‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

You Two Are So Much Alike

Where are you at?

The sun had already set, and Joe and I were still sitting on the top of my roof. It was quiet between the two of us, but it wasn't awkward. I looked at the time.

"Whoa, it's almost 9?" I asked. I started climbing down towards my balcony and went into my room. "Creep, what are you doing in here?" Nick was on my computer checking his email.

"I was checking my email." I laughed as I went and sat on my bed. "What the heck were you doing coming from your balcony?"

"I was on my roof Captain Obvious." Nick laughed as he turned around.

"What a loser. You missed dinner and everything. We thought Joe kidnapped you or something." All of a sudden I heard Joe jump from the roof onto my balcony and he walked in my room. "Uhh." Nick looked at Joe as if he'd seen a ghost.

"Nick, close your mouth you're starting to drool a little," I said. Nick closed his mouth a laughed.

"He was up there with you?"

"No, I fell from the sky," Joe said sarcastically as he sat on the other end of my bed. Nick rolled his eyes as he continued to use my computer. "Did you even ask to use that?"

"Don't need to. She barges in my room too," Nick said. I scoffed.

"I do not."

"Frankie said you went in there twice and took my sweaters."

"Did not!" I lied.

"Really?" Then what's that on your floor?" I looked at the floor over by my closet, and sure enough there was Nick's sweater.

"Whatever Nicholas. I like that sweater." Nick laughed.

"I bet you do." I went over and picked up up.

"Want it back?"

"Hey, isn't that my sweater?" Joe asked.

"No, that's MY sweater," Nick said taking it out of my hands and putting it on. "See, it fits me perfectly."

"Anyways, I'm kind of hungry," I said standing up and walking out of my room. I walked downstairs and into my kitchen where my parents were both in there talking. "What's for dinner?"

"Leftovers." I made a face. "Make a quesadilla then."

"Nice!" I went in the fridge and took out a chunk of cheese and a bunch of tortillas. I found a pan and put that on the stove to let it warm up.

"So, where have you been?" my dad asked.

"I was out with Joe, but we've been upstairs for a while," I said while cutting up the cheese.

"I went up to your room and you weren't in there," my mom said.

"I was on the roof mommy." My dad laughed.

"Ai, be careful up there!" I laughed as I put two tortillas on the now hot pan.

"I am careful."

"How do you even get up there?" my dad asked.

"Duh, I climb the little pole thing on there and use the side as a ladder, you know that ugly thing on the side?" My parents looked at me clearly confused. "Never mind."

I started putting the cheese on the tortillas and moving them around so they wouldn't burn. I walked towards the stairs when Joe and I bumped into each other.

"Watch where you’re walking you weirdo," I said to Joe who just laughed, "Anyways, I'm making quesadillas, want one?"

"Queso what?" Joe asked with a stupid look on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"It's tortilla with cheese, want one or not?" I walked back in the kitchen where my mom was making more quesadillas.

"Smells good in here," Joe said walking over to my mom and poking the hot food.

"Dude, what's with you and poking the food?" Joe looked over and smiled.

"It's fun! And this thing is all cheesy, so it feels squishy." I grabbed a plate with my food on it and went to sit next to my dad.

"So, daddy, what is up?" My dad yawned and looked at me with a blank stare. "What?" He just laughed. I hated when he laughed out of nowhere.

"How was bowling or whatever you did?"

"You mean miniature golf? It was cool."

"Yeah, but she totally left early. She's such a party pooper," Joe said sitting across from me and smiling as always. He stood up again. "What do you want to drink?" He went to my cabinets as if he lived there, grab two cups and filled them with ice.

"Coke." He went into my fridge and took out a liter of coke and walked back to the nuck. He poured us both a glass of coke.

"Want any sir?"

"Did you just call my dad sir?" Joe laughed.

"Duh, you're dad is so cool."

"Then call him by his first name, not as if he's a sergeant." Joe laughed again.

"No thanks Joe." Joe shrugged as he ate his food.

"Wow, this is really good. Thanks Mrs. G."

"I made them."

"Oh, thanks Jas. You want a kiss or something?" I looked at him with an 'ew' face and he just laughed. "Aw, come here and give daddy a kiss." My dad laughed.

"Dude, I don't want to kiss my dad," I said as I took a bite of my quesadilla.

"You don't want to kiss me? Por que no?" my dad asked. [Why not?]

"Uh, I'm eating dad. Go make out with Ma or something," I said as I took a sip of my coke, "In another room!" I finished up my quesadilla and refilled my cup with more coke. I grabbed a quesadilla that was on the stove still and took that and my cup up to my room.

"Nicky boy, you want?" I handed him the plate and the cup as I plopped on my bed.

"Sure, looks good." He grabbed it and started eating it. "Mm, this is some good stuff." I laughed as I turned on my TV and watched the Food Channel, as always.

"Wow, this is like your main channel," Nick said.

"Of course, this show is THE show. I love this lady." Nick looked at the TV and laughed. Paula Deen was on and she was my all time favorite person on the food channel. "My mommy isn't a fan of her since she cooks with a lot of butter and everything sweet, mm love it." Nick laughed again.

"I love her laugh, it's contagious." We both laughed.

"Omigod! I know!" Nick laughed again.

"What are you losers doing?" Joe asked barging into my room.

"Knock much?" Joe looked at me and sat on the bed. "You're so rude sometimes."

"Mm, fried chicken!" Joe said, "I want some fried chicken. Jas, you want to go to KFC now?" I scoffed.

"How about no, you just ate."

"Your point? I'm still kind of hungry. I helped your mommy put away the dishes, so that burned up some calories of the food I ate." I looked at Nick and he just laughed.

"Oh wow." Joe turned around to face me.

"What? It did burn up some calories."

"Yeah, sure Joe."

"So, what are you doing tomorrow?" Joe asked.

"I?" I asked.

"No, your wall, of course you." I shrugged.

"Let's do something!"


"Let's go bowling!"

"Joe, why do you keep screaming?"

"I am? I didn't realize it, my bad!"

"Yeah, how about no on the bowling," I said lying down on my bed and continuing watching TV. Joe did the same and we were both parallel on the bed.

"How about movies?" I shook my head. "Breakfast?" I shook my head again. "God, you are the pickiest person ever."

"Are not," I said offended.

"Are too," Joe said.

"Don't tell me you two are going to start that," Nick said.

"Start what?" Joe asked. Nick shook his head and put his full attention to what was going on TV.

"Nicholas, what do you want to do tomorrow?" I asked. Nick shrugged.

"God, you two are so much alike it's not even cool," Joe said. Nick and I both looked at Joe. "Stop!"

"What did we do?" Nick asked.

"You both shrug at everything, have short, rude answers and you both laugh at everything."

"So do you nitwit." Joe pushed my hair so it went all over my face. "Very mature. You're what, 19 now and you still act like you're Frankie's age?" Joe scoffed.

"At least I know how to have fun."

"I know how to have fun too," I said offended again for the second time in ten minutes. "How about tomorrow we go to the weekend carnival."

"How's that going to show you're a fun person?"

"Doesn't matter, I'm fun and we're all going. Both of our families."

"Sounds like a plan," Joe said sticking his thumb in my face.

"Anyways, I'm tired," I said standing up and digging through my drawers. I got out a pair of pajama pants and an old t-shirt, went to my bathroom to change and walked back in my room.

"You're going to bed already?" Joe asked, "It's only 10!"

"I didn't say I was going to bed, gosh."

"Hey, that's mine too!" Nick said. "I let you borrow that a long time ago; did you ever give it back?" I laughed as I looked down at what I was wearing.

"I thought I did." I went back in my drawer and took out more clothes. "But I think these are all yours." Nick shook his head and laughed.

"I never thought I would have a girl steal my clothes. I'm so glad I don't have a sister."

"Well, I feel insulted," I said plopping down on my bed.

"I'm just going to steal your shoes," Nick said, "They look as if they'd fit." He walked over to my closet and opened it. "Wow, you have as much shoes as we all have combined." He picked up a pair of green Chuck Taylors.

"Jas don't tell me these are mine too," Nick said taking off his shoe and putting on the green Chuck Taylor, "Never mind, it's too small."

"Ha, take it back Jonas, I never stole your shoes." Nick kept on looking through my shoes and found only two pairs that fit him perfectly.

"I'm borrowing this one day," Nick said.

"Fine, be a loser and wear girl stuff." Joe laughed.

"He already does!" Nick glared at Joe and threw one of my shoes at him.

"Hey, no shoe throwing in here," I said grabbing the other shoe out of Nick's hands before he threw it. Joe tossed the shoe Nick threw at the floor. I put all my shoes back since Nick was too 'lazy' to put them back.

"So, seriously, I'm going to bed if we're planning on going to the carnival thing manana."

"Can I stay over?" Nick asked.

"Whatever, you can take back your other pajamas I stole from you." Nick laughed as he went into my drawer and took back another pair of his pajama wear. He went into the bathroom to change.

"So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" Joe asked while he stood up.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow Jonas." Joe waved with a big, cheesy smile on his face.

"Night Jazzie!"

"Night." He left my room without another word as Nick came in.

"Are we really going to bed now?" I started taking the covers down.

"Duh, dude we woke up at like 6, aren't you tired?" Nick laughed.

"Yeah, I am."

"Anyways, I'm going to say night to the 'rents, want to join or no?" Nick nodded as we both walked downstairs to where my parents now shifted to the living room.

"Ma, Papi, we're going to bed, good night!"

"Good night you guys, wait we're?" my dad asked.

"Oh, yeah. Can Nick stay?" I put on my sweetest smile as I looked at them.

"Sure, why not. Nothing funny, okay?" my dad said, as always. I laughed.

"It's not like he is Joe daddy." My dad laughed.

"True, well good night." I went and gave them both a kiss good night and walked upstairs right by Brian's room. "Night B."


"You're family is so cool," Nick said as we both went into my room and I turned off the lights.

"Sometimes." I shut off the TV and put the remote on my nightstand.

"Yeah, thanks for leaving me in the dark." I laughed as I shined my phone in his face. "That's just great." I put my phone on my nightstand and put my head down on my pillow.

"Night Nicky Poo." Nick laughed.

"Night Jazzie Boo." I laughed even harder.

"Wow Nick. Way to go." Nick laughed.

"I know, I'm just great right?" I laughed as I heard my phone vibrate on my nightstand which made Nick and I both jump, then laugh. I reached over to my phone and read my unread text.

Good night JasCakes. Sleep tight and you'll be in my dreams since I'll be in yours. ;)

I laughed at it and put my phone back on my nightstand.

"Your brother is weird," I said.

"Which one?" I scoffed.

"Who else?" Nick laughed.

"What did he say?"

"Sleep tight and he'll be in my dreams and I'll be in his." Nick laughed as I flicked for what I thought was his forehead.

"Ow, that was my nose." I laughed even harder.

"Sorry, I can't see your forehead."

"So, tell me something, you still like Joe?" I stood quiet. "I'll take that as a yes then."

"Nicholas, you're such an ugh-ish person sometimes."

"And why is that? Because I know you to well?"

"No, because you ask dumb questions."

"Well, why stay quiet when the answer is yes?"

"I don't even know what the answer is. I mean we had a long talk, well mainly he talked about how he really wants to change to prove to me he cares still, but I don't know anymore."

"Know what?"

"If I still like him or not. I mean when I saw him with Amanda I totally flipped inside, I hated seeing that."

"So, you still care." I sighed. "Fine, I'll shut up, I just hate when my best friend lies to me." Nick sarcastically sighed as if I hurt his feelings.

"Nick, shut up, you're making me feel bad." He laughed.

"Sorry, sorry. You can go to sleep now. I'll stop talking about Joe." He was quiet for a good ten seconds. "For now."

"Nicholas Jerry Jonas."

"Jasmina Annabelle Gonzalez."

"You're so mean!" Nick and I both said at the same time, which made us both laugh.

"Hey, can I start calling you Annabelle?"

"No Nicholas, otherwise I'm going to start calling you Jerry." Even though it was dark, I knew Nick was scrunching up his nose.

"Fine, it's all fair."

"Okay, well goodnight Jonas."

"Night Gonzalez."
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