‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

Still in Love With You

Amanda was giggling like mad as Joe helped her whack the golf ball. What kind of an idiot doesn't know how to play miniature golf?

"Hey Jazziebear, it's your turn!" Amanda said to me as I slowly walked up and put my ball down. "Don't miss!" I wanted to turn around and aim the ball for her face, but kept my cool. I smacked the ball and was close to a hole-in-one, but I was off by mere centimeters.

"Well, that sucks," Joe said as he walked by and put his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and walked over to where my ball was at.

"Hey, I can easily hit a hole-in-one, unlike you. You hit your ball in the water two times you nimrod," I snapped as I continued to walk away.

"Chillax my enchilada; Joe was just joking," Amanda said. They both laughed at the same time which irritated me. Nick and Kevin both walked towards me and laughed.

"How much longer are we staying here?" I complained. Nick laughed as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"When do you want to leave?"

"I would love to leave now; Nicholas and I don't care if I leave her behind."

"So, you're just going to leave me with these two?" Kevin asked.

"As much as I don't want to leave you, I cannot stand another five minutes of 'oh my gosh Joey! You're so funny! Hee heee!' I swear I'm going to strangle her." Kevin laughed.

"Well, I'm winning, so I'll stay a little longer. You and Nick can go if you want."

"Are you sure Kev? I'll stay just for you."

"No, it's fine. I'll see you guys later, okay? I don't want to be the witness of a murder I know that's going to happen sooner or later." I laughed.

"Thanks Kev. You're great, just great." I gave Kevin a hug and grabbed my club and left with Nick. "You have no idea how glad I am we're leaving." Nick laughed as he grabbed my hand and we both started walking pinky-in-pinky.

"So you do care that he's flirting with other girls."

"Nicholas, that's my best friend, of course I care. But I do not care about him." Nick laughed.

"Sure Jas, just keep telling yourself that."

"You're so annoying sometimes." We both went out to the parking lot and drove home.


"Oh Nick, since you're here, let me give you your birthday present, okay?" I got off the couch and went upstairs to my room to get Nick's gift. "Close your eyes!" I was in the middle of the stairway with Nick's gift. "Are they closed?"

"Yes, they're closed. I want to see it!" I laughed as I walked down the stairs and sat on the couch next to Nick.

"Okay, put out your hands." Nick held his hands out. "Further." He did as I said and I lay his gift in his hands. "Open!" Nick opened his eyes and looked down at his brand new red Gibson Flying V.

"No way! How much did you pay for this Jas?" Nick looked down at his new guitar and started strumming it. "Oh wow! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome. I know it's not much, but hey it's something you can add to your collection."

"This is nothing? Are you serious? I always wanted a Flying V, but never bought one." Nick carefully placed his guitar on the couch and stood up. He held his hand out for me and pulled me off the couch; bringing me into the biggest bear hug ever.

"You seriously are the best and know how to make my day!" Nick said. I laughed as we continued to hug in the middle of the living room. I heard someone knock at the door, but maybe they'd go away since I'd rather stay there hugging Nick.

"I'm guessing you're not going to get that?" my dad asked walking into the living room and opening the door. "Hey how's it going." I heard a few voices at the door, and finally the door closed.

"Thanks again," Nick said kissing my cheek which made my face turn a light shade of pink.

"Don't mention it."

"What?! Who's guitar is that?" Joe yelled as he ran over and grabbed the guitar.

"That would be my guitar," Nick said snatching it out of Joe's hands.

"What? For what?"

"Jas got it for my birthday."

"My birthday passed and I didn't get a Flying V!" I sat on the couch and Nick sat next to me.

"Your point?" I asked.

"Hey, so my birthday is next month," Kevin said sitting next to me, "Do I get a guitar?" I laughed.

"Sure, just tell me what you want and I'll get you it."

"No fair," Joe muttered as he sat on the chair furthest away from me. I rolled my eyes as I turned the channel.

"Woo, iCarly is on!" Kevin laughed.

"Wow, so you didn't grow up."

"Hey, shut up. iCarly is the show!" Nick laughed.

"Hey, that reminds me of you, Amanda and Luis," Nick said.

"Except Luis is Mexican and has better hair than that kid," I said. Nick and Kevin both laughed.

"So, where exactly did you and Manda Bear meet?" Joe asked. I ignored him as I continued watching iCarly. "Hello? I asked you a question."

"No talking during show watching moments," I snapped.

"But it's a commercial." I turned the channel to the Food Network.

"Not anymore."

"Why are you so messed up lately?" Joe huffed.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I said giving him my full attention for once.

"I apologized to you, what more do you want?"

"You really think you apologize and everything's just great? You are SO wrong."

"Okay, but what about earlier? You were having fun, don't deny it. Then I turn around when we're at the golf place and you were gone."

"Stop flirting with my best friend and maybe I'd treat you like a decent human being."

"Well, stop making out with my brother!" I was shocked. I never made out with any of his brothers and was appalled that he would even think that.

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, I got you." I leaned forward to get a better look at Joe.

"I never made out with any of your brothers!"

"Then what was that little kiss Nick gave you before we came in? And you two leaving the place holding hands?" I let out a little scream of frustration.

"It was on the cheek you idiot! And we weren't holding hands, even back when we were going out Nick and I would walk linking pinkies. I don't even know why I'm explaining all of this to you, you don't deserve an explanation."

"Hey, what's with all the screaming out here?" my dad asked. He looked over at me and laughed. "Calm down okay?" I huffed and went back to my leaning position on the couch. He walked away and laughed.

"Why are you even here?" I asked as I switched back to iCarly. Joe stood quiet and didn't reply. After about ten minutes of silence, Joe stood up and started walking towards the front door.

"Because I'm still in love with you," he said silently and left the house. I felt Nick and Kevin both look at me.

"Uhh, so..." Kevin started saying but stopped. "Are you going to say anything?"

"What am I supposed to say?" I asked. "Don't even say talk to him." Kevin laughed for a second, but stopped.

"I didn't say that." I sighed.

"I wish he didn't say that."

"Why?" Nick asked. I continued to stare at the TV, even though I wasn't really watching it. Joe's words kept ringing in my head. "Jas?"

"Because I think that-"

"Hey move over, I want to watch the Mexico game." Brian said coming into the living room. He squeezed his way and sat down half on my lap, half on the couch.

"You have a TV in your room, go watch it there," I snapped moving more to my left to get Brian off of sitting on me.

"But this TV is bigger, duh." I sighed as I watched the stupid soccer game that caught my dad's attention as he too came to join. I stood up and went up to my room and plopped on my bed. I heard footsteps following and a small knock on my door.

"Can we come in?"

"Yeah." Nick and Kevin both came in and closed the door.

"What were you about to say?" Kevin asked.

"Nothing, just forget it," I said as I grabbed what I thought was Nick's bear he gave me for my birthday. Turned out I grabbed Joe's bear instead.

"What's on your mind, just tell us," Nick said. I sat up in my bed and looked at them.

"Nothing is on my mind. I just wish he didn't tell me that. I don't care if he still loves me, he needs to move on." Kevin and Nick both exchanged glances.

"That what you really want?" Nick asked. I thought about it. I wasn't even sure if I really did want him to move on. A part of me wanted him to move on, but a bigger part of me wanted to be back with Joe.

"Yes, wait no, wait I don't know, ugh! This is so annoying, why did he have to do that in the first place?"

"He's stupid, that's why. We told him this would happen but he felt guilty and told you about it anyways," Kevin said.

"Then again, I'd rather he told me what he was planning then finding out some other way."

"So, is that a good thing?" Nick asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Kevin, did anything happen when we left?" Kevin laughed. "Oh thanks a lot."

"No, nothing happened at all. As soon as he found out you two left, he completely changed around Amanda. He didn't help her out or anything. Once her ball went into the water and she asked him to get it for her and he walked away." Nick laughed and I felt a smile creep on my face.

"So, see Jas! He used her to make you jealous, he doesn't care about anyone but you," Nick said. I looked at Nick and scoffed.

"Nick, you're too young to understand."

"Nu uh," Nick said childish.

"Thanks for proving my point." Kevin laughed. "But anyways, she's way too advanced for him." Kevin laughed even harder.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked. I laughed.

"Isn't it self explanatory?" Kevin looked at me. "Never mind Kev."

"Ohh!" Kevin looked at me and laughed. "That's gross, thanks for that image."

"What image?"

"Never mind Jas."

"What the?" Nick stood up and took something out of his pocket. "Why do I still have your phone?" I laughed as I took my phone from him. I had a new text.

Look I know you hate my guts but can we please just talk later? I will never bug you again if you promise to talk to me tonight.

I scoffed at my phone as Nick and Kevin both looked at me curiously.

"What's it say?" they both asked. I handed my phone to Kevin who handed it to Nick.

"So, what are you going to do?" Kevin asked.

"Maybe if I go, he'll leave me alone once and for all," I said looking at the text again.

Fine, meet me at the park in 20 minutes.

I sent the text and put my phone on my bed.

"You know, he hasn't been his usual funny Joe self in two months," Kevin said. I rolled my eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, he really still does care about you. I know deep down he feels bad for what he did."

"That still doesn't prove anything to me. I want him to prove himself to me that he will never do that again. That's if I ever decide to take him back."

"Just take him back, you know you want to," Kevin said. I grabbed Joe's bear and threw it at him. "Aw, look you kept it!" I grabbed Nick's bear and threw it at him too. "Aw, look another bear!" Nick laughed as Kevin gave the bear a small kiss.

"You're so lame Kevin. Go visit your girlfriend or something."

"Oh crap, I totally forgot about her!" Nick and I both started laughing as Kevin reached for his phone.

"Hey Kelsey? It's Kevin! Yeah I'm back!" I heard a light 'yay' in the background and a bubbly girl talk. "Yeah! Let's go out tonight! Okay, bye!"

"Wow Kevin, bubbly much?" I asked. Nick laughed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kevin asked.

"Oh my God, Kelsey? Yeah, it's Kevin! Totally! I know!" I said imitating Kevin's bubbly conversation. Kevin rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, I'm going to go visit her now, catch you kids later."

"I'm not a kid!" Nick and I both said at the same time. Kevin stood up and laughed.

"Yeah? Oh, I'm sorry Mr. I'm-Sixteen-Now and Miss. I'm-Seventeen-Now." I scoffed as I was about to throw my pillow at him. "Later, and thanks for proving my point Jas." Kevin left my room as I put my pillow back.

"Kevin sucks," I said as Nick nodded in agreement.

Where you at?

"Oh oops!" I said as I got off my bed. "I forgot about your other brother." Nick laughed again. "I'll see you later, okay? We can watch movies and eat fruits! Doesn't that sound awesome?"

"Uh, why fruits?"

"Because I heard you haven't been eating properly Jerry. So, me and you are eating proper until your sugar is low." Nick scoffed. "Hey, I'm doing it too, so be grateful."

"Oh, how I love you for sacrificing ice cream for me," Nick said. I laughed as I walked to my door.

"Later Curly Fries." Nick waved as I dashed down the stairs and out the house. Then I slowly walked towards the park.