‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

Grass War 2

"Jas, stop flirting with your little boyfriend and help out for once," Brain yelled at me. It was Saturday morning, and it was early. How early? The sun was barely up, and I was falling asleep on my front porch with Nick.

"Dude, don't tell me to help out. It's your game, be glad I woke up this early for you," I said. Brian grabbed a soccer ball and threw it at me. I caught it before it hit my face. "Wow, good one you douche." Nick laughed as I tossed him the soccer ball.

"Tell me why I woke up this early?" he asked. I laughed as I leaned on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"Because if I have to get up early, so do you." Nick laughed.

"But six in the morning? And I just got back, don't you know how tired I must be?" I laughed silently.

"Very tired, but hey at least I'm here, right?" Nick was quiet and I opened my eyes. "Hey, I said right?" Nick laughed. "Nicholas."

"Of course! You know I'm kidding."

"Oh, ha ha. You're very funny." I stood up and dusted my clothes off. Nick put his hand out and I helped him up.

"So, how long are we going to be out for?"

"Until 1."

"You are so lucky I love you and your family otherwise I'd go back to bed." I laughed.

"Suck it up buddy. But now I know who my true friends are, since Luis is a drama queen and is going to meet us there." Nick laughed as he put his arm around my shoulder and we both walked over to where my dad was putting stuff into his car.

"Yeah, same with Kevin."

"I'm kind of surprised Brian's best friend isn't up yet." Nick laughed lightly.

"Actually, he's up."

"Ugh, don't tell me he's coming with us."


"Dad!" I walked over to my dad who was finishing up what he was doing. "Dad, tell me who gets to go in the car with you."

"Just your mom, Jared, and we have to pick up three kids on the way." I groaned. "So, you have to take Brian and Nick."

"That's it?"

"Dad, Joe said he's coming too," Brian said interrupting our conversation. I silently cursed under my breath.

"Then you're taking him too."

"But dad! Four can't fit in the 'Stang."

"Put Nick and Brian in the back." My face dropped.


"Can we deal with this later? I need to finish putting the stuff in the car." I stomped my foot on the ground. I knew it was childish to act the way I was, but I couldn't stand having Joe in the car with me, let alone have him sit right next to me.

"Ha ha, you have to face him," Brian said. He ran away as I started to chase him. Nick grabbed my arm and told me to stop. He laughed as I grumbled again.

"Hey, don't worry about it, he can sit in the back."

"Why can't he wait for Kevin to wake up and have him give him a ride?" Nick pulled me into a hug.

"Because he's trying to push your buttons, that's why." I pulled away.

"No, that stupid brother of mine is. Ugh! I hate him!" I saw Brian on the other side of the car laughing away. "Shut the hell up!"

"Uh, is this the best time to tell you that Joe's leaving the house?" Nick asked. I took a deep breath and sat on the curb.

"So not the best time."

"Hey Brian!" Joe yelled out as he came closer. "What's up man?"

"Nothing much, just getting ready to leave. You get to ride with me and my retarded sister. Don't worry she's not that contagious anymore." I cursed some more under my breath while Joe laughed at Brian's stupid comment.

"You excited for your game?"

"Totally! We're going to dominate the other team." I laughed out loud and stood up.

"In your dreams B. That other team is in first, and what are you guys in? Third place." Brian scoffed.

"Big deal. We're going to dominate them, watch."

"Yeah, I'll watch you guys crash and burn."

"Hey, hey, you guys. Not this early," my dad said closing the trunk of the car.

"Your favorite started it," I said crossing my arms.

"Are you guys done?" my mom asked coming out of the house with Jared. "Joe, how good to see you!" She went over and gave him a hug. Note to self: Tell Ma to burn her clothes.

"Mrs. G! You're looking mighty good today. How are you?" Joe asked. My mom smiled at him.

"I'm doing good honey, and yourself? Are you glad to be home and see Jasmina again?" Brian laughed as I coughed loudly.

"When are we leaving?" I asked loudly.

"Really soon," my mom said bringing Jared into the car.

"Jared! How's it going buddy?" Joe asked petting him as if he were a dog.

"Good!" Jared climbed in the car and sat in his car seat.

"Honey you forgot your llaves." [Keys.] I looked at my mom and grabbed the keys out of her hand.

"Thanks," I said walking towards the car.

"No speeding or racing or zooming in between cars."

"Ma, I don't race or speed especially in that car." Brian laughed.

"That's hard to believe," Brian said getting in the car and going in the back. I grumbled for the millionth time that day and got in the car. Joe walked over to the car and was about to go in the back when my mom cut in.

"Joe honey, don't sit in the back. Nick is smaller than you, sit up front with Jasmina." I felt like screaming at her. I should have just told my parents that Joe and I were totally over. Joe looked over at me then at Nick.

"Your choice Nick," Joe said.

"Well, I want to sit in the front," Nick said. "You're not that much taller than me." Joe shrugged his shoulders and went in the back. Nick got in and closed the door. "So, where is this place?"

"Golden Gate Park," I said as I started the car.

"Whoa, did you get something installed in here to make it louder?" Joe asked stupidly. I rolled my eyes as I put on my Aviators. I pulled out of my house and followed my dad for a bit. "Jas?"

"Yes Joseph, I added a flow master."


"Ugh." I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw Joe and Brian exchange smirks. They were both trying to get under my skin. Well, I wouldn't allow it.

Once we reached the freeway, I felt my dad was driving way too slow and passed him up. I didn't get that far, but I felt like doing that at the moment. Driving when I was mad wasn't nice. I did exactly what my mom told me not to: speed.

"Uh, going a little fast are we?" Joe asked.

"Shut up and let me drive," I snapped.

"Okay, okay. I just don't want to die before I reach 20."

It was finally quiet for a good five minutes, minus the music playing in the car.

"So, did your dad finally give you this car?" Joe asked. I kept quiet. "Fine."

"So Joe how was your birthday?" Brian asked.

"Awesome. Nick got me this cake, and I totally caked him." Brian laughed out loud while Nick just cleared his throat.

"Yeah, well at least I didn't fall off the stage," Nick said. I saw him crack a smile and look over at me hoping for the same reaction.

"Wow, what a retard," I said. Nick laughed out loud again as Joe rolled his eyes. "Oh look we're finally here." I went to find a close parking spot and parked the car. I opened my door and slammed it shut. I started walking towards the park as Nick jogged up towards me.

"He's so irritating!" I said. Nick laughed again.

"Yeah, sometimes but he's my brother, what can I do?" I shurgged my shoulders and sat on a bench.

"I feel bad for you Nicky." Nick laughed and sat next to me.

"Me too, sometimes. But at least I could always go to your house to get away from him." I laughed.

"Wow, thanks for welcoming yourself into my house."

"I'm welcomed?" I laughed as Brian and Joe came walking over towards us.

"You know that ride is pretty sweet. You should be grateful to your dad," Joe said.

"I'm very grateful towards my father, thank you very much." Joe went and sat next to me. "Do you want something?"

"To talk." I continued looking straight ahead.

"Well, I don't really have anything to say," I said.

"Just listen then."

"How about no." Brian continued to walk away towards the field and started kicking the ball back and forth.

"Jas, please just let me talk to you."

"Why should I allow you to complain to me about your life?" Nick started fiddling with his thumbs and looked around the park.

"Come on. I haven't talked to you in two months; can't you just listen for five minutes?" I scoffed. He wasn't even worth ten seconds.

"What could you possibly say that might be of the slightest interest to me?"

"You know, I'll be right back. I have to use the bathroom," Nick said standing up.

"Nick, don't leave, I don't care if you stay," I said.

"My bladder is going to explode," he said walking the opposite directions of where the bathrooms were located. I muttered to myself. I did not want to be left alone with Joe Jonas.

"So, talk I guess."

"Well I gave it two months of thinking and I think I owe you the biggest apology ever." I scoffed.

"It seriously took you two months to think of that?"

"Well, I realized that right away. You have no idea how bad I felt. You meant the world to me, and you still do." I rolled my eyes and continued to stare into oblivion. "Can't you look me in the eye for five seconds?"

"No, you're not even worth that."

"Yeah, you're right." I was going to look at him, but decided not to.

"Why do you badly want to make up anyways?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Because I really miss you. I can't stand seeing you with Nick even if you aren't going out." I scoffed.

"You're stupid. Nick is my best friend and your brother, and you’re jealous?"

"I know, I know. That's why I'm apologizing. I just want things to go back to the way they were. Well, back to when we first met at least." I looked at him for the first time.

"Well, it's going to take me a while to forgive you and for you to earn your trust back. You lost all my respect with your little act. I know you probably didn't want to break up, but deep down I still believe you wanted to."

"I understand, but I want you to know that I still care about you." I scoffed again.

"Listen, I got kids I need to be watching. I'll catch you later Joseph." I stood up and looked down at him. For a split second, I smiled, or smirked, and walked away. I walked to the field where all the kids were practicing and Nick was standing nearby watching.

"Gee, thanks for leaving me you big fat meany," I said lightly kicking Nick on his butt. He looked at me and laughed.

"Sorry, he wouldn't go on if I didn't leave," Nick said. I shook my head as Nick laughed.

"Yeah, whatever."

"So, what happened?"

"Nosy much?" Nick laughed.

"Very. Did you guys work anything out?"

"Pfft, yeah right. He told me how much he misses me and how dumb he is. Oh, and he's jealous of you again? I swear, I can't deal with jealousy of the other brother." Nick laughed out loud. "Uhm, not funny."

"Yeah it is. You two are so much alike, it's not even funny. You're both stubborn and you both know you're meant for each other." I scoffed for the millionth time.

"Nick, take that back!" Nick laughed and moved away from me.

"I'm sorry, I love you and all, but it's true. You guys are-"

"Say it and you are dead Jonas."

"Okay, sorry! I get scared of you when you start using my last name towards me." I laughed as Nick slowly walked back to where I was standing. "Te amo?"

"How about no."

"Aww!" Nick put both of his arms around me and attempted to bring me into a hug. "Come on, forgive me." I laughed as Nick tried picking me up.

"Nick, put me down! I weigh 20 pounds more than you."

"More like 30 pounds less than me." Nick did a 360 with me in his arms.

"Drop me and you are dead!" He stopped running in circles and put me back on the ground.

"You're no fun."

"Too bad. You're just as dull as me bud." He laughed as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"So, we're pretty much the dullest people here right now?" I laughed and nodded my head. "Darn, that sucks. Hey want to teach me how to drive?" I laughed.

"No way. I don't want to be apart of that train wreck."

"Hey! I can drive pretty good. It's that guy over there who still can't drive." I laughed.

"I'm still scared to see that and I've never seen him drive ever." Nick started laughing again and didn't stop until the devil himself came over to join us. Great!

"What are you laughing about for so long?" Joe asked. Nick was still laughing and almost falling to the ground and taking me along with him.

"Nothing," Nick said and started laughing again.

"Very convincing." Nick stopped laughing and put his other arm around Joe.

"I know, you probably wouldn't get it. It's a smart people joke." Joe looked offended.

"Fine, be a jerk. So, Jasmina, how was your summer?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Sounds like a blast."

"Oh, it was."

"'Cause it's girl’s night! It's all right, without you! I'm going to sta-"

Nick started laughing.

"Hola," I said.

"Jasmina! Where the hell are you?" Amanda practically yelled in the phone.

"At the park. I got Brian's game, remember?" She laughed.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. So, did your boys come?" I laughed.

"Yes they did, early too."

"Nice! So, when can I meet them?" I scoffed.

"How about never, Mandy."

"No fair Jas! Luis got to meet them already!" I laughed.

"Fine, how about Monday after school."

"Why not tomorrow?" Amanda asked.

"Busy, Nick and I are doing stuff."

"Who the hell is Nick? I thought you don't have a boyfriend anymore."

"He's my best buddy airhead. Listen, can I call you back?"

"Best buddy my ass. More like your-"

"Okay Mandy Mand. I'll talk to you later lovely." She scoffed.

"Later lover girl. Tell that Mexican friend of yours to come over; I could go for a spicy Latino boy right about now." I laughed out loud which made everyone in earshot look at me.

"Disgusting, I am hanging up now. What you and Luis do on your free time is not any of my concern, later." I ended the call before she could get another word out.

"Who the heck is this Mandy Mand?" Joe asked.

"Ugh, she's my best friend from school. Her, Luis and I are practically inseparable."

"Luis? The same kid from two months ago?"

"Yes Joe. He lives like two blocks from us. His parents moved him down here since he hated New York."

"Oh, that's nice I guess."

"Way to show you really care," I said.

"What am I supposed to do? Jump up and down and clap my hands?"

"Kevin did that," Nick said. I laughed.

"Where is that kid at anyways?" I asked.

"On his way."

"Good. I'm getting bored waiting around for this stupid game to start." I huffed as I sat down on the grass.

"Aren't you going to check if it's wet?" Joe asked.

"Well, it's kind of late for that, isn't it?" I pat the grass next to me which was dry. "Come join me idiots." Nick laughed and sat down next to me.

"This is actually nice grass," Nick said. I laughed.

"Oh wow," Joe and I said at the same time. I was going to laugh, but I held it back.

"So, when's this game going to start?" Joe asked sitting on my left.

"At 10."

"Then why did we have to come so early?"

"Well, you didn't have to come at all. They warm up and practice for a good 2-3 hours for your information."

"Ew, why?"

"Ew yourself. Stop asking so many questions Jonas."

"Fine, sorry."

"It's cool."

"Whoa, was that you being nice to me?" Joe asked. I huffed.

"Sure, why not. Don't expect it too much though." Nick and Joe both laughed as I lay back on the grass and watched the clouds go by.

"If this were night, we could stop for hours just staring at the stars 'cuz they shine down to show you how-"

"Ew, don't Joe." I said.

"Don't what?"

"Don't finish that sentence. You're such a loser, all of you guys."

"Hey hey, what do I have to do with his conversation?" Nick asked. I laughed.

"Come on. You guys all use the same pickup lines; random lines from your songs." Nick and Joe both laughed.

"I told you before, that's just the way we roll," Nick said. I plucked a small patch of grass and threw it at Nick who was just sitting there. "Uh, that wasn't nice."

"I'm not a nice person, deal with it."

"You're only a nice person when you feel like it," Joe said. I did the same to him, picked up a a patch of grass and threw it on his face since he was lying down. He spat it out and threw some grass at me.

"Joe, stop!" I said while throwing grass back at him. Nick just sat there watching us throw grass at each other. Joe laughed as he picked up a patch of grass and grabbed my arm so I couldn't move away. He then rubbed the grass all over my hair. "Ewww! I hate you!"

"If you hate me, why are you laughing?" I realized I was laughing, and it was because of Joe. Weird. I kept laughing as I pinned him down and rubbed grass all over his face.

"Whoa! Keep it PG Jas," Nick said.

"What are you talking about? Oh." I realized the position I was in. I was sitting directly on top of Joe's stomach with his arms pinned above him so I could throw grass in his face. "My baaadd Nicky." I got off Joe and sat two feet away from him. He sat up and laughed.

"Well, haven't had that much fun in a while. Thanks for the show Jas," Joe said with a twinkle in his eye.

"Ew, you perv." Joe continued to smile like a little kid.

"What? What did I say?" I pulled my sweater down that was starting to ride up and stood up. I tried getting all the grass off of me and somewhat succeeded.

"Hey, you got a little something in your hair," Joe said. I shook my head and ran my hands through it. "Still there."

"Well, get it off!" Joe walked behind me and held onto me as he rubbed more grass into my hair. I screamed at him.

"Joe! I hate you so much!"

"Like I said before, if you hate me, wipe that smile off your face." I tried to stop smiling, but kept smiling. This was the most fun I had in weeks.

And it was all with Joe. Shocker.
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