‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

What's in the Past is in the Past

When I woke up the next morning, something felt different. I usually wake up and it takes me a good twenty minutes to actually get out of bed, but today I sat up right away. I didn’t know whether I felt happier than I usually am, but something was definitely different. Just as I swung my feet over my bed to stand up, I found myself tripping over something rather large. I fell flat on my face on top of a body that I didn’t recognize.

“Ow, I’m up! You don’t need to fall on me,” the voice mumbled into his pillow. I completely forgot Joe was on the floor.

“Oops, sorry,” I said as I stood up and looked down at Joe. He was lying on his stomach with my extremely pink comforter wrapped around his body like a cocoon. I laughed as I sat on my bed.

“Well, since you are now up, good morning Joey!” I said extremely peppy like. I heard him chuckle as he lifted his body up and sat on my floor.

“Your floor sucks! Why can’t you be like a normal person and have carpet in your room?” he asked as I laughed again.

“Don’t blame me. Blame the people that used to live here and my dad. But carpet kind of sucks, I mean you have to vacuum it all the time,” I said, rambling on like an idiot. “Anyways, I’m hungry, want to make me breakfast?” I stood up again and walked towards my door. I opened it and walked out my hallway and towards the staircase.

I walked down the stairs and into my kitchen. I found a scribbled note left on the counter.

Game’s still on at 1. –Ma

I scrunched up my nose remembering last night rained like crazy. The field had better not be muddy or I’m standing on my dad’s shoulders the whole game.

“Your phone is vibrating like crazy,” Joe said handing me my phone. I looked up at him and laughed. His hair was all over the place and Nick’s pants were a good size too small for him. “Did I say something funny?” I grabbed my phone from him and read the unread text.

Joe’s gone! Woo! No I’m totally kidding, have you seen him? He left last night and never came back

“Aw, Nicky cares for you,” I said as I showed Joe my phone. Joe squinted his eyes and read the text. “See, so now you can’t complain that Nick hates you.” I took my phone back and replied.

Yeah he’s here. Come over in an hour so we can leave. Is Kev coming?

“So, what’s for breakfast?” Joe asked leaning on my counter. He looked down at the scribbled note my mom left. “There’s a game today? Can I go?” I walked over to where there was a box of donuts.

“Enjoy,” I said as I grabbed a powdered donut for myself and bit into it.

“Donuts? Let me guess, you’re going to have a Red Bull as well?” I walked toward my refrigerator and opened it. I took out two Red Bulls and laughed as Joe shook his head. “See, I know you more than you know yourself.”

Joe looked into the donut box and started poking around. He ended up taking a glazed donut and of course the Red Bull that was sitting on the counter. My phone vibrated once and I grabbed it.

He’s spending the day with Kelsey but he sends you his “love.” I’ll be there around 12ish.

“Stick your hand out,” I said as Joe looked at me confused. “Hand?” He stuck his hand out and I put my donut in his palm.

Is she there yet? She can totally come! I want to spend the day with her, she’s so cool :D

I laughed to myself as I grabbed my donut back from Joe.

“So, I’m your personal slave or something?” he asked.

“No, I just don’t know if the counter is clean so I used your hand,” I said finishing up my donut and of course going for a second.

“Well, how do you know my hand is clean?” he asked.

“I don’t know if it’s clean or not. But thanks for ruining my breakfast,” I said as I took a sip of Red Bull to wash down the powdery donut taste that was in my mouth still.

“Your brother has another game today?” Joe asked as I shoved a quarter of the donut in my mouth. I nodded my head. “Can I come?” I swallowed it.

“Yeah, if you can be ready before 12:30,” I said. He looked behind me where the microwave was.

“I have an hour and a half. Of course I can be ready,” he said. “Can I ask you something?” I nodded my head, finishing my drink. “How come you let me stay last night? I mean, it’s not like I didn’t want to stay. I was just somewhat taken aback.”

“It was pouring outside,” I said, “And I was in a good mood. Okay, I wasn’t exactly in a good mood.”

“I was just going to say. You looked like you were … crying.” I rolled my eyes as I took his Red Bull.

“You probably were too. You’re just lucky it was raining so I technically couldn’t tell,” I said. “Anyways, I’m going to take a shower. I suggest you do the same if you want to come with us to the game.”

“Us?” Joe asked.

“Nick’s coming,” I said. I started walking out of the kitchen when Joe finally caught up.

“What’s 1 4 3 mean?” he asked. I looked at him and laughed.

“I told you to figure it out on your own,” I said as I slowly started going up the stairs.

“But I can’t figure it out. Does it stand for something?” he asked.


“What? Come on, I’ll tell you a secret.” I laughed as I reached the top of my staircase and looked down at Joe.

“I don’t like knowing secrets,” I said.

“But it’s funny. I walked in on Kevin and Kelsey full on mak-”

“No! Ew, I don’t want to know what Kevin does on his free time,” I said while Joe grinned.

“Then tell me what 1 4 3 stands for,” he said with his arms crossed.

“Nope,” I said as I walked back into my room. I picked out my outfit, and walked into the bathroom.


“Morning Jas!” Nick said inviting himself into my house. “Joe’s fixing his hair if you want to know.” I laughed. “What the heck happened? You two talking again?” I laughed again as Nick came over and hugged the life out of me.

“It’s the afternoon you know,” I said as I took a deep breath. I removed myself from Nick and rubbed my sides. “You need to stop working out; your muscles are going to kill me one day.” Nick chuckled as he raised his arm up.

“Show off,” I said as I went up to my room. I grabbed my usual essentials: my phone, iPod (because being at a game for a good two hours bores me), my wallet, and my camera (of course to capture stupid pictures like my current computer desktop). I threw them all into my bag.

“Are we leaving soon?” Nick as poking his head into my room.

“Yep, just had to grab my bag,” I said as I walked over to my dresser. I opened the first drawer and rummaged through it looking for a pair of sunglasses. “Which pair should I wear?” Nick walked over and cracked up.

“You have a drawer filled with sunglasses and you didn’t tell me?”

“Sure, now what pair?” I repeated.

“Wear the white reflective Ray-Ban ones,” he said grabbing them, “I want to see my face when I talk to you.” I laughed out loud as I put them on. “Okay, stand still, I want to fix my curl right here.” I pushed his hand away and closed the drawer.

“You’re such a girl sometimes,” I said. Nick laughed as he opened the drawer up again.

“I’m borrowing these red ones since Joe broke mine,” Nick said taking out my favorite sunglasses.

“If you break those, I will break you,” I said as I closed the drawer once again.

“Don’t worry, I’m not Joe,” Nick said as he grabbed my bag for me and we both walked down the stairs. “Are we leaving now?” I nodded as I grabbed the car keys and headed out the door. I noticed Joe running out of his house and towards mine.

“I made it!” he shouted throwing his fists in the air, like he won a triathlon or something.

“Good job!” I said sounding like he was a dog, I even placed my hand on top of his head and pet him.

“Can I know what it means now?” he asked again. I sighed loudly. “Nick, since when do you wear purses?” I looked back at Nick who was still carrying my bag for me. I laughed out loud as I unlocked the car doors and got in.

“Nick was being nice and brought my bag out for me Joseph, calm down,” I said.

“I want to sit in the front!” Joe said as he waited for Nick to go in the back. Nick kept on standing by the car, waiting for Joe to sit in the back.

“No way, I was here first,” Nick said.

“I was born first,” Joe said.

“And I want to go,” I said. “If you’re both going to be brats about it, sit in the back, the both of you.”

“Rock, paper scissors?” Joe suggested while Nick stuck out his fist. Nick picked scissors, while Joe went for paper and lost. He pouted his way into the backseat which made Nick laugh.

“I get the front on the ride back home!” Joe said. I shook my head and took off towards the park. “When’s the game going to end?”

“Around three maybe, why?”

“Just wondering. Do they have hotdogs there?” Joe asked. Nick laughed.

“Sure,” I said.

“Cotton candy?” Nick scoffed as I just laughed.

“It’s not a baseball game Joe. It’s a simple little kid’s soccer game. They have food stands, sure, but the best part is the pissed off mommies,” I said with a smirk on my face. I loved watching soccer moms go crazy on other moms, or even at other dads.

“Is it Soccer Moms Gone Wild?” Joe asked. I looked through the rear view mirror and saw a grin on his face.

“Okay. If you want to put it that way,” I said as we arrived at the park. I parked the car and got out. “What happened to the weather? It was stormy last night, and now it’s sunny and pretty.”

“Pretty day for a pretty girl,” Joe said walking by my side and putting his arm over my shoulder. “Oh, is this too much?” He removed his arm and put his hands in his pockets. I smiled at his reaction.

“It’s okay Joe,” I said as I put my arm on his back. “We’re friends, and friends can do that.” I grabbed Nick’s hand and put my arm around his back as well. “We should skip into the park now!” Nick and Joe both laughed.

“That was such a Joe comment,” Nick said as he placed his arm around my shoulders.

“That was not a me comment,” Joe said, “That was funny though. Let’s skip!” Nick removed his arm and laughed.

“Okay, let’s go Joe,” I said as we linked our arms and started skipping towards the field where a bunch of parents and little kids were. I heard Nick laughing out loud behind us as we finally reached the stands where everyone was sitting and not facing us.

“Hey, you’re finally here,” my mom said kissing my cheek. “Hi Joseph, how are you?”

“Good Mrs. Gonzalez, how are you?” Joe said politely.

“I’m good honey, thanks. Hi Nicholas,” she said acknowledging Nick as he walked to stand next to us.

“Hey, how are you doing?” he asked.

“Good, at least the field isn’t so wet today. I don’t want to clean mud from Brian’s uniforms.” Nick and I both laughed.

“I told you mommy, just make Brian clean up the mud-stained clothes. He does it purposely you know.” My mom laughed as she put her hair up into a bun.

“I’ll just make your father do it then,” she said with a small wink.

“Okay, well we’re going to sit over there,” I pointed to the top of the stands where the whole top bench was empty. “See you later.”

“You’re not going to sit with us? Aw, I wanted my baby girl to sit on my lap,” my mom said bringing me closer to her and holding me in her arms.

“Ma,” I whined as she kissed my head. I heard Nick and Joe snicker.

“I love you too,” she said as she let me go. I immediately ran away from her and up to the top of the stands. Joe and Nick joined me with grins on their faces.

“Shut up,” I said, “You still call your mom ‘mommy’ Joe, and you’re 19,” I said.

“You’re 17 and you still call her mommy too,” Joe said as he sat down to my right and Nick on my left.

“That’s a two year difference,” I said as I took my phone out from my bag and checked if I had any unread messages. I had one and it made me almost fall back from laughing so hard.

Cherries are sweet, apples are sour. Bend over bitch you owe me an hour!

“Uh, are you okay?” Nick said staring at me with his eyebrow raised. I kept laughing as I showed him my phone.

“You might not laugh at that because you’re such a goody, goody, but I find it hilarious,” I said. I kept laughing as Nick had a small smirk grow on his face.

“Mandy sure is, uh, random,” Nick said handing back my phone. Joe reached over and took my phone from me. He read it and laughed once.

“That’s a good one,” he said, “But weird and random.”

“That’s Manda for you,” I said. I quickly sent her a reply back.

“Are you two okay now?” Joe asked. I nodded. “That’s good because I’m really sorry for doing that.” I put my hand up for him to stop.

“Don’t worry about it. What’s in the past is in the past,” I said as he smiled.

“Hey Nick, do you know what 1 4 3 stands for?” Joe said looking across me at Nick. I immediately put my hand over Nick’s mouth casually.

“Nick! Look at that girl down there! She’s so pretty right? I know you like them blonde and stupid,” I said pointing to a girl around Nick’s age standing near the team. Nick removed my hand from his mouth.

“I don’t like them blonde and stupid, that’s Kevin’s job. I like them brunette and smart,” he said which made me laugh.

“Oops, guess I don’t know you all that well,” I said. “Anyways, Joe go get me a hotdog.” I pulled out a ten and handed it to him. He stared at me like I was stupid.

“Nick, do you know what 1 4 3 means?” Joe repeated. I looked at Nick and glared at him. I knew all he could see was his reflection, but he at least kept his mouth shut.

“Nope, why?” he said.

“Jas told me that last night and I can’t figure it out,” Joe complained. He stood up and looked down at us. “So one hotdog for the lady, what do you want Nick?”

“Hotdog,” Nick said. Joe nodded as he walked down the stands and towards the Food Stand. “1 4 3?” I laughed.

“What? It’s my way of telling him, and he doesn’t exactly know what it means,” I said. Nick laughed.

“I completely forgot about that,” Nick said. “How long ago did we watch that movie anyways?”

“Gracie’s Choice?” Nick nodded his head. “Hm, probably three months ago,” I said. “No wait, it was like two weeks after I met you.” Nick laughed.

“That seems so long ago,” he said and I agreed. “You know eventually he’s going to figure it out what it really means.”

“I know, I know. I mean I want him to know I still care, but at the same time I don’t mind waiting for him to finally figure it out,” I said. “Do you think he really can change and not be so flirtatious towards other girls?”

“Yeah, I think he can do it. He does really love you a lot. In Europe for the first three weeks he had ‘Wait For You’ on repeat,” Nick said. “It was kind of pathetic, but Kevin made me not say anything.” I laughed lightly.

“Oh wow,” I said as Joe finally came back with at least six hotdogs in hand.

“I know you wanted one each, but these look really tempting,” Joe said handing us two hotdogs each. He sat down and placed his hotdog on his lap and dug through his pockets. He took out about ten packets of mustard and ketchup. “Enjoy.” He handed them to me and I gave some to Nick.

“Thanks Joe, but you didn’t have to pay for me, let me pay you back,” I said handing him my ten dollar bill again. He put his hand up.

“No, it’s on me. Next round of nachos is on you,” he said with a grin as he bit into his hotdog.

“Nachos?” I said as I took a small bite of my hotdog. Joe mumbled something that sounded like “Yes” but I wasn’t one hundred percent sure. “Yeah, just stick with the hotdogs for now.” Joe was already finished with his first hotdog before Nick and me. He started his second hotdog and gobbled that up in a matter of minutes.

“Which one is your brother?” Nick asked.

“Uh, number 18,” I said. “The brownest kid on the team.” I laughed to myself and finally Nick and Joe caught on.

“He is!” Joe said out loud causing the people in front of us to stare. I laughed as I shook my head. I seriously missed this side of Joe.

“Jasmina, is that you?” I looked in front of me and one of the mother’s was seated there. She was actually Nate’s mom and he resembled her greatly.

“Hey Mrs. Carter. What’s crackin’? I asked which caused her to have a serious, rigid face.

“What are you doing sitting up here? Aren’t your parents below?” she asked.

“Yeah, but I’d rather sit up here. Why aren’t you sitting closer?” I asked.

“There is far too much chaos down there with all the mothers. I’d rather sit at the top and watch my son play in peace,” she said. I laughed and she continued to stare at me. It was probably the botox that prevented her to smile. “But it is a little noisy up here as well.” She looked over at Joe who was reaching over to take my hotdog.

“It is?” I asked stupidly. “I didn’t realize it.” At that moment something on the field happened, causing Joe to stand up and yell.

“Yeah! Go Brian! You kick that ball in that goal thing!” he shouted. I looked over at Nick who was turning red from laughing. Mrs. Carter on the other hand looked as if she just swallowed a lemon whole. She turned around as Joe started clapping his hands and continued hollering down.

“Joe sit down,” I said while I grabbed his arm and pulled him down. He looked down and listened to what I asked of him.

“Sorry, I’ve never been to a soccer game before. It’s intense!” he said. Nick on the other hand looked about ready to pass out from laughing so much.

“You went to one a few weeks ago,” I said.

“I know, but you weren’t talking to me and I didn’t have any hotdogs in my system,” Joe admitted.

“You know this is kind of getting boring,” I said. “Guys want to ditch?”

“And do what?” Joe asked. I shrugged.

“Anyone have any ideas?” I asked.

“Movies?” Joe asked.

“No, you fall asleep,” Nick said, “And it’s so embarrassing. He starts mumbling things and everyone starts staring.” I laughed.

“Shopping!” I said.

“No!” Nick and Joe said at the same time.

“That’s what Amanda and your mom are for,” Nick said which caused me to push him.

“Fine, you two are no help. Let’s just go play on the swings,” I said standing up. We all made our way down the bleachers and walked to the other side of the park where the jungle gym was.

“This one is so much cooler than the one by home,” Joe said. “Its colorful.” I shook my head as I walked toward the swing set.

“Can I tell you something?” Joe said walking next to me. We slowed down our pace so Nick was a good five feet in front of us.


“Even though we haven’t really done much today, I just wanted to let you know today’s one of the best days of my life. Well, after we came back from Europe that is. And you want to know why it has been such a great day?”

“I have an idea, but tell me,” I said.

“It’s because I get to spend my day with you, and well Nick too, but you’re around and I love every second,” Joe said.

“If we’re being honest with each other, I actually woke up extra happy this morning,” I said. “At first I didn’t know why and I forgot you were on my floor. After I fell on you, I realized that just being on good terms with you again made me happy. And by happy, I mean really happy like rambling on about random things and skipping through the park with you.” I noticed Joe’s smile widen after I finished talking.

“Thank you for being my friend again,” Joe said as he stuck out his hand for me to shake. I rolled my eyes and opened my arms to give him a hug.

“Hey are you two done with the hugging? I want someone to push me,” Nick yelled out. I laughed as Joe and I released from our hug.

“Nicholas, aren’t you old enough to push yourself?” I yelled out as Joe and I both walked over to where Nick was.

“Yeah, but I got kind of lonely over here. What if a bear came out of nowhere and ate me?” Nick said.

“There are no bears in New Jersey,” I said, “Oh wait never mind, there probably are. I never paid attention in history.”

“You mean geography?” Joe said.

“No, you mean science,” Nick said. I made a face.

“Those subjects all suck, you really think I pay attention in any of them?” I said.

“No,” Nick and Joe both said. I sat on one of the swings and starting swaying back and forth.

“I would call you two jerks for that, but why bother. We all know those are the worse subjects ever invented,” I said.

“Actually, I like math and science,” Joe said. I stared at him in shock.

“Liar, you do not enjoy those subjects.”

“I do. I find them challenging and I love challenges,” he said. I kept on staring at him like an idiot.

“Ew, what have you done to Joseph Jonas?” I asked as Joe laughed.

“You don’t believe me?” Joe asked. I shook my head.

“You kind of blew a fuse in my brain. It went into shock or something,” I said with a grin on my face. Nick laughed out loud again.

“What? You don’t think I’m smart?” Joe said pretending he was hurt. “Ask me a question anything.”

“Will you shut up?” I said, and chuckled.

“Ha ha, okay, so I had that coming,” Joe said. “What are we going to do afterwards? Swings and slides only are fun for a good thirty minutes.”

“Do my science homework for me,” I said.

“Do your own work little girl,” Joe said which caused me to stare at him.

“You and Nick are mean. I’m taller than the both of you,” I said.

“Yeah, if you wear high heels. You may be taller than Nick, but not me,” Joe said.

“She’s shorter than me,” Nick said. I looked over at him and he smiled at me.

“Nick, yesterday you had your shoes on and I was the same height as you,” I said.

“Yeah, but those were Chucks. Those are flat,” Nick said. “So we’re technically the same height.” I rolled my eyes as I continued swinging.

“Yeah, well I can swing higher than you,” I said. Nick laughed.

“Want to make a bet?” Nick said.

“Not really, I just wanted to say that I can swing higher than you,” I said. “But thirty minutes my right foot. This is boring now, can’t you two think of something to do?”

“Let’s go to the pet store,” Joe suggested which made me laugh. “What? I love the pet store, they let me hold the puppies since I’m over 18.” I rolled my eyes as Joe slowly swung back and forth. “So is that a yeah?”

“Sure why not. It’s not like your mom is going to allow you to bring home a puppy or something,” I said as I stopped my swing from moving and stood up.

“She’ll let me bring home a fish,” Joe said.

“No she won’t,” Nick said. “All the fishes you ever owned died within two days.” Joe pouted.

“Fine, I can still look but not touch right?”

“Okay, stop arguing like a bunch of girls,” I said. “Race you to the car!” Joe already took off right away and Nick was still sitting down. I was still casually walking when Joe looked back.

“Come on you slowpokes! I’m going to beat you and of course a victory dance is called for,” Joe yelled out. I sighed loudly and started running towards the car with Nick behind me.
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Two in one day! :)