‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

Nick Took Your Place

“Psst, Jazziebear.” I kept looking at my phone. School was almost over, but I hadn’t been paying attention all day long. “Jasmina Gonzalez!” I heard Amanda calling me, but I was too into looking at my text Joe sent me last night. It had been the same text for the past two nights.

Good night JasCakes. Sleep tight and you'll be in my dreams since I'll be in yours. ;)

It was of course corny, but it was sweet of him to do that every night.

“Hello?” I snapped out of my trance and looked up at Amanda.

“Huh? Sorry, what did you say?” I asked.

“I was asking you what’s been with you lately.” I shut my phone and stuffed it in my pocket.

“What do you mean?”

“You okay lately? I mean you totally left on Saturday and I never saw you on Sunday.” I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, I told you it was a Nick and I day. We wanted to just chill by ourselves.” Amanda grinned widely.

“There something going on between the two of you?” She winked at me and flipped her hair.

“Of course not Amanda. Nick’s my best friend and that’s it.” She nodded her head.

“Okay, okay. I won’t say anything again. So, you talk to Joe? Did he talk about me at all?” I scoffed.


“Oh, that blows. You know he’s so cute. God, you’re lucky you know them personally.”

“Mhm.” I started ignoring whatever Amanda was saying. She had the nerve to ask about Joe when he clearly showed no interest after I left; well supposedly.

“Hey J.” I turned around and looked over at Luis who had his feet up on the chair to his left. “¿En qué va con usted y con ella?” [ What's going on with you and her?]

“What do you mean?” He rolled his eyes and put his feet down and leaned forward in his seat so he could whisper in my ear.

“She’s your best friend and you seem snappy towards her.”

“Well, between me and you ella y Joe coqueteaban.” [Her and Joe were flirting.]

“That’s it? I thought you two were over with.” I turned around and faced Luis.

“Yeah, well she needs to back off.” Luis smirked.

“You still like the Jonas boy don’t you?”

“Miranda, Gonzalez, is there something you two need to share with the class?” I turned around and saw my teacher, Mr. Shade glaring at us.

“No, I needed to borrow his pen,” I lied. Luis snickered behind me.

“Qué pluma? I don’t bring anything to school.” [What pen?] Mr. Shade rolled his eyes and went back to teaching about something that happened 20 billion years ago. Like any of us cared.

Finally the bell rang and I threw everything in my bag.

“So, what are you two going to do?” Amanda asked as we all put our stuff in our lockers. Luis was coming over, but I didn’t really want Amanda to come over.

“I got to pick up Brian and Jared from school,” I lied.

“Ew, I’ll just call up Joe or something, maybe we can do a little something.” She winked at me.

“You have his number?” I asked.

“Yeah, he gave it to me.”

“Okay, fun. Anyways, I’ll see you later?” I closed my locker and started walking towards the parking lot with Luis.

“Wow, I never imagined you two fighting.”

“We’re not fighting. She just keeps saying Joe’s name, and it’s getting on my nerves.” Luis laughed again as I hit his arm.

“So how are you two doing?” We got to the back parking lot and I got in the car leaving Luis outside. “Hello? Aren’t you letting me in?” He knocked on the window and I unlocked the car. “Rude much?” I shook my head and started the car.

“Well, you never answered my question. How are you and Joseph doing?” I shrugged. “That’s a great answer Jas.”

“What do you want me to say? We’re not fully good, but he is trying.”

“How cute, he’s trying to impress you all over again. Can I hurl in here?” I socked Luis in his arm. “So, what did you do yesterday? I went to your house and nobody was home! I wanted to cry right then and there on your doorstep.”

“You’re an idiot sometimes. We went to the carnival that was opened for the weekend.”

“And you didn’t think of taking me? Jasmina Gonzalez, I am extremely hurt. I thought you and I were best buddies!”

“Not anymore, Nick took your place two and a half months ago.”

“This is war then.” Luis turned on the radio and blasted some old school Spanish songs.

“Luis, lower that crap.” He did as I said and within a few minutes, we arrived at my house.

“What’s with you and the music?”

“Nothing, I’d rather listen to something else that’s all.” I opened my door and closed it shut. “Woo nobody’s home!”

“Nice, let’s go make babies or something.” I shot the dirtiest look I could muster up at Luis. “I was kidding.”

“Whatever Miranda.” I opened my front door and threw my bag at the bottom of the stairs. “So, what do you want to eat?” Luis went into my refrigerator and looked around.

“All I see is yogurt, beans, more beans, ooh what’s this?” He took out a container and showed it to me.

“I don’t know. I think that’s leftover gallina.”

“You guys eat hen too?” I took the container out of his hands.

“Dur, it is so much better than chicken.”

“That is so true. So can I have some?” I opened the container and looked. It was just enough for two people.

“Sure, get some beans and tortillas out.” Luis went into the fridge and took out a bunch of tortillas and a tubawear of beans.

“Got enough beans in this house?” I snatched the beans and tortillas out of his hands and put them on the counter.

“Hey, you see your house? Your mom just made a fresh batch of beans last Thursday. I bet you the beans are gone with you in the house.”

“They’re almost gone, which is why I’m jealous you still have a bunch.” I grabbed two plates from the cupboard and set them. I put an even amount of food on each plate and put one plate in the microwave.

“So where are your boys?” The microwave beeped and I took out one plate and put another one in.

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen them since last night. Well, I never saw Kevin; he was with his girl all night.”

“What?! Kevin has a girlfriend?”

“Luis, shut up. You and Kevin will never happen.”

“Well fine. Joe’s still single right?” I laughed as I took my plate out of the microwave and put it on the counter.

“What do you want to drink sir?”

“Got beer?” I glared at him and took out Apple Juice instead. “I’m kidding.” I pulled out two cups and put them next to our food. “Yay food.”

“I swear, everyone always comes here to eat.” I began eating my food and then I heard my doorbell ring. “Ugh are you serious? Luis get it.” Luis was in the middle of chewing when he looked up at me.

“What?” He swallowed what was in his mouth. “It’s your house.” I rolled my eyes. I hated when people came over especially when I was eating. I got up from my seat and walked to my front door.

“Are you serious?” I swallowed the tortilla I was chewing on and walked away. “You know the door is open.” I walked back towards the kitchen and went back to eating.

“Am I interrupting something?” Kevin asked.


“Hey Luis, what’s up?”

“Kevin! How are you?”

“Great and yourself?”

“Awesome, you want food?” Kevin sat down next to me and looked at what we were eating. “You can eat Jasmina’s food.”

“Kevin, as much as I love you, you can’t eat my food. It’s mine.”

“Greedy much?” Kevin asked. I nodded my head and continued to eat my food. “Anyways, I just ate, but felt like coming over to say hi.”

“Kevin, why didn’t you tell me Kelsey was coming yesterday?”

“Must have slipped my mind.”

“Whatever Paul.”

“Who’s Paul?”

“And I thought you were a fan Luis.”

“Just for that, I’m stealing your tortillas.” Luis reached over and snatched my tortillas.

“Like I care, I was getting full anyways.” Kevin leaned over and starting picking at my plate. “Okay, now that’s just rude.”

“Is that chicken?”

“No it’s hen.”

“Is it better than chicken?” Kevin asked picking up a piece.

“Way better!” Luis and I said at the same time. Kevin put it in his mouth.

“Wow, this is good. Can I eat the rest?”

“Go ahead; you clean up the plate too.” I got off the stool and switched my sitting position to the couch. I decided to lie down; that is until the doorbell rang again. “Ugh, someone get that.”

Nobody moved from the kitchen, so I grumbled again.

“It’s open!” I yelled.

“Jas, Jas!” Joe closed the door shut. “Guess what!” I was still lying on the couch.

“What Joe?”

“Hi!” I laughed.

“Hello Joseph.”

“What are you doing?”

“Trying to take a nap.” I felt him sit at the end of the couch by my feet.

“Why on the couch? Want me to take you up to your room?”

“Nah, it’s comfy here.”

“Okay. Anyways, I’m really, really bored.” I laughed again.

“Okay, what am I supposed to do about that?”

“I don’t know, I just wanted to tell you. How was school? Amanda keeps calling me, can you tell her to stop?” I laughed.

“You tell her Joseph. At school she wouldn’t shut up about calling you. I seriously wanted to push her down a flight of stairs or something.” Joe laughed.

“Aw, are you jealous?” I sat up and looked him square in the eye.

“Of who, you?” I scoffed. “Please, I’m just tired of hearing her talk about her precious Joseph.”

“Okay then.” Joe sighed. “I’m bored, are you busy?”

“Not really. I’m kind of just sitting around, why?”

“Want to go to the park?”

“Can I push you off the slide?”

“Uh, no.” I laughed as I stood up.

“Fine, let’s go. Hold on though.”

“To what?” I rolled my eyes as I walked to the kitchen.

“Guys, I’m going to the park with Joseph. You can come if you want.”

“Oooh, with Joseph huh? What are you two going to do there?” Luis asked.

“Wow Luis, just wow. I’ll see you later.” I walked back out to the living room and grabbed my sunglasses or somebody’s sunglasses and put them on my face.

“Ready Freddy?”

“I’m Joe.” I was going to say something but stopped myself.

“Okay, let’s go.” I walked out of my house and up towards the park.

“Are those my sunglasses?” Joe asked.

“I don’t know, I thought if they weren’t my sunglasses that maybe they were Nick’s.”

“Those are definitely mine.”

“Fine, you want them back?”

“Nah, keep them for now.”

“Woo, thanks amigo. Hey look at that, free swings!” Joe and I looked over at each other and dashed towards the swings. “Woo and I got the better swing!”

“No fair, you pushed for that.”

“Did not Joseph Poseph. I won this swing fair and square.” I stuck out my tongue at him and he just laughed.

“What did I tell you about sticking out your tongue at people?”

“But it’s just you and you promised you’d give me yours.”

“You still remember that?” Joe asked while sitting on the low swing.

“Course I do.”

“That made my day.”

“Cool?” Joe laughed as he tried to swing but got tired of keeping his feet off the ground.

“This is lame, can we switch?”

“Why? I’m only like four inches shorter than you.”

“That’s almost half a foot!”

“Wow, you know your math. Congratulations Jonas.”

“Ha ha, very funny.” I stood up and walked toward the tire swing.

“This swing is much better.” I sat inside the wheel and leaned back, hoping I’d move.

“Need a push?”

“Kind of.” Joe sighed and walked towards the tire swing. “Hey you offered buddy.” Joe laughed as he held on to one of the chains and started walking around in a circle.

“Want to go faster?”

“Yeah, this is slower than a merry-go-round.” Joe laughed as he started pushing the swing instead of walking in circles.

“If you fall off, it’s not my fault.”

“Keep it going Jonas, I won’t fall.” Joe kept on pushing the tire swing and I felt myself almost falling over, but held on to the chain as tightly as I could. “Okay, okay stop Joe!” Joe laughed and stepped away from the swing before giving it a final push.

“Getting dizzy?” Joe asked with his arms crossed over his chest. I quickly shut my eyes but couldn’t stop laughing at how dizzy I felt.

“This was the best idea I had all day,” I said. Joe laughed and I felt the tire swing come to an abrupt stop.

“Well, if you were holding on any tighter your face would have become quiet friendly with the tanbark.” I opened my eyes and saw Joe grinning down at me.

“Did I ever tell you when I fell on the tanbark once? That wasn’t very cool, but I couldn’t stop laughing.” I held on to the chain and got off the tire. I tried walking, but found myself nearly falling.

“Whoa now.” Joe held on to my upper body to keep me from falling, “You good?”

“Haa. That reminds me of that one commerical I saw for Comcast. You know the one where that black dude’s on the bike and everyone’s like ‘Hey money’!” Joe kept a hold of my shoulders and stared at me like I was crazy.

“How does money have anything to do with what I just said?”

“Well, at the end he’s like ‘What it is brah? You straight?’ And that reminded me of ‘you good’. Yeah, never mind that made no sense.” Joe laughed.

“Wow Jas and you call me stupid?”

“Hey, my brain hurts and I can’t think at the moment.” I lightly pushed Joe’s arms off of me and sat on the tanbark. “This is so much better.” Joe looked down at me and shook his head.

“I would sit down, but these jeans are a little tight today.” I let my head roll back and I laughed.

“When are your jeans not tight?” Joe laughed.

“They’re not always tight.” I laughed again. “Look at your skinny jeans, those are almost skin tight.”

“Nu uh, plus I am a girl Joey Poey. I can wear tight jeans all I want.” I stood up since I didn’t feel dizzy anymore. “Ugh, my head still hurts.”

“What am I supposed to do about that?” I shrugged.

“Kiss it and make it better. My mommy always does that.”

“Well, she’s your mommy; you really want me to kiss your forehead.” I nodded. Joe laughed as he walked towards me and put my head between his hands. He leaned forward and gave me a kiss on my forehead. “All better?”

“It’s still there.”

“Then let’s go home and take some Advil or something.”

“You sound like my dad. Advil is his solution to everything.” Joe laughed as he started walking away from me. “Hey, I was in the middle of telling you something.” I walked after Joe and tugged on his ¾ shirt.

“Sorry I thought you were right behind me.” I scoffed as we continued walking home. For some weird reason, Joe and I walking together wasn’t one bit awkward. I was actually enjoying spending time with Joe again.

“So, what’s for dinner tonight?”

“Wow, I don’t even think my parents are coming home until late anyways.”

“So, we got to fend for ourselves?” Joe put on a sad face.

“You have your own mom to cook for you silly.”

“Oh yeah. Lucky me, but sucks for you.”

“Then it’s my turn to come over for dinner, okay?”

“Gee, way to go just inviting yourself to our house Jas.”

“You guys are always inviting yourself to my house, so it is payback time Jonas.”

“Fine, you can come over, but you’re not sleeping over.”

“Fine, I have school tomorrow anyways.”

“Well, tell Nick that when he asks; which I am pretty sure he will.” I laughed as we reached my front door and I opened it up.


“This is your house, you know that right?”

“Yes?” Nick came from the kitchen and into the living room.

“I knew he’d be here. Come give me a hug!” Nick laughed as he walked over and gave me a hug.

“Jazziebear how’s my pumpy-umpy gumdrop?” I laughed.

“Awesome and yourself?”



“I know, isn’t it super?”

“And now I have that headache,” Joe said walking into the kitchen. I went and fell onto the couch.

“Nick, I’m bored.” Nick laughed as he came over and sat down next to me.

“Didn’t you just come home?”

“So? I’m bored again. How was your day?”



“Hey Jas.” I looked up and saw Luis eating ice cream. “Shut up.” I gasped as him.

“Stop eating my food you big fat meany.”

“It was Kevin’s idea.”

“Paul Kevin Jonas the second, stop eating my food!” I yelled.

“But it’s so tasty,” Kevin yelled back, “Jasmina Annabelle Gonzalez!” I laughed.



“I loathe your brother.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, I think this is the longest one I've ever written. So, sorry if it sucks ... it's almost 1am, and my brain is crying for some sleep. :)