‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

Unshared Feelings


“Jas! Come over here!” I heard my name being called. Nick and I were currently staring at all the exotic fishes Pete’s Pet Place had. Joe on the other hand was running around the store being Joe.

“He’s such a little kid,” Nick said as he moved his face closer to the fish tank. “Look at this fish. It looks like the one from Finding Nemo.” I laughed as I looked closer.

“Which one?”

“Nemo,” Nick said as I laughed.

“That does not look like Nemo. It looks more like his daddy,” I said standing up straight and turning around. “Whoa Joe, stop popping up out of nowhere.” Joe was directly in front of me, smiling like a little kid in a candy store.

“I was calling you, did you hear me?” he asked.

“The whole store heard,” Nick said quietly and kept looking at the fishes.

“Come on, look at these puppies,” Joe said grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the back of the store. “Can we get one? We can name it Chewy or something.” I laughed as I looked through the glass window at all the puppies. This was the reason I never stepped foot into pet places, I had to have a dog and of course my parents wouldn’t allow it.

“Why do you want to name it Chewy?” I asked.

“It’s short for Chewbacca,” Joe said. “It can work for a girl or a boy.” I laughed as I continued to stare at all the puppies that were running around their cages. I wanted them all, but how would I explain to my parents that I left Brian’s soccer game to buy thirty puppies?

“How about we get a dog later and not today?” I said.

“Later when?” Joe asked. He turned around and found someone that worked at the place. “Hold that thought.” He walked up to the lady and talked to her. In a matter of seconds the two walked back to where I was standing.

“Which one sir?” the lady asked Joe who shrugged.

“The cutest one,” Joe said. She shrugged her shoulders and entered a door. She unlocked a cage to a cute Jack Russell Terrier. She picked it up and walked out.

“This cute enough for you?” she asked with a smile as she handed Joe the puppy.

“Totally,” Joe said as he held his hands out, expecting to hold onto the dog. “Look Jas, how can you say no to this cute face?” He held the puppy in his hands and brought it close to my face. “Buy me Jas, buy me.”

“Joe, stop,” I complained turning away from him. “I can’t get a dog. I barely clean up after myself.”

“Fine. I’ll keep him at my house then.”

“Yeah and who’ll take care of him when you’re not home?”

“Uh you?” Joe said still holding onto the puppy and lightly petting his small head.

“Very funny. Joe put the dog down and let’s go,” I said. Joe pouted as he handed the lady back the dog. I on the other hand had to get away from the dogs before I gave in. I stood by the rabbits and casually ran my fingers through their soft fur. I noticed Nick was standing by the hamsters and I walked over and stood behind him.

“Oh my gosh! It’s Nick Jonas!” I half shouted which made him twitch in front of me. He turned around with a half smile and sighed when he noticed it was me.

“Thanks for giving me a heart attack,” he said as I laughed.

“No problem. Getting bored?”

“I was bored ten minutes ago. Now I’m just on the brink of tears.” I laughed. “Where’s Joe?”

“Trying to talk me into buying a dog with him,” I replied. “If I cave in, slap me.” Nick laughed.

“Why would I slap you? I’ll slap Joe, but not you.”

“Guys! You totally left me alone,” Joe said. “Hey Nick, want to buy a dog with me?”

“No. If you want a dog, just buy one yourself,” Nick said.

“But I’d get in less trouble if someone else bought it with me. Mom wouldn’t yell at me as much,” Joe said which made Nick frown.

“Well, do whatever you want. Jas and I are kind of bored.” I nodded my head in agreement while Joe just stared.

“I haven’t walked around the whole store. Can I just meet you two outside?” Joe said.

“Fine, just don’t take so long,” Nick said as he started walking towards the front of the store.

“What’s his problem?” Joe asked as I started walking after Nick.

“I don’t know. Just come out soon before he bites your head off or something,” I said.

“Nah, let’s leave now. Race you outside!” Joe said.

“Joe, I am not running through a store with you,” I said as I casually walked toward the front of the store.

“Come on! You ran through the park and skipped with me. Running through the store is genius!” I finally reached the front of the store and walked out the automatic door. I looked around, but Joe was nowhere to be found. He probably stopped by to get free samples of dog food. I spotted Nick sitting on the car hood looking more bored than ever.

“Ni- Ah!” How I ended up on the ground, I had no idea.

“You were supposed to catch me!” Joe said crouching and holding onto my arm.

“Catch you?” I stood up and brushed the gravel from my clothes. “I didn’t get the memo you moron.” Joe laughed out loud. “Why did you push me?”

“I didn’t push you silly. I was trying to jump onto your back, but you’re we- I mean you didn’t catch me.”

“I am not weak. That was unexpected,” I said as I kept brushing my jacket off and walking towards the car. I rummaged through my pockets and my bag for my keys. After wasting twenty seconds I finally found them and went inside the car.

“Can we go to the mall?” Joe asked as he opened the door and sat on the passenger seat.

“No,” I replied, “Let Nick in Joe.”

“Fine, but I don’t want to go home,” Joe complained moving to the back. “Can we please go to the mall or something?”

“Why are you so set on going to the mall?” I asked as I backed out of the spot and drove to the exit.

“I’m bored and we can go in those little funky photo booths and take pictures,” Joe said. Nick laughed as I stared at Joe through the rear view mirror.

“Those are for morons,” I replied.

“No, those are for cool people. Come on! Let’s do it!” Joe said as he moved left and right in the back seat. “Nick talk her into it.”

“I don’t want to go to the mall though,” Nick said, “Can’t we just watch a movie or something?”

“Yeah,” I said agreeing while Joe groaned in the back. “Come on Joe, when is the last time you’ve seen a movie?”

“I do not recall,” Joe said.

“Movie it is!” I said.

“Nooo,” Joe groaned. “You’re mean Jas.”

“How am I mean?” I asked as I started driving the opposite direction and towards the movie theatres.

“Because you picked what Nick wanted to do.”

“I took you to the freakin’ Pet store. If you stop complaining, I’ll hold your stupid hand, fair enough?”

“He’s being a baby. Why do you have to hold his hand for?” Nick asked.

“So he can shut up. I’d rather hold his hand than make out with him,” I said.

“Then give him a hug, shove a donut in his mouth and that’s that,” Nick said which made me laugh.

“Calm down Nick. You’re acting like I said I’d sleep in the same bed as him,” I replied.

“You might as well have,” Nick said quietly.

“What’s your problem Nicholas? I didn’t do crap to you and you’re acting like your boxers are in a twist or something,” I said. Joe laughed out loud in the back, while Nick folded his arms and stared straight ahead.

“Never mind. Just drive or something,” he said.

“Boxers in a twist,” Joe said to himself quietly in the back. I laughed lightly while Nick kept a straight face.

“Come on Nicky, laugh!” I said. “Don’t make me pull over and make faces at you.”

“Can I at least pick out the movie?” Nick asked.

“Who’s the baby now?” Joe said.

“Joe, shut up. Of course you can. What do you want to see?” I asked.

“Saw 5,” Nick said which caused Joe to scoff.

“A bloody movie, hm fine,” I replied.

“I want to see a comedy,” Joe said. “And I want Kevin to come so I can bother him throughout the movie. Wait, isn’t High School Musical out? Let’s see that!”

“Shut up Joe. Nobody wants to see High School Musical,” Nick said.

“I do!” Joe said.

“Is there any movies out with guys that get high all the time?” I asked, which finally made Nick laugh. “I’m being serious. They need to make a third Harold and Kumar or something.”

“Is there something you’re not telling us? Do you secretly get high?” Joe asked inching forward and putting his face next to mine.

“Yeah, all the time,” I said rolling my eyes. “You know the answer to that.”

“How would I know the answer to that? You don’t talk to me anymore,” Joe said leaning back and wiping his eye.

“I don’t talk to you that much because you’re a big, fat jerk,” I said.

“I’m not big or fat,” Joe said. “Well, the only thing that’s big is my brain.” Nick and I both looked at each other and laughed. “What? It is! And look who’s laughing, which one of you graduated from high school? None of you, just me.”

“Yeah, you barely graduated. Who graduates high school at the age of 19?” I asked.

“I was still 18 and who’s the famous one? Me!”

“Okay Joe. That’s nice to know you’re famous. Congrats,” I said sarcastically.

“Aw, are you jealous you’re not famous?” Joe asked which made me laugh.

“I’d rather baby sit Brian every night than be famous,” I said.

“Brian is so cool,” Joe said. “And darn it, we’re here. I was praying you’d get us lost or something.”

“I’m not a bad driver Joseph,” I said as I found a parking spot close to the entrance, “You are.” Nick laughed again while Joe frowned. I took the key out of the ignition and stepped out of the car at the same time as Nick. “Lock him in there,” I mouthed to Nick who nodded his head and laughed.

“Let me out Nick!” Joe shouted which made Nick and I both laugh harder. “You guys totally suck.” Nick and I continued to laugh while I walked to the other side of the car and unlocked the door.

“Are you going to be nice?” I asked looking back at Joe who was annoyed.

“Duh, let me out,” he said. I moved the seat forward and Joe moved forward and stepped out of the car. “That was childish.”

“That’s what you get for making me fall earlier,” I replied as I closed the door. “And I think you left a bruise.” Nick started walking ahead of us and I caught up with him. We linked arms as we started walking towards the cinema.

“Hey, you were supposed to hold my hand,” Joe shouted as he caught up with us, “Not Nick’s.”

“Huh? When did I ever say I’d hold your hand?” I asked with a stupid look on my face.


“Well I don’t remember saying that,” I said, “Nick do you?”

“Nope, I do not recall,” Nick said smiling.

“No fair! And we’re going to see Nick’s choice of movie. Do I get a say in anything we do today?” Joe said.

“You can wear my sunglasses if you want,” I said.

“Can I have them? They’re very nice. I can see myself when I look into your eyes.”

“No you can’t have them. Mandy bought them for me.”

“So?” Joe replied.

“Quit being a baby Joe. How about I’ll buy you all the food you want, deal?” I asked.

“No way. I’m supposed to pay for everything. You get treated like royalty when you’re out with a Jonas.” I rolled my eyes as Nick and I walked up toward the window.

“Can I have three tickets for Saw Five please,” I said to the lady.

“Thirty dollars,” she replied as Joe stuck out a fifty and handed it before I could even get my wallet.


“What?” he asked. I rolled my eyes as the lady handed him the tickets and money. “Let me get everything. Well Nick can buy the food.”

“And what do I buy? The air? Oh wait, that’s already free,” I said as I grabbed my ticket from Joe. I handed it to the guy at the door and walked in. The show was on the third floor, which meant I had to walk up stairs, and listen to Joe brag about how he could walk two steps at a time.

“I hope you trip or something,” I said as we finally reached the third floor. “Go get the seats and I’ll buy food.”

“No way, I said Nick is buying it,” Joe said. I huffed loudly and left the two of them standing there. Joe finally gave up and left to go get seats, leaving Nick to help me out with the food. I ended up buying the largest size of popcorn, two large drinks and a crapload of candy.

“Did you get enough food?” Joe asked when Nick and I walked up to where Joe was sitting. “How much did she pay Nick?”

“Nothing, the guy gave it to me for free,” I said with a grin.

“He did?” Joe asked as I sat down next to Joe. I nodded my head. “It’s so cool being you.” I laughed again as Nick sat down to my left.

“If either of you talk to me during this movie, I will yell so loud that two of the JoBros are sitting next to me,” I said.

“But I have to talk,” Joe said, “How am I going to know what’s happening in the movie?”

“I’m not even going to answer that,” I said as I took the bag of candy and started eating it.

“Can I have some?” Joe asked. I shook my head and bit a Gummy Bear’s head off. “Please?” I mentally smacked myself for giving in to his cute pouty face. “Thanks.” He took the bag from me and took a handful of candy, half of which was gone in a matter of seconds. “Where’s the popcorn?”

“Nick has it,” I replied as the lights dimmed and the previews started up. Joe leaned over me and looked at Nick.

“Nick, stop being a hog and pass the popcorn over this way,” Joe whispered loudly. Nick sighed and handed Joe the popcorn. Before Nick could pull his hand towards himself, I found myself reaching out for it and holding it. I don’t know why I reached for his hand, but my gut feeling didn’t say anything against it. His hand intertwined with mine felt, right even though I didn’t see him any more than my best friend.

As the movie progressed, Joe never bothered handing over the popcorn. I was guessing the bag was nearly empty. As for holding onto Nick’s hand, we stood in the same position the whole movie.

Finally, Joe looked as if he finished up the popcorn and threw the bag on the ground. He stretched in his seat and soon enough I felt something brush my knee. I thought it was a bug so I stopped holding Nick’s hand and used both of my hands to remove the “bug” from my knee.

“What’d you do that for?” Joe whispered and I stared at him.

“There was something on my knee,” I said with a ‘duh’ done.

“That was my hand,” he whispered. I laughed as I tuned my attention back to the movie. Again with the brushing on my knee, but now I felt it on both knees. Great, I had two guys trying to hold my hand now. I crossed my arms across my chest and felt Joe’s arm lie across my lap.

“Why’s your hand so rough?” Joe mumbled in my ear.

“What are you t-” I stared down at my legs and saw Joe holding Nick’s hand. I burst out laughing as I forced their hands apart. That was not a funny sight, but I couldn’t help but laugh at the two oblivious guys.

“Why are you laughing? That guy just got his insides ripped apart,” Nick said staring at me like I was crazy.

“I find that hilarious,” I replied. Nick stared at me oddly again and just shook his head.

Finally, after what felt like the longest two hours of my life, the movie finally ended. The three of us stayed seated as the lights turned on and the credits started rolling.

“That movie was awesome,” I said leaning back into my chair.

“It was too gory,” Joe complained. “But it was decent.” Nick laughed as he reached over and took Joe’s drink. “It’s empty, don’t bother. Speaking of emptying, I need to empty myself.” Nick and I both laughed as Joe stood up. “Come on, I don’t trust you two in here alone.”

“Gee, you sound like my dad,” I said as I stood up simultaneously with Nick. Joe led us out of the theatres and went straight towards the bathroom, leaving Nick and I standing outside of the men’s bathroom.

“Did Joe talk any during the movie?” Nick asked.

“A bit, not a lot though. I was waiting for him to fall asleep but that never happened,” I replied. Nick laughed.

“So, uh why did you hold my hand?” Nick asked. I shrugged. “I mean, I’m not complaining, I was just wondering.”

“I don’t really know. It felt like the right thing, it was a kind of a spur of the moment thing,” I said. “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, it was…nice,” Nick said. I looked over at him and he was smiling.

“Yes! I got you to smile,” I said throwing my arms in the air and causing passersbys to look.

“Hey Jas.” “Hey Nick.” We both said at the same time.

“Go ahead,” Nick said.

“No, it’s okay you go ahead,” I replied.

“Are you ever planning on getting back with Joe?” he asked. I was kind of taken aback, not expecting him to ask me that.

“I don’t know, why?”

“Today got me thinking; you two fight way too much. And if you want to know why I’ve been acting weird lately it’s because-”

“Yo guys, you ready to leave?” Joe asked, coming at the worst time ever. I wanted to yell at Joe to go back in the bathroom because I knew Nick wouldn’t tell me what’s been bothering him with Joe around. I sighed loudly and nodded my head.

“Yeah, let’s go,” I said as Joe walked in front of Nick and I. Maybe I could get it out of him. I looked at Nick. “Because?” He shook his head and put his hands in his pockets.

“Never mind,” he said. I grumbled to myself and felt like kicking Joe, which is exactly what I did. I lifted my leg up and kicked him lightly on his behind. He turned around and smiled.

“Jas, not in public.” I grumbled louder and put my sunglasses on, even though the sun wasn’t really around anymore. “And you call Nick and I lame for doing that.” I rolled my eyes as we finally got to my car. I unlocked it and immediately started it up, even though both Nick and Joe weren’t even in the car yet.


“Later Joe,” I said as we finally arrived home.

“You’re not coming over?” he asked.

“No,” I said, “But Nick is coming over.”

“No I’m not,” Nick said which caused me to glare at him. “I have to check my blood sugar.”

“You do not,” I said, “Nick please come over. You have to check out my report.”

“I’ll do that,” Joe said.

“No! I want Nick to do it, he’s smarter,” I said which caused Joe to frown. “Well for a person who hasn’t graduated high school,” I added quickly.

“It’s okay, I can see I’m not wanted,” Joe said dramatically. “I’m hungry anyways, so I’ll see you tomorrow Jas.” He walked over and shook my hand. “Sleep tight!” Nick started walking away with Joe and I pulled his arm.

“Nick, you are not leaving yet until you tell me what’s been bothering you,” I said.

“Never mind,” Nick said stubbornly, “I’m hungry too. I’ll call you later.” He slowly started walking away from me.

“Nicholas, if you walk away from me I will never speak to you again,” I said. Dramatic? Sure. Childish? Definitely. But I didn’t care, I wanted to know what was bothering Nick. Nick finally stopped walking but didn’t face me.

“Because you know how I feel about you,” he said. He finally turned around. “And I think you can do better than Joe. He already hurt you once.”

“Better than Joe? What do you mean, with you?” I asked.

“Yes Jas, I’m tired of being the best friend that stands in the background while Joe keeps playing around with you like a doll.”

“He doesn’t pl-” I stopped before I finished my sentence. I never realized what Joe’s been doing ever since he’s returned. He would act sweet for a few days, maybe a week tops and turn back around and flirt with another girl. Or he wouldn’t even flirt, he would just make me upset with him all over again. Nick was right.

“Just think about it Jas. If you ever do get back together with him and he breaks your heart, I won’t be there for you.”

“Then don’t be there for me,” I yelled at him. “Maybe I shouldn’t even bother dating a Jonas brother; you’re all the same, selfish.”

“How am I selfish? I’m trying to look out for you. I love my brother but you deserve better than him.”

“You’d rather I date you than your brother, that’s being selfish.”

“I let him have you in the first place!” Nick shouted. “I told you that too, and you still think I’m selfish? I hate myself sometimes for letting Joe be with you rather than myself.”

“I’m not a toy Nicholas. You know I care for you a lot, I really do. And I’ll admit it, when you guys left a few months ago I thought I loved you more than just my friend. Even Brian noticed.”


“But I can’t see myself with-”

“Don’t bother finishing that sentence,” Nick said. “I don’t want to hear you turn me down out loud.”

“I’m sorry Nick,” I said walking closer to him, “You have no idea how sorry I am. It’s not you though. If you would have let me finished, I was about to say I can’t see myself with anybody but Joe.”

“How’s that any better?” Nick asked looking extremely hurt which killed me to see him like that.

“Nick you deserve someone that cares about you the way I care about Joe. Somebody near your age,” I said.

“Yeah, sure,” Nick said kicking the grass. “I probably ruined our friendship just now, huh?”

“No Nick,” I said quietly, “Nothing can ruin our friendship. I want you to know I never want to hurt you, so can we forget this conversation ever happened?”

“If you like Joe so much, why don’t you tell him? Why do you keep hiding your feelings for him?” Nick asked.

“Because I’m scared something will happen like before. I really care about him, but I don’t fully trust him,” I said.

“You know he doesn’t shut up about you, right? He even wrote three more songs about you, which are pretty good. You should hear them one day,” Nick said.

“Maybe tomorrow,” I said. “Nick I feel like a jerk, you must hate me.” Nick made a small noise with his tongue and walked closer to me, bringing me into a hug.

“I don’t hate you. I get it, you like Joe, not me. I’ll move on, but I suggest you tell Joe sooner or later before he ends up asking out your mom or something,” Nick said which made me laugh.

“You’re such a great guy Nick. Any girl would be lucky to be with you,” I said as I continued to embrace Nick. “I know a bunch of sixteen year olds; I’ll find a perfect one for you.” Nick laughed.

“She has to have your personality though. Somebody that talks way too much and doesn’t shut up when they should,” Nick said.

“Hey, I find that insulting,” I said as Nick laughed.

“Fine, somebody quiet then, happy?”

“No because then she’ll just sit there like a robot while you talk about your hair,” I said. “Wait never mind, that’s Joseph. Don’t worry, there are a lot of pretty girls at school or maybe I can have Kevin introduce me to some of your little Disney girlfriends.” Nick laughed.

“What Disney girlfriends?” Nick asked.

“You know damn well who I’m talking about,” I said. “There are a good amount of pretty sixteen year olds working for Disney currently; I’ll find the one that’s perfect for you.”

“I don’t have a say in the girl I want to date?” Nick asked.

“Nope, because you’re going to end up picking some stupid bimbo that I’ll hate. Someone like Kelsey,” I said joking.

“Uh I don’t think so. I don’t date bimbos, let alone anyone that slightly resembles Kelsey,” Nick said shuddering which caused me to laugh out loud.

“So if you would be so kind and let me go, I want to go home. I have some homework I should probably finish. School tomorrow, ugh,” I said.

“Fine, I’ll see you tomorrow or something, right after school okay?”

“Don’t you have school kid?” I asked.

“Yeah, but it ends way before you come home,” Nick said. I pushed away from him and glared.

“I hate you and your stupid home school-ness.” I said. “But I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Good day my friend.” Nick laughed at my attempt of speaking with a British accent.

“See you later,” Nick said waving his hand. I waved at Nick as I walked back towards my house. I noticed the house was empty which made me happy. I went straight for my couch and laid on it, letting out the loudest groan ever.

Even though Nick said he didn’t hate me for basically turning him down, I felt so guilty. He was such a great kid that deserved a girl that really cared for him. I felt it was my mission to find someone perfect for Nick; somebody that would complete him, like Joe completed me.

Wait, did I just think that?

I guess next on my list was to finally tell Joe how I really felt. I hope this would be a good idea and not backfire on me horribly.