‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

Corazon of Mine

The sun poured into my room telling me it was morning and I groaned to myself. I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. The last thing I recall from last night was watching a movie. What movie exactly? I didn’t even remember.

It was Saturday and my alarm clock told me it was 9:13am. I threw the covers off of me and looked down. I was still wearing my clothes from last night – my jeans, a shirt and my dad’s old sweater. I made a face as I got off my bed. I quickly slipped on my warm slippers since the hardwood floor made my feet freeze.

I couldn’t have possibly been that tired to fall asleep in my clothes, could I? I walked over to my nightstand where I usually left my phone, but it wasn’t there. I tore up my whole room looking for it, and after five minutes, I gave up. I opened the door and quickly walked downstairs.

There on the couch was my phone. I grabbed it and flipped it open. There was only one text, from Ronnie, which I erased before reading it. I slipped my phone in my back pocket and walked into the kitchen where the aroma of French toast filled my nose.

“Morning Mommy,” I said. I sat down at the kitchen table where Jared was already eating his breakfast. “Aw, you’re making my favorite. I knew I was your favorite kid.” My mom turned around and smiled.

“Morning baby,” she said as she walked over and kissed the top of my head. “Actually, I was in a good mood and wanted my family to eat a good breakfast besides cold cereal and pop tarts for once.”

“Neat,” I replied as I grabbed Jared’s cup of Orange Juice and took a sip. He made a face and stuck his hand out for me to give him back his cup. “So did you and dad enjoy the movie?”

“It was…” she started, “Okay. I’d much rather have seen a sappy, love story.”

“That’s nice mom,” I said.

“Now did you enjoy your night last night?” she asked. She walked back to the stove and checked on the French toast that was cooking.

“It was okay,” I said. “But I’d like to know why I’m still dressed in my clothes from yesterday.”

“You don’t remember?” she asked. I shrugged.

“I remember I came home, you guys left and Jared, Joe and I watched a movie,” I said. Then it came back to me. The three of us were watching The Pink Panther. Jared fell asleep after the first forty minutes, and I had to put him to bed. Then I guess I fell asleep soon after. The last thing I remember was lying on the couch with my head on Joe’s lap while Steve Martin was attempting to say he wants a hamburger or something like that.

“When we came home you were asleep and poor Joseph couldn’t move,” she said. “He’s so sweet. He didn’t want to wake you.” I half smiled as she placed a plate in front of me with two pieces of French toast. “Are you two back together again? It’s sad to see you two not together anymore.”

“No mom,” I said as I grabbed a fork and poked my breakfast.

“Nena, can you cut mine please?” Jared asked. I grabbed his plate and started to cut up his breakfast into smaller pieces.

“Why not?” she asked.

“Mom, does dad not like Joe anymore?” I asked. “And don’t lie; he’s rude to Joe now.”

“He’s not rude,” she said. I slid Jared his plate over and began to cut my food. “He’s just, well you know he adores you and he’s like any father. He wants you to be his little girl forever and not have a boyfriend.”

“He liked Joe before,” I said as I placed some food in my mouth. “That’s why I didn’t want to tell you guys we broke up in the first place.”

“He still likes Joe,” she said. “Anyways, enough of talking about this, are you going to do anything today?”

“I still have to make Kevin a cake,” I said. “Want to assist me?”

“I would love to,” she said, “But I need to take your brothers to practice.”

“Again?” I asked. “How many days do they need to practice kicking a ball?”

“You know they practice Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday,” she said. “And can you please clean up a bit before you get dedicated to your cake?”

“But mom,” I said, “Don’t you know how long it takes to perfect this party? I still have to talk to Nick about the real cake for everyone. I have to wrap Kevin’s presents and then everything else without him knowing. Plus I have to find a way to force Joe or Nick to tell Kelsey about all this and you know how they feel about her.”

“How long does it take to clean up?” she asked. “Just clean up anything that’s messy and-”

“But the toys are Jared’s and the skateboard and random balls are Brian’s,” I complained.

“Jasmina,” she said. “Por favor, just clean for me, okay? I’ll help you out with the party with whatever you need. I’ll talk to this Kelly for you if none of you like her.”

“Well,” I said, “It’s Kelsey for starters and I like her. She reminds me of a blond, girl version of Joe, with half a brain.” My mom smiled at me while I finished up my breakfast.

After I finished my breakfast and helped my mom clean the kitchen, it was almost ten and Brian finally decided to wake up. I normally don’t yell at him any earlier than noon, but that little douche bag was using my phone.

“Get off!” I yelled as I dashed over to grab my phone. I grabbed his arm and reached for my phone. I looked at who he was talking to and smiled. “Good morning Mr. Jonas.”

“Morning Sleeping Beauty,” Joe said. “Sleep well?”

“I think,” I said. I walked out of the kitchen and sat on the couch. “Sorry I fell asleep on you last night. Friday nights suck.” Joe laughed.

“Busy today?” he asked.

“I’m going to make your brother’s cake,” I said. “You and Nick want to come over?”

“Hm,” he replied. “Uhh… qué hora?” I laughed at loud.

“That was so cute!” I practically shouted. “Come over whenever you want. Actually come after 10:30, I have to take a shower and make myself pretty.”

“Alrighty,” Joe said. “I will see you 10:31.” I laughed again. “By the way, I bet even though you just woke up you still look pretty.” My smile grew.

“Okay, see you later,” I replied.

“Adios Jas,” Joe said. I flipped my phone closed and ran up to my room. I grabbed a white t-shirt, a blue v-neck sweater and my navy blue skinny jeans. Now it was time for a quick shower with my all time favorite scent – Romantic Wish.


Right at 10:31 on the dot, the doorbell rang and sure enough both Joe and Nick were standing there.

“You have no idea how long it took us to get rid of Kevin,” Joe said giving me a quick hug. “We told him you had to take you shopping for lingerie.” I made a face while he walked in my house and Nick gave me a hug as well.

“Nicholas,” I said. “It’s been forever!” Nick laughed. “Yesterday was torturous without you. Joe isn’t the same.”

“Oh thanks a lot,” Joe said. “And here I thought we were having fun.”

“So this cake we’re making,” Nick said. “What’s the point?”

“The point is to be nice,” I said. “Plus I didn’t buy him a real gift.”

“Then why did Joe say you two went to the mall?” Nick asked.

“We bought Kevin bad gifts,” Joe said. “Jas bought him this poster, and I can’t wait to see the look on Kevin’s face.”

“A poster of what?” Nick asked.

“Of you!” I said. “Now come on and let’s start this cake. I want to go out somewhere.”

“Why would you get him a poster of me?” Nick asked as the three of us entered the kitchen.

“Where is everyone?” Joe asked.

“Mom and the demons are at practice,” I said. “Pops is working.”

“Neat,” Joe replied. “And you’re sure you know how to make a cake?” I rolled my eyes and started getting out everything I needed for the cake.

“I think I’m pretty sure I could make a decent one,” I said. “Plus it’s just Kevin. He won’t criticize my lack of cooking skills.”

“Aha!” Joe said pointing his finger at me. “So you do lack culinary skills.”

“I don’t lack them,” I replied putting his finger down. “I’m no Paula Dean though.” Nick laughed while Joe stared at me with a confused face.

“Who?” he asked.

“She’s this lady on the Food Network,” Nick replied. “You obviously wouldn’t know since you don’t spend as much time in front of the TV like she does.”

“Hey, I have life you know,” I said.

“Somehow I greatly doubt that,” Nick mumbled. I shot him a glare. “Kidding.”

“You know I could always make this cake on my own,” I said. “Or call Luis over. I haven’t seen him since yesterday.”

“Oh, I got a better one,” Joe said. “You could call Nick’s little girlfriend!” I laughed out loud giving Joe a high five. Nick on the other hand crossed his arms over his chest and stared at both Joe and I.

“Love you Nick!” I said with the biggest grin I could muster. Nick continued to stand there. “Aw, you big baby.” I socked Nick on his shoulder, and again he didn’t move. “Whatever man, I’m going to start this cake now. You can continue to stand there all you want.”

“I will,” Nick said.

“Fine. Maybe I’ll call Big Rob up and he can carry you home,” I said.

“We should roll him home,” Joe said. “And when the snow starts we should cover him in snow. Make a Nickman or something.” I couldn’t help but laugh, and I noticed Nick crack a small smile.

“So, can we start making this cake now?” Nick asked. “Just in case Kevin decides to show his face since your car is outside.”

“I’ll make Joe lie again and say my mom drove us,” I replied. “Simple enough. Now, hand me that box of cake flower and let’s make this damn thing.”

After a long thirty minutes, the cake was finally in the oven. Normally making a cake was easy and fast, but not with Joe in the kitchen.

“How many eggs?” Joe asked.

“Give me three,” I said.

“Watch, I can juggle them so you don’t have to mix it up,” he said.

“No Joseph!” I shouted. It was already too late. Joe already had three eggs in his hands and began to throw them up in the air. He was actually doing fine until Nick’s phone rang, causing Joe to be ‘startled’ and he dropped the eggs.

Long story short, Joe was forced to clean his mess while Nick and I made the cake ourselves. As we waited for the batter to cook, I talked the two of them to help me out with cleaning the house. Joe of course stood in the kitchen cleaning up all the dirty dishes and the mess he not only made with the eggs, but with the bag of flour.

“Didn’t I just clean your room the other day?” Nick shouted as I made Jared’s bed messily. I laughed to myself as I threw his comforter over and tossed his pillows on the bed. Walking back into my room, I noticed Nick was standing in the middle of my room shaking his head.

“I lost my phone,” I replied, “And I couldn’t find it so I threw things around.”

“You’re just as bad as Joe,” Nick said. “I feel bad for Kevin sometimes.”

“I am not,” I retorted. I started kicking random clothes that were on the floor underneath my bed. “Plus I think Kevin secretly cleans up after Joe otherwise you wouldn’t be able to even set foot in their room. My parents don’t like coming in here anyways so I can keep it as messy as I want.”

“I wonder why,” Nick said. “Aw, you sleep with these?” Nick walked over to my unmade bed and picked up the two stuffed bears Nick and Joe gave for me a while ago.

“So? I bet you sleep with a teddy bear too.”

“Do not,” Nick said, “Ask anybody.”

“Can I ask your mom?” I asked.

“If you really want to,” he said.

“I will,” I said grabbing more clothes and throwing them under my bed.

“Why don’t you just hang those?” Nick asked.

“It’s too time consuming,” I replied picking up a pair of shoes and tossing them aside.

“That’s how you lose things,” Nick said. “How many times are you looking for your favorite shirt and can’t find it?”

“If I can’t find it, I’ll just buy another one,” I said. “Or if I don’t want to spend my money I’ll steal your clothes. I have at least three of your jeans somewhere in here.” I looked at Nick who went on his knees and began getting everything out of from under my bed and looking through it. “I’m just kidding, but since you’re down there do you mind putting that away? Thanks Nicky, you’re a doll.”

I heard Nick huff loudly while I left my room to check if Joe broke anything. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, where Joe was still at.

“You know if you ever want to quit with the music business, you guys would make great maids,” I said to Joe who was putting away my dishes. “You do a better job of cleaning than I do. Ask my mom if she wants to hire you.”

“Very funny,” Joe said turning around and sitting across from me. “Did you get Nick to clean up your room?”

“No,” I said, “Unless he’s doing that now.” Joe smiled. “So I’m kind of bored now. I should have just bought Kevin a cake and told him I made it.”

“I thought you ordered a cake,” Joe said. “Nick was complaining two days ago because you forced him to go to the bakery and order one.”

“I did, but now I want another one to say I made it.”

“Lazy,” Joe said. I laughed at his comment and nodded my head. “Did you realize we’re alone now?”

“No way!” I shouted. “Really? We were yesterday too.”

“I meant just you and me,” Joe said. “No fans or mean cashiers, nobody.” I laughed out loud again.

“And your point is?” I asked.

“You know I can’t remember the last time I kissed a girl,” Joe said. I refrained myself from laughing, but I had to make fun of Joe for saying that.

“I saw you kiss your mom yesterday,” I said. Joe closed his eyes and laughed.

“I meant a girl that I’m not related to,” Joe said.

“Ohh,” I replied. “I get it now.”

“Do you?” he asked.

“You want a kiss?” I asked. Joe nodded his head. “Okay.” I reached from Joe’s hand and kissed it. “There your kiss you’ve been wanting.” Joe laughed as I let go of his hand.

“You’re so awesome Jas,” Joe said sarcastically.

“Awesome is my middle name Joe. I thought you knew that.”

“You’re far from awesome,” Nick said entering the kitchen and standing behind me.

“Find anything to your liking in my room?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Nick said. “Your diary with three pages filled up with Mrs. Jasmina Jonas.” I laughed out loud.

“I don’t have a diary,” I said. “And if I did, it wouldn’t say Mrs. Jasmina Jonas. It would say Mrs. Jasmina Labeouf, because Shia Labeouf is gorgeous.”

“My hair is better than his,” Joe said.

“You wish,” I replied. “That guy is just so… so…”

“He’s too old for you,” Nick said. “Aim lower, like…”

“Someone Nick’s age,” Joe said.

“No way,” I replied. “I don’t want to date a fifteen year old.” Nick cleared his throat. “What?”

“I’m sixteen,” he said.

“Same thing,” I said.

“It’s not the same,” Nick said.

“You just turned sixteen,” I said. “So technically you’re close to fifteen.”

“You’re such a weirdo sometimes Jasmina,” Nick said. “How can I be close to fifteen if I’m not fifteen? I might as well say you’re sixteen.”

“But I’m seventeen, my birthday was a long time ago,” I said.

“It was only three months ago,” Nick said.


“You two are immature,” Joe said. “I need older friends.”

“You’re the one that sleeps with a teddy bear still,” I said, “And you call us immature?”

“I’m the one that sleeps with a teddy bear,” Nick said. “Not him.”

“Ha! I knew it!” I said pointing my finger at Nick. “You little baby.” Nick’s cheeks turned pink and I smiled at him. “Aw, I’m joking, I love you Nicholas.” I stood up and gave Nick a bear hug, squeezing him tightly. “You know I love you right?”


“I do,” I said. “I’ll tell everyone that if I have to.”

“Well, what girl isn’t going around saying that,” Joe said. “Everyone is just going to think you’re obsessed with Nick.”

“Or that she’s a pedophile,” Nick said. I laughed into Nick’s shoulder as I continued to squeeze him. “Okay, please don’t kill me. I love you too…I guess.” I released Nick and squeezed his cheeks together.

“My cake is burning,” I said more to myself as I walked to the oven and opened it. Sure enough the cake was golden brown and any minute longer it’d start to burn.

“Can we put frosting now?” Joe asked as he stood behind me and looked over my shoulder at the cake in front of me.

“We have to wait for it to cool,” I said. I turned around and looked up at Joe who had his trademark grin on his face.

“How long is that going to take?” he asked.

“Five hours,” I lied.

“Why so long?” Joe asked. I shrugged my shoulders as my eyes wandered up and down Joe’s face. “Nick someone’s at the door, go get it.”

“Nobody’s at the door,” Nick said.

“It’s the milk man,” Joe said. “Go answer it.” Nick scoffed and left the kitchen. “Good boy he is.”

“The doorbell didn’t even ring,” I said.

“I know,” Joe said. “I wanted an extra minute alone with you so I could do this.” Joe placed his heads on my face and leaned forward kissing the tip of my nose. “You have the cutest nose ever.” I laughed softly as he kissed it again, then he placed a final kiss on my cheek. “Corazon of mine.”

“If you wanted to be alone you could have said so,” Nick said. “All you had to say was ‘Nick, I want to play tonsil hockey with your best friend, go away’.” I laughed out loud.

“Nick, you’re fifteen,” I said. “What do you know about tonsil hockey?”

“Plenty,” Nick said with a smirk as he walked out of the kitchen.

“Okay, I just had disturbing images embedded in my brain just now,” I said.

“I’ll fix it,” Joe said. He placed his soft lips on my forehead. “Better?”

“Not really,” I said. “But I appreciate you trying.” Joe brought his hands down to my waist and brought me closer to him.

Boy, those butterflies sure have great timing.
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Fillerrrr. I basically suck at updating, lo siento lovlies. :)