‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing


“Nena! Nicky! Wake up!” My eyes opened up as I felt Jared climb onto my bed and start jumping on it.

“Jay, quit it,” I mumbled with my head glued to my pillow.

“But Nena! You have to wake up!” He continued to jump on my bed while Nick just laughed.

“Nick don’t encourage him.” Nick laughed again as he sat up in bed and huffed.

“What do you want Jay?” I sat up in bed and Jared finally stopped jumping up and down and looked at me.

“I have a surprise for you.”

“Really baby? And what is that?” Jared jumped off my bed and ran out of my room. “What a weird child.” Nick laughed.

“Anyways, good morning Jasmina.”

“Good morning Nicholas. Sleep well?”

“Extremely. I miss a real bed, unlike the hotel beds we’ve been sleeping on for the past two months.” I laughed.

“Knock, knock.” I looked at my door and saw Joe holding a tray with food on it. “Thought I’d give you breakfast in bed today.” Okay, I have to admit, even though Joe was a slime ball for what he did, this is really sweet.

“Wow, Joseph, this is really sweet of you.” Joe smiled as he walked over and placed the tray on the bed.

“Oh, Nick you want anything?”

“I’ll just snatch some of these bacon strips,” Nick said reaching over towards my plate. Joe bent over and smacked Nick’s hand. “Ow, what was that for?”

“That’s for Jasmina. If you want your own breakfast, just say something.” Nick rolled his eyes as he got out of my bed and opened the door to my balcony.

“At least it’s a nice day,” Nick said. “I’m going to head home, take a shower and see you later Jas?”

“Okay, I’ll see you later Nicky-lass.” Nick looked back at me and laughed.

“Anyways, eat up before it gets cold. I’ll see you in a few hours?” I started eating the food Joe served me.

“Why a few hours?” Joe laughed.

“Last time I checked, it still takes you two hours to take a shower and get ready.”

“I thought that was you.” Joe laughed as he waved and left my room.


“So, who’s ready to go to the carnival?” I pretty much shouted as I walked down the stairs and into my living room.

“We would have been gone by now if you didn’t have to take a shower,” Brian said. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

“Aw, look how cute you two look with your matching jerseys.” Brian looked at my dad, and sure enough they were both wearing Ronaldo jerseys.

“Well, my jersey is better.” My dad scoffed as he got up from the couch and into the kitchen.

“Everyone knows that jersey looks best on Cristiano Ronaldo. He’s the sexiest man ever!” My dad came back right when I said that and shook his head.

“Can we go before my breakfast comes up?” Everyone laughed except my dad of course. I grabbed Jared by his hand as we both walked out of the house and to my dad’s SUV.

“Mrs. J!” I happily walked over to where Mrs. Jonas was with Frankie. “Frank the Tank!” I messed his hair up as he smiled up at me.

“How are you doing sweetie?” Mrs. Jonas asked as she embraced me into a hug.

“I’m great, yourself?”

“Fantastic, thanks.”

“Hey Frankie, are you ready to have fun at the carnival?”

“Yes! Are you going to win me anything?” I laughed at how cute this kid is.

“Of course I will sweetie.”

“Yay!” Frankie ran over to where Joe and Kevin were. “Joe! Jasmina said she’s going to win me something!” Kevin and Joe both looked down at Frankie and laughed.

“Are you going to win me anything?” Joe shouted. I laughed as I just nodded my head and walked over towards my dad's car.


“Ahh! There’s a Ferris wheel! Let’s go on it!” Joe shouted as both of our families arrived at the fair. He reached for my hand as I put it in my pocket.

“Look Jay! Big teddy bears, you want one?” Jared looked up at me with his cute little smile and nodded. “Okay, let’s go.”

“Hey I want to get a teddy bear too,” Nick said running and joining us. I shook my head as Nick and I linked our arms and walked towards the area with the big teddy bears.

“And you call me immature.” Nick laughed.

“What? Maybe I wanted to give the bear to my mom.” I rolled my eyes as I helped Jared up. He wanted to throw the rings at the bottles. Surprisingly enough, he aimed well and won the bear himself. Unless the game is just that easy, seeing as Nick and I both won our own teddy bears.

“I have no room for something this big,” I complained as I held Jared’s hand and carried my big teddy bear in my other hand. “I mean why does it have to be so big?” Nick laughed as he carried his bear and Jared’s bear.

“Well, you didn’t have to win one I hope you know.”

“But I wanted a big bear.” Nick laughed again as we went to sit on a bench since we’ve been walking around for a good thirty minutes.

“Nena, I want daddy.”

“You want daddy?” Jared nodded. “You don’t like me anymore?”

“I do, but daddy buys me food.” I laughed.

“You want food?” He nodded his small head. “Okay, what do you want?”

“Jack in da Box.” I laughed.

“You want Jack in the Box? Why do you want that?”

“I like his cara. [Face] It's big.” Nick and I both laughed.

“Wow, you mean his head is big, not his face.”

“They’re both big,” Jared said while standing up and pulling me up. I sighed. I was being bossed around by a little five year old. I also had no idea where my dad was. I took my phone out of my pocket and called my dad. Knowing him, he probably wouldn’t pick up.


“Daddy, where are you?”

“Uh, by this big, tall wheel thing,” my dad said. I laughed.

“The Ferris Wheel?”

“Si, that’s it. Why?”

“Your son wants his daddy to take him to get Jack in the Box.” My dad laughed.

“Okay, so bring him over here.” I grunted as I heard the line click on the other line.

“Oh my God, Nicky, my dad just hung up on me.” Nick looked over at me and just laughed. “That is not funny, and for that I’ll be leaving you alone while I deliver this kid.”

“Aw, you’re leaving me all alone? Nick Jonas?” I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed a hold of Jared’s hand.

“You’ll survive.” I started walking towards the Ferris wheel and spotted my parents and the Jonas parents sitting down and talking.

“Here’s your kid daddy.” My dad looked up at me then at Jared.

“Darn, thought we got rid kids for the day.”

“Dad! That’s so rude.” He laughed.

“I’m just kidding mija. So, you’re hungry big guy?” Jared nodded. “Me too, let’s go get some food.”

“You’re leaving already?” My dad stood up and grabbed Jared’s hand.

“I’ll be back, you want anything?” I shook my head.

“Nah, I’ll see you later fatass.”

“Excuse me?” I flashed my dad an angelic smile.

“Love you!” I started running back to where I left Nick, but saw he was joined by Brian, Frankie and Joe.


“Jasmina!” Frankie stood up and ran towards me. I gave him a hug and lifted him off his feet.

“Hey, you want to go on a couple of rides with me?” Frankie nodded.

“Joe took me on every ride, but I want to go on them again!” I laughed as I placed Frankie back down on the ground.

“Okay, we can do that and then I’ll buy you some cotton candy, okay? Brian, do you want to join us?” Frankie smiled up at me and Brian nodded his head.

“I want cotton candy,” Nick complained.

“Well so do I, but you don’t see me complaining Nick.” Nick scoffed. “You did not just scoff at me Nicholas.”

“I believe I just did.” Nick curled his lips into a smirk which made me laugh.

“Okay, fine. We’re kind of over now.” I grabbed my teddy bear and gave Nick a wink. “Later Jonas boys.” I grabbed Frankie’s hand and led him over to one of the next ten rides we’d go on.

Joe’s P.O.V.

“So, what’s the deal with you two? She barely talks to me even after I apologized to her.” Nick looked over at me as if I were the dumbest guy on earth. “What?”

“Do you really think if you apologize five times she’d forgive you and take you back?”

“No. But, egh, never mind.”

“Where’s Kevin at?”

“He’s with his girlfriend. She is so happy all the time, it’s annoying.” Nick laughed.

“How’s she annoying?”

“She smiles way too much and she says ‘like’ ever five seconds.” Nick laughed again.

“Wow, Kevin sure picked a winner.” I leaned back in the bench and crossed my arms over my chest.

“Nobody even compares to Jas. Plus I am trying so hard to show her I’m not that inconsiderate jerk I was two months ago. I don’t think she cares though.”

“I’m not trying to tell you everything she says about you, which isn’t a lot, but I think she secretly still feels the same for you before this all happened.” I looked at Nick with a huge smile plastered on my face.

“Really? Are you serious? She talks about me? What does she say?”

“She doesn’t talk about you at all unless I bring you up. But last night we were talking and I personally think she’s still in love with you.”

“No way!” I shouted at Nick causing a bunch of people to look over at us.

“Omigod! Look it’s Nick and Joe Jonas!” some random girl shouted.

“Oops,” I said. Nick glared at me as we both stood up and started running away from the crazy mass of girls chasing after us. We ended up running into a bathroom.

“Good on Joe. Now there’s a bunch of girls waiting out there for us,” Nick said as he glared at me.

“Sorry! I didn’t realize I was being so loud,” I said. I felt really bad. Nick crossed his arms over his chest and finally reached into his pocket and took out his phone. He dialed a number and put his phone to his ear.

“Hey, what are you doing?” He laughed as the other person on the phone talked. He laughed again. “Yeah, I’m kind of trapped in a bathroom with your stupid ex-boyfriend.”

I looked at Nick and rolled my eyes as he laughed yet again.

“Yeah, can you come and tell everyone you saw us at another part of the park?” I heard a faint laugh on the other side of the line which made my heart skip a beat. Nick ended the call and put his phone back in his pocket.

“Well, she’s going to help us out.”

“Cool, so are we leaving this place or what?” Nick shrugged.

“I still want to go on the Ferris wheel before we leave.”

“Well so do I.”

“Yeah, but I bet you Jas doesn’t want to go with you.” I glared at Nick. I hated the fact that he wouldn’t shut up about how close him and Jas are; and how she doesn’t care about me whatsoever.

“Whatever Nick.” All of a sudden I heard the beautiful voice that makes my heart skip a beat and drives me crazy.

“Like oh my gosh! You guys! Did you know that the Jonas Brothers are here?” Jas shouted.

“We know! They’re probably in this bathroom!” Some girl shouted.

“No way! I just saw them over by the entrance just standing there. I think they’re waiting for a ride out of here or something.” All of a sudden I heard a bunch of squeals and the footsteps of the girls running out of the bathroom’s entrance.

“So, somebody call for an S.O.S?” Nick laughed. “Well, I think I just saved your lives. Those girls looked fierce,” Jas said walking in the bathroom without a care in the world.

“Jas, this is a boy’s bathroom,” Frankie said tugging at her arm.

“I know, but your brother’s are-” She paused as if thinking out her words, “Well, let’s just say they love attention.” Nick laughed as he went to Jas and hugged her.

“You’re my lifesaver.” Jas hugged him back as she laughed.

“I know. I’m awesome right?” She looked over at me for once. “Joe, they’re gone you don’t need to look as if you’ve seen a ghost or something.” I couldn’t move my mouth to make words come out. Every time I see Nick look or even touch Jas, I feel envious. I feel as if that should be me and not him.

“What? Oh right.” I realized how dumb I must have looked just standing there gaping at the two of them. “Hey Jas, you want to ride the Ferris wheel with me?”

“I guess so, but I thought you had a fear of heights.” I walked up to her and laughed.

“I don’t have a fear of heights, but maybe you do?” She laughed.

“Nope, I love heights. They are the best.” Nick laughed as he put his hand on Frankie’s head and led him out of the bathroom.

“Well, alrighty then. So, you ready for the best twenty minutes of you life?” Jas laughed as she put her arm around the small of my back; which made a million butterflies erupt in my stomach.

“I’ve been born ready. Now come on, I want to go on before the line gets any bigger.” She removed her hand from my back and grabbed my hand and started to pull me. We finally got in line and noticed everyone was in line except Kevin and Kelsey.

“Hey, you see Kevin’s girlfriend?” I asked. Jas looked back at me and laughed.

“No, why is she here?”

“Yeah, she and Kevin are somewhere around here.”

“I want to meet her!” I laughed as both stepped onto the Ferris wheel.

“Trust me; you don’t want to meet her.” Jas pouted.

“Is she pretty?”

“Not nearly as pretty as you are.” Even though there wasn’t a lot of sun left to fill up the sky, I noticed Jas blush the lightest shade of red.

“That was sweet Joe.” I smiled at her as the wheel began to move up.

“I have my moments.”

“Well, I love it when you’re sweet.” I kept on smiling. “Stay that way.”

“Hey, I’m a sweet guy.” She rolled her eyes. “What? I am?”

“Okay, you are. Like this morning with the whole breakfast thing, I totally loved it.”

“So, it’s a good thing?”

“Yeah, of course. Thanks again.”

“You’re welcome Jas. There’s more where that came from though. I really want to prove to you I’m a changed guy.”

“Okay, you do that, but don’t ruin the nice moment we’re having.” And the weirdest thing happened. She leaned closer to me as she rests her head on my shoulder allowing me to put my arm around her shoulder. Maybe if believed it strong enough, the last two months never really happened, and she was still my girl.

Well, a guy could dream right?