‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

Warm and Fuzzy

It was finally Friday afternoon and I was stuck on a beautiful day inside of a classroom. It was thankfully my last class of the day, but the day was dragging on. I impatiently tapped my fingers on the table, waiting for people to come to class. So this was what it was like being early to class for once.

Finally, students began entering the classroom, and I casually placed my feet up on the desk in front of me. Amanda walked in, with a large beverage in hand and sat down to my right.

“You left without me?” I asked. She looked at me with her doe like eyes and smiled.

“Sorry,” she said, “I didn’t think you wanted to leave. You were on the phone anyways. Joey again?” I couldn’t help but smile at the sound of his name. Even though I barely got any sleep last night because of Joe, I was hyped up and awake for once.

“Possibly,” I said.

“Move your feet,” Luis said. I looked up at him while he stared at my feet.

“No, this seat is reserved,” I replied. “Sit in front of Mandy.”

“No, I always sit here,” Luis said trying to move my feet. “Come on Jas, move them. Who’s it reserved for anyways?”

“A friend,” I replied. Luis glared at me while he walked to sit in front of Mandy. I waited another minute until I recognized that familiar face. That same girl that made Nick have a bad shoe day. “Hey!” I waved my hand in there air, causing a few people in front of me to stare. “Um…crap what’s her name?” Amanda shrugged her shoulders while she took a sip of her drink.

“You made me sit behind this guy that smells so you can have a girl whose name you don’t even know sit there?” Luis asked.

“Hayley!” I said. “Come sit here.” I removed my feet and put my hand on the back of the seat in front of me. Hayley smiled as she started walking towards the back. “Hi there! How are you?” She sat down and turned around to face me.

“Pretty good,” she replied. “How about you?”

“Fantastic,” I replied. “Oh, this is Mandy and Miranda if you didn’t know.” Amanda half-smiled while Luis just stared.

“His name’s Miranda?” Hayley asked, causing Amanda to laugh.

“No,” I said, “It’s Luis, but I call him Miranda when he’s acting like a brat. Anyhow, how was your Halloween? Did you go out?”

“I went to a party if that counts,” she replied.

“A party?” I asked. “That’s cool. Listen, speaking of parties are you doing anything next weekend?”

“I don’t think so,” she said. “Why?”

“You remember my friend,” I said. Hayley’s face turned red.

“The kid I spilled frozen yogurt on?”

“Yeah,” I replied. “Speaking of, don’t worry about that anymore. He gave the shoes to his brother, even though they don’t fit.”

“Who did she spill yogurt on?” Luis asked.

“Nicky,” I said, causing Luis to laugh. “Shut up Miranda. Anyways, I wanted to invite you to a party that’s happening next weekend. Do you think you can go?”

“A party?” Hayley questioned. “That sounds like fun, who is it for?”

“That kid you spilled yogurt on, his brother,” I said. “Oh his name is Nick, the yogurt boy.” Luis laughed and I stared at him.

“Oh, do you think he’d mind me being there?” she asked. “I mean I ruined his shoes and I barely know anyone there.”

“Don’t worry about Nickypie,” I said. “He has a bad memory anyways. You can always hang out with me if you want; I promise not to leave you.”

“Wait, you’re having a party?” Luis asked. “Para quién?”

“For Kevin,” I said. “So think you can make it?”

“Probably, want to give me a ride?” Luis asked. I glared at him while he smiled.

“Yeah I can make it,” Hayley said. “Where’s it going to be at?”

“Uh, my house,” I said. “Possibly. I’ll just give you my address just in case. Luis, paper.” I stuck my hand out towards Luis while he stared at it. He ended up slapping his hand against mine. I scowled at him as he turned to get me a piece of paper from his backpack. As I wrote out my address, class finally started.


As French class ended, I quickly stood up from my seat and stretched.

“So, are you going home?” I asked Hayley. She nodded her head as the two of us walked out of the room. “Cool, where do you live?”

“A block away,” she said.

“Oh,” I said. “I was going to ask if you wanted a ride home, but never mind.”

“You can come over if you want,” she said.

“I wish I could but I have some plans,” I said. “Rain check?” Hayley smiled.

“Yeah, sure,” she said. “Anyways, want to exchange digits or something? Maybe we can do something over the weekend if you can.”

“Yeah sure,” I said taking out my phone. “Just put your number in.” Hayley took my phone while I took hers. She laughed lightly as I typed my number in her sidekick. “The picture?” She nodded.

“That’s Nick right?” she asked. I nodded as I smiled. “You two look cute together. Usually people have pictures on their phone of their boyfriend kissing them on the cheek, are you sure you don’t go out?” I finished typing in my name and number and smiled.

“Positive,” I said. “We’re real close, that’s it. If his brother saw that though, he’d probably flip, so let’s keep that between us.” Hayley nodded her head as she gave me back my phone.

“Alright then,” she said. “Want me to walk you to the parking lot or something?”

“If you want,” I said as we started walking. I stopped walking when I realized I forgot about Amanda and Luis. “Oops, sorry kids. Coming over today or you want a ride home?”

“I’m going out with my cousin,” Amanda said. “She’s going to introduce me to some cute guys, you should come.”

“I’ll take that ride home,” Luis said. I rolled my eyes.

“She picking you up then?” I asked to Amanda.

“Yeah, in the front,” she replied. “So I’ll see you two later, okay?” Amanda gave Luis and me a hug as she started walking towards the front. The three of us walked the opposite way towards the student parking lot. I wasn’t looking forward to walking to my car since Ronnie was always there. He was really starting to get on my nerves, more now that I started liking Joe again. I just wasn’t interested in other guys anymore.

“Crap,” I said out loud. Of course, there was Ronnie sitting on the hood of his car, which was usually always parked next to me. There had to be ten empty parking spots in the morning, did he always have to park near me?

“What?” Luis asked. He noticed where I was looking and laughed. I pushed him slightly and turned my head towards Hayley.

“So I’ll see you then,” I said. “Have a good weekend.”

“Thanks,” she said, “You too. I’ll text you tonight, if that’s okay.”

“Yeah that’s fine,” I said. “Later.” I pushed Luis again and nodded my head in Hayley’s direction.

“Oh, bye,” Luis said. I rolled my eyes as we walked toward my car.

“Make him go away,” I mumbled.

“Hey,” Ronnie said. “I didn’t see you all day Jas.”

“Yeah?” I asked walking towards the driver’s door and opening it slightly. “Bummer.”

“I know,” Ronnie said. “How was last night?”

“Fun,” I said. “Listen I have plans, so I’ll see you Monday.” Ronnie did that malicious, half smile of his which wasn’t cute anymore.

“Hot date?” he asked. “Is it with that Joe guy?”

“No it’s with Luis,” I retorted. “I love Luis, and only him.”

“Really?” Ronnie asked. I sighed and nodded my head.

“Later,” I said, finally sliding into the car. Ronnie and Luis shared a few words with each other. I started it up impatiently and Luis finally came into the car. I never really sped out of the parking lot before, but I wanted to get away from Ronnie.

“What was that about?” Luis asked. “I thought you liked him.”

“I did,” I said as I finally eased off the gas. “He’s creepy sometimes and he doesn’t like Joe.”

“How do you know?” he asked.

“I just do,” I said. “He always asks me if I’m going to hang with Joe and he’s only met him once. How does he even know that I like Joe?”

“He knows?” Luis asked.

“I don’t know,” I said, “Maybe I’m just being paranoid.”

“Can I tell you something?” Luis asked. “You have to keep this between us though.”

“What?” I asked curiously.

“You’ve heard stories about Ronnie right?” he asked. I nodded my head. “Well, Ronnie is pretty much a playboy. He picks on everyone, bullies kids but gets what he wants. He told me and many others how much he likes you, so you better tell him straight out that you’re not interested.”

“And if I don’t?” I asked. “I told him I love you, even though that was a lie isn’t that rejection enough?”

“He won’t buy that,” Luis said. “Somehow he knows you like Joe, so he’s going to find every way to make sure Joe’s out of your mind. It’s not like he’ll hurt Joe, because I doubt it’ll get to that, but he just wants you right now.”

“Gah, what a creep,” I said clearly disturbed. “He’s not even that good looking anyways.”

“Well I’m just telling you this because I care,” Luis said patting the top of my head. “So if you really like Joe be with him, and just tell Ronnie off or something. He’ll eventually move on.”

“He better,” I replied as I turned onto my street. “Because I like Joe and only Joe.” I tapped the steering wheel while Luis laughed. “I can’t believe I told you that.”

“So it’s true,” Luis said. “The second hottest Jonas is back in your life?”

“Not quite,” I said. “We’re just friends now.” Luis snorted. “And you’re just jealous, but anyways we’re cool now and we’re hanging out again. I really missed him and the stuff we used to do.” Luis laughed out loud as I pulled in front of my house. “Shut up, not like that. For that comment you’re walking home.”

“I’ll just crash at your place,” Luis said as we both got out of the car and closed the doors.

“You do that,” I said as I leaned on the car.

“Jas!” I smiled as I saw Joe run out of his door towards where Luis and I were. “Hiya Luis.”

“What’s up player?” Luis said to Joe. Joe smiled as I walked over and gave him a hug.

“How was school?” he asked. I kept my arms wrapped around his waist as I discreetly breathed in his scent.

“Fine,” I said. I slowly released from Joe and saw Luis standing there. “How was your day?”

“Boring,” Joe said, “I slept all day until your lunch. Then after you hung up on me I ate and watched TV with Frankie.” I smiled up at Joe. “Want to come over?”

“Actually, I wanted to ask if you wanted to take a ride with me,” I asked. “I desperately need to buy Kevin a gift. I have no idea what, want to help?”

“Of course!” Joe said. “Let’s get lunch first and then we can go shopping.”

“Okay, let’s do that,” I said beaming. “Where’s Nick at?”

“Inside,” Joe said. “I know you two are like close, but can we make it an us day?”

“Of course,” I said. “I spend too much time with Nick anyways.”

“Okay, cool,” Joe said. “Let me grab my wallet and stuff. I’ll be back in a flash.”

“While you do that, I’ll get my wallet too,” I said. “Be right back.”

“I’ll race you,” Joe said with a childish grin. “Winner gets to drive.”

“Oh no,” I said. “Joe, you can’t drive. Loser buys lunch?” Joe laughed.

“Deal,” he said. “Ready, set-” Before Joe could get to ‘go’; I already dashed into my house. I quickly unlocked the front door and ran upstairs. I went to find some money and quickly stuffed that into my pockets. I grabbed a pair of sunglasses and dashed back downstairs. I locked the door and ran to the car.

“You cheated,” Joe said running, just mere seconds after me. I laughed out loud while he put on his sunglasses.

“So?” I said. “Anyways, I’m not super starved so you don’t have to worry about buying me anything expensive. Luis want to go?”

“Not really,” he said. “I mean I do, but I can see I’ll just be a third wheel.”

“Aw, I’ll buy you something Miranda,” I said hugging Luis. “It’ll be from the bottom of my heart.” Luis laughed as he slowly started walking backwards down the street.

“Nothing girly,” he said. I laughed.

“Promise,” I said. “See you later Luis.”

“Bye kids,” he said as he turned around and started walking down the street. Joe and I both got in the car.

“So where do you want to eat?” he asked. I started up the car and shrugged.

“Remember where we ate on our wedding night?” I asked. Joe chuckled.

“Burger King!” he said. “Nice choice. Can I get a kid’s meal?”

“Get whatever you want,” I said. “You’re paying, remember?”

“Right,” Joe said. “You get the kid’s meal then.”

“Fine,” I said. “As long as you help me out with Kevin’s gift.”

“Get him a lottery ticket,” Joe said, causing me to laugh.

“Why?” I asked.

“No wait,” Joe said. “Get him an alcohol bottle but dump the alcohol out and fill it up with water.” I laughed out loud.

“I was so thinking of doing that!” I said.

“Great minds think alike,” Joe said. “But if you don’t want to do that, I’ll help you buy him something better. He’s going to be like in shock or something.”

“That’s the effect I’m aiming for,” I replied.

“Good,” Joe said. “Then that’s the effect we will go for.” We finally arrived at Burger King when Joe spoke again. “By the way, can we make the gift from the both of us? I didn’t get him anything yet.” I laughed as I pulled into a spot. I turned the car off and got out.

“No way,” I said.

“Please?” Joe asked. I avoided eye contact with Joe and slowly started walking towards Burger King.

“No Joe,” I said. Joe tugged on the back of my pea coat, which caused me to stumble.

“Please Jas! I’ll buy you three kid’s meals,” he said. I laughed as I continued walking, with Joe pulling on my jacket.

“Nope,” I said. Joe pulled once more, causing me stop walking and turn around. I looked up at him, and I was glad his sunglasses were dark enough to not see his eyes.

“Come on,” he said. “You know you want to.” I laughed again as we stood in front of Burger King. Joe pulled me closer to him and I could see the stubble growing on his face. It looked cute on him even though I was against all facial hair. Joe put his hands on my face and squeezed my cheeks. “Aw you look cute.” I laughed again as I removed Joe’s cold hands from my face.

“Fine,” I said.

“Yes!” Joe said. He did a quick three second dance while I stared at him.

“Only because I couldn’t stand your cold hands on my face anymore,” I said. Instead of walking ahead of Joe and into the restaurant, I grabbed his right hand and held it between mine. “How are you not cold?” I looked at what Joe was wearing. He was wearing a thin jacket and it had to be at least fifty degrees.

“I’m warm and fuzzy inside because I’m with you,” he said. I laughed out loud but stopped abruptly.

“How cute,” I said, still holding onto his hand as we walked into Burger King. “I wish I could say the same to you, but I don’t want to take your words.”

Actually, he makes my heart skip a beat every time he smiles. Beat that Joe.