‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

Frozen Yogurt Incident

The vibration of my phone going off startled me from my current opened eyed snooze. I checked to see if Mr. Walker had his back to me. He currently was at his desk and I slipped my phone out of my pocket.

What are you doing after school?

Why was everyone asking me what I was doing after school? First Luis, then Ronnie, now Nick. I was glad to know Nick wasn’t mad at me.

Nothing, why?

Within seconds, he replied back.

Let’s hang out. Unless you have other things in mind.

I didn’t really have anything in mind. I kind of wanted to go home and take a nap, but spending the day with Nick didn’t seem so bad. I probably sound like a creep, but I’ve been spending all day looking at the younger girls at school. No, not for me, for Nick obviously. Amanda caught me looking once and probably thinks I’ve gone lesbian on her or something.

Sure. I’ll meet you at your house after school, okay?

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and tried to do my class work that was assigned almost an hour ago. I kept blanking out; well I was more focused on what I would say to Joe. I didn’t get much sleep last night trying to come out and tell him how I felt. I never worried or cared about my previous relationships so why was I worrying over this one? It was over, wasn’t it? Wasn’t that my cue to move on and find somebody else? Maybe Nick?

No, no, no. I need to stop thinking about Nick like that; he was a year younger than me and not to mention my best bud. I went out with my best friend before and we hate each other currently. I can’t find myself hating Nick for any reason, so it was best to not date him whatsoever.

“Jas!” I snapped back to reality and saw Luis staring at me.

“What do you want fuzz ball?”

“Give me your class work,” he said. “What were you doing, fantasizing about me again?” I rolled my eyes as I passed him my class work.

“I don’t waste my time consuming thoughts about you Miranda,” I replied as I went on the floor to pick up my bag, but I noticed it wasn’t there. “Where the hell is my bag?”

“You didn’t bring one today,” Luis said as if it were the most obvious reason in the world.

“I didn’t? Hm, I don’t remember,” I said. Luis rolled his eyes and turned to face the front again. I stared up at the clock and I still had twenty five minutes of class left. As time finally flew by I said my goodbyes to Luis and Amanda and walked towards the back parking lot. As I spotted my car, I noticed someone leaning on it. I was going to yell at the person to back off when I walked closer and noticed who it was.

“Hi Ronnie,” I said, “What’s up?”

“Hello beautiful.” I rolled my eyes whenever someone says that. Only Joe, Kevin and Nick can get away with saying that. “Where are you headed to?”

“I have plans with my best friend,” I said fumbling around with my keychain.

“Oh? What about tonight? Are you going out tonight?” he asked.

“Why would I go out tonight?” I asked.

“It’s Halloween,” he said.

“Oh! You’re right,” I said. “Yeah, I’m taking my brother’s out I guess. And Nick might come with us.”

“Oh that sounds cool. So Joe isn’t going?” he asked. I was curious as to why he would care if Joe was coming or not, so I asked.

“How do you know Joe?”

“You introduced me to him when you were out with him last weekend,” he said.

“I did? Oh sorry, um, he might go but I can’t say for sure. Listen, I really have to get going. Nick gets impatient when he has to wait. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I opened the car door and got in, leaving Ronnie standing outside. He waved to me as I backed out of my spot and took off.

Ronnie was acting extremely weird all day. He would constantly question what I did over the weekend or if I had any plans; especially plans that had to do with hanging around Joe. I didn’t bother questioning him since he was famous for having an attitude problem, so I pushed those thoughts to the back of my brain.

Getting to Nick’s house didn’t take that long, since I didn’t drive speed limit whatsoever. As I arrived there, I noticed he wasn’t in his usual spot waiting for me. I waited three minutes and got fed up. I got out of the car and walked up his front porch. I invited myself into his house and shut the door.

“Nicholas Jonas, you said you’d be ready!” I shouted. “Where the heck are you?” I heard voices coming from the kitchen so I headed over there.

“But I want it!” Kevin shouted. I walked into the kitchen and sure enough Kevin and Nick were in there.

“No, it’s mine!” Nick shouted. “I saw it first.”

“Guys, what are you doing?” I asked.

“Nick wants to eat the last Popsicle, and I refuse to let him have it,” Kevin explained. I rolled my eyes.

“You guys are so childish. Nick let’s go, I’ll buy you a Popsicle outside,” I said.

“No!” Nick shouted. “I want it more than Kevin does.”

“You don’t need it. You’re getting fat anyways,” Kevin said.

“Are not! You’re the one getting fatter,” Nick shouted back. I sighed loudly and left the kitchen.

“When you stop acting like a four year old, I’ll be at my house,” I said as I walked towards the front door. At that second I heard Kevin yell out and something clatter on the floor.

“Oops,” Nick said. I stopped in my tracks and looked at the kitchen. “Jas, help me clean this up.” I rolled my eyes and walked back into the kitchen.

“Clean what?” I asked. “Where did Kevin go?” Nick looked like he was refraining himself from laughing and pointed to the floor. “What the hell did you do?”

“I stabbed him!” Nick said, a little too excitedly for my taste. I knew something was up.

“You didn’t stab him,” I said. I walked to the other side and noticed Kevin lying on the floor with a blood stained shirt. “Very funny you guys. Kevin get up, that’s such a waste of ketchup.” Kevin didn’t move and Nick laughed uneasily again.

“I think he’s dead,” Nick said. I stared at him and looked back down at Kevin.

“He’s not dead,” I said as I crotched down and looked at Kevin. His chest wasn’t moving and he looked like he really was dead, but Nick wouldn’t do that for a freakin’ Popsicle. “Kevin, wake up.” I pushed his arm and nothing. “Nick, what the hell!”

“I said oops,” Nick said standing like nothing was wrong.

“Kevin, stop playing around,” I said shaking him. “Kevin!”

“Time of death, 3:01pm,” Nick said. I stared up at him and glared.

“Nicholas Jonas, you better shut up before I kill you. Go call someone or something, he can’t be dead! Kevin!” I shook him again and saw a small smile creep on his face. “Oh my god, I hate you two!” Kevin started laughing as I stood up and walked out of the kitchen.

“Jas! We were just playing a Halloween joke, come back!” Nick said. I opened the front door, and was about to walk out when a hand came and shut it. “I’m sorry! Don’t be mad, you know you didn’t fall for it.”

“I didn’t, until it looked like he wasn’t breathing. You guys are mean!” Nick laughed and turned it into a cough when he noticed I wasn’t laughing back.

“I’m sorry. I’ll go buy you an ice cream cone, please?”

“I’m lactose intolerant,” I said. Nick laughed.

“You are not.”

“Fine, but you are so not off the hook,” I said as I opened the door and walked out. Nick laughed as he flung his arm over my shoulder.

“Come on, admit it was funny. Joe fell for it, doesn’t that make you laugh?”

“A bit,” I said, “But that was still childish, especially for you Nicholas.” Nick laughed as I got in the car and he sat as well.

“It was Kevin’s idea,” Nick said as I took off.

“Uh huh. And to think I’ve been trying to find you a girlfriend all day,” I said.

“Let’s go to the frozen yogurt place downtown,” Nick said, “And you’ve been trying to find me a girlfriend? Aw I love you.”

“Yeah, but I’m done since you pulled a joke on me.”

“I’m sorry! What do you want? You want a new car? I’ll take some of Joe’s money and buy you a new car,” Nick said. I laughed. “Or how about I buy you Disneyland? I can do that.” I laughed again.

“I would love to own Disneyland, but no thanks. Just buy me food and we’ll call it a day,” I replied. Nick laughed.

“Okay, I’ll get you a lot of candy tonight too,” Nick said. “That is if you still want to go out with us tonight.”

“I guess I have no choice,” I said, “But you better be glad I’m not making you wear a toga or something lame. But Kevin is not getting a birthday present from me anymore. Do you have any idea how much that guitar he wants costs?”

“Yeah, which is the reason why he hasn’t purchased it. It costs more than his life is worth,” Nick said. I laughed out loud.

“That was mean, but I’ll allow it since he was part of your stupid prank.” Nick laughed.


“What about her?” I asked. Nick turned around and looked at the girl I had pointed out. He turned his head and shook it.

“Yeah, she’s perfect, NOT. I don’t want to go out with a girl with that many piercing and abnormal hair color,” Nick said which made me laugh out loud.

“Gosh, picky much? Hm, what about her?” I asked.

“If I was 70, sure,” Nick said which made me laugh out loud again.


“She’s too skinny,” Nick said. I scoffed.

“What do you mean too skinny?” I asked.

“She’s really skinny. I mean you’re the perfect skinny, she’s well I’d like to feed her a hamburger or something.”

“Don’t complain, you went out with Miley Cyrus,” I said, “And she’s skinnier than that girl.”

“Is not,” Nick said.

“Fine then, but don’t ask I didn’t try,” I replied taking a bite of my frozen yogurt.

“I’m going to get some more yogurt, you want some?” Nick asked.

“I’m probably going to snatch some from you, so no thanks,” I replied. Nick shook his head as he pushed his seat back and stood up. At that exact moment, a girl with an extra large cup of frozen yogurt was walking from the counter and towards Nick. Unluckily enough for Nick she wasn’t watching where she was going and walked into him. Her frozen yogurt slipped from her hands and ended up falling on Nick’s shoes. His brand new shoes he’s been bragging about for three days straight.

I had to laugh so I did, getting a huge glare from Nick.

“Oh my gosh!” the girl exclaimed. “I am so so sorry!” I kept on laughing as Nick stood looking at this girl. I was waiting for Nick to yell at her, but being the quiet boy he was, he was probably going to let it slide.

“It’s fine,” he grunted. “Don’t worry about it.” The girl was already running towards the counter to fetch a bunch of napkins and ran back to Nick.

“I’m so sorry! Please let me clean your shoes,” she said. She bent down and started wiping Nick’s shoes. I couldn’t stop laughing at the sight of this. I wondered if she knew who he really was or if she’d freak out when she realized she messed up Nick Jonas’ shoes.

“Don’t worry about it,” Nick said taking a step back. “I’ll just buy new shoes.”

“I feel horrible! I should have watched where I was going,” she said.

“No, he should have watched where he was walking,” I interjected, getting another glare from Nick. The girl looked over at me, then at Nick.

“Sorry,” she mumbled. Nick nodded and looked back at me.

“I’ll be in the bathroom,” he said and walked off. I continued to laugh as the girl fumbled around with the napkins in her hand.

“Hey, come here a second,” I said. She stared at me and walked over. “Do you go to Wyckoff High?” She nodded her head. “Do we have a class together?”

“I have French with you, but I’m a year younger than you,” she replied quietly.

“You do? What’s your name?”

“Hayley,” she said.

“Really? Listen, don’t feel bad about what happened, Nicky’s a cranky boy today,” I said. “So, do you have a boyfriend?” This girl I just met seconds ago, who happens to go to my school looked me at confused.

“No,” she said. “Um why?”

“Just curious that’s all,” I said. “Do you like my friend?” She looked at me weirdly.

“He’s okay, but I doubt he’d want to go out with me. I just ruined his shoes and plus we barely know each other,” she said.

“I’ll fix it. Listen we have French tomorrow, come sit next to me so we can get to know each other better.”

“Um, okay,” she said unsure of my actions. “But why do you want to get to know me better?”

“I think you’d be cute with my friend,” I said. She blushed and looked down.

“But he hates me. I ruined his shoes,” she said.

“So what? I dropped his white socks in the mud once and we’re still cool,” I said making the girl smile for the first time. “And he’s obsessed with his socks, trust me.”

“Okay, well I got to go,” she said standing up. “My mom is waiting outside and she’s probably going to wonder what’s taking so long.”

“Don’t you want a new frozen yogurt?” I asked. I pulled out five bucks and handed it to her.

“Oh no it’s okay,” she said refusing my money.

“Take it, it’s the least I could do for my friend’s rudeness,” I said.

“He wasn’t that rude,” she said, “But it’s okay. I’ll just see you tomorrow.” She smiled and walked out of the small shop. As she left I finished up my yogurt and waited for Nick to return.

“Ugh, at least it was vanilla,” he said sitting down and placing his elbows on the table. I chuckled lightly.

“So what’d you think of her?” I asked. Nick rolled his eyes.

“She was cute, for a klutz,” he said.

“Cool, because I’m going to set you two up on a date,” I said causing Nick’s eyeballs to bulge out.

“What did I ever do to you?” he asked.

“You just said she was cute!”

“So what? A lion is cute but I wouldn’t date one,” he said.

“She seems nice and plus she goes to my school. I can get all the dirt on her,” I said. “I mean Mandy can probably do that but come on Nicky!”

“I liked her hair,” he said. I rolled my eyes.

“It looks like everyone else’s hair,” I said.

“But it had a streak in it. She seems cool for doing that,” he said.

“Aw you noticed she had a steak in her hair,” I said, “That’s cute.”

“How’s it cute?”

“You analyzed her, even though you were pissed off,” I said.

“How can I not analyze her when she pretty much blends in with your room,” he said. I laughed out loud realizing Hayley was wearing a bright orange t-shirt that would probably blend in with my room’s walls. “What’s her name anyways?”

“Hayley,” I said. “Nick, you like her don’t you?”

“No, I don’t,” he said. I noticed his cheeks were turning pink as he looked the other way.

“You don’t know how to hide anything,” I said. “It’s a wonder how you ever had a girlfriend.” He sighed as he stared at me.

“Can we go?” he asked.

“Nah, I’m full and I don’t like driving on a full stomach,” I said.

“I thought you can’t swim on a full stomach,” Nick said.

“It’s my rule,” I said, “Unless you want to find another way home?”

“Fine, take your time, but tonight we’re going to do what I want.”

“No, we’re doing what I want,” I said.

“So have you talked to Joe lately?” Nick asked. I stood up and gestured towards the door. “Oh so now you want to leave?” Nick stood up and I walked out the front door.

“Well no,” I said. “I was going to today, but you wanted to hang out. I’d much rather hang out with you than talk to Joe.”

“Sure Jas,” Nick said as we walked around the nice, quiet area of Wyckoff. It was getting pretty chilly since it was winter, but that didn’t stop the two of us from walking around. “You know he’s home, just waiting to see you.”

“And you know Hayley’s on her way home thinking about you,” I said. We spotted and empty bench and sat on it.

“You’re hilarious. You should consider going into the comedian business,” Nick said.

“Yeah, so I’ve been told,” I replied as I buttoned up my pea coat and put my hands in my pockets.


“No, I just love to button up my jacket and stick my hands in my pockets,” I replied. “I have insecurity issues.” Nick laughed. “You’re not helping me get better.”

“I didn’t realize you were so insecure,” Nick said. “It’s okay, so is Joe. That’s the reason why he acts like an idiot; he thinks everyone finds it funny.”

“Are you making fun of my boy? I’m telling him.”

“You sure sound like Brian at the moment,” Nick said which caused me to flinch.

“I think the cold air is messing with my brain cells. Why don’t we go home, you can do my homework and we can call it a day,” I suggested. I stood up and Nick slowly started to stand up.

“How about we go home and have a fire. I can make us hot cocoa, and you can do your homework.”

“How about all of the above, but you do half my homework,” I suggested as we started walking back to where the car was parked.

“How about we make Kevin do your homework and make us the hot cocoa?” Nick said. I laughed.

“Sounds great,” I replied.

“And afterwards he can buy me a new pair of shoes since these aren’t any good anymore,” Nick complained. I looked down at his feet. His shoes looked spotless as if nothing happened.

“You’re lame. You’re shoes look like you just bought them,” I said.

“Yeah, but we both know what happened. I can’t get over the fact frozen yogurt spilled on my beautiful shoes,” Nick said. I shook my head as we both got in the car and took off towards our warm home.