as he walked straight towards the kitchen.

“Hey Mrs. G, what are you cooking?”

“Hi Nicholas!” My mom stopped what she was doing by the stove to embrace Nick into a hug. “I didn’t know you two will be here, I was expecting you home later.”

“Yeah, change in plans,” I said. “What the hell are you cooking?”


“Ew! That’s disgusting,” I said making a face.

“Don’t be silly, you love it. I also made Habichuelas Guisadas.”

“Good,” I said taking Nick’s hand and dragging him out of the kitchen. “I’ll see you later Ma.”

“That stuff looks gross, but smells good,” Nick said as we entered my room. It was a little messier than it was the other day, but I started picking clothes up and dumping them on my bed.

“It’s okay, but I’m not a fan of it. I prefer food I can spell.” Nick laughed. I knew he was going to talk about what happened at lunch today, but I’m guessing he didn’t really pick out his words yet.

“Listen, I’ll save you some time. Your brother sucks and needs to find a girlfriend that isn’t me. I’m tired of this, it’s really getting old.”

“It’s not getting old for you, but for us as well. He doesn’t shut up about how much of an idiot he is or how much he wants to build a time machine to go back. You and Joe need to talk this out, Kevin and I tried everything.”

“Nicholas, you know I’ve had so many conversations with him. The latest one from the other night, I totally regret now for telling him I still love him. It slipped, he has this control over me and I just slip sometimes.

“Half the time I want to move on and find a normal boyfriend, but I miss what I had with him; even if it was for a couple of weeks.”

“Then move on,” Nick said. I was currently sitting on my bed fumbling with my clothes and trying to tell what was clean and what wasn’t.

“Do you know how much I tried? That Ronnie guy is just a guy that nothing will ever happen with anyways.”

“Why do you say that?” Nick asked with some sort of relief in his voice.

“He dated Amanda, plus I’ve heard some stories about him. He’s not exactly a good guy, but with me he’s sweet.” I could tell Nick was restraining himself from saying something, but he ended up blurting it out anyways.

“Why don’t you give him a chance?” That was the last thing I expected him to say.

“What? Why would you say something like that?”

“He makes you happy Jas.” I gaped at him like an idiot.

“How would you know?” I asked. Nick just shrugged as he looked at my wall full of pictures.

“I don’t know, but if you say he’s as nice as you’re saying, maybe he won’t be bad.” I kept fumbling with the clothes; the same question kept burning in my mind for the longest. I wanted to ask, but I didn’t want anything to change.

“Jas? Did you hear what I said?”

“Yeah, sorry Nick. I should just wash all of this since I don’t know what’s clean or not,” I replied changing the topic towards my clothes.

“Are these my socks?”

“No, those are mine!” I took them out of his hand and put them back in my pile. Nick laughed as he put his hands up surrendering.

“Are you going to do your laundry now then?”

“No, I’ll just do it when you leave.”

“What if I don’t leave?”

“Then I’ll have my daddy escort you out Nicholas.”

“Fine, I can see I’m not wanted here. Ronnie can come on over then.” I laughed.

“No, you know I’m kidding. You’re so much cooler than Ronnie anyways.”

“I know I am. I’m the coolest Jonas you know right?”

“No, Frankie’s cooler than you and your parents too,” I joked.

“Fine, Brian’s cooler than you too.” I scoffed.

“Please, these dirty socks are cooler than Brian.” Nick laughed out loud and held to the wall for support so he wouldn’t fall. “Good one Jerry.”

“You two are so mean to each other.” I shrugged. “And your phone’s ringing.” I rolled my eyes as I walked to my dresser and picked up my phone.

“Hi!” I said a little too excitedly.

“Hey, what’s up?” Ronnie asked.

“Nothing, just staring at my clothes. What are you doing?”

“Nothing. I just got home and wanted to see if everything is alright.” How cute!

“Yeah, everything’s cool, thanks for calling.”

“Who is that?” Nick mouthed. I waved my hand to him and he walked closer to where I was standing.

“No problem,” Ronnie replied, “Well, I’ll let you go now. I just wanted to say hi and see if you actually gave me your real number.” I laughed.

“Well, I did unfortunately. You seemed like a good guy anyways.” Ronnie laughed.

“Told you I was, but just to certain people of course.” I laughed. “Well, talk to you later then, okay?”

“Yeah, alright bye.” I ended the call and Nick grabbed my phone. “You’re such a girl.”

“You were talking to Ronnie?” I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone back.

“And your point is?” Nick laughed.

“I don’t really have a point. I just like annoying you.”