‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

Frankie's Hot Older Brother

“Now you hate Kevin?” I nodded.

“Just a little, not a lot though.” Nick laughed.

“Pretty soon you’re going to hate me,” Nick said.

“Nu uh, I would never hate you.”

“Okay, if you say so.” Joe sighed loudly as he sat on the couch next to me.

“I’m bored Nick,” Joe said, “Fix it.”

“Fix it yourself.”

“I can’t which is why I’m asking you to.” Nick looked at me and had a ‘What-the-hell’ look on his face and I just shrugged my shoulders. My stomach started grumbling; loudly I may add which made Nick and Joe look at me and laugh.

“What, I’m starved.”

“I told you let’s go home! I bet you mommy finished cooking dinner already!”

“Joe, I told you stop screaming. I’m sitting right next to you.”

“I’m not screaming though!”

“All of your sentences are ending with exclamation points, not periods.”

“How do you know? Is there a word bubble on top of my head or something?”

“No, but you’re ending all of your sentences really excitedly.”

“I don’t get it,” Joe said scratching the top of his head.

“Never mind.” I stood up and walked into the kitchen where Kevin and Luis were both eating out of a carton of ice cream. “Excuse you.” They both looked up at me.

“Yes Jazzie Poo?” Luis asked looking in my direction.

“Now you’re finishing up my ice cream? I expected this from Luis, but not you Kevin.” Kevin put his spoon down.

“It was his idea, don’t hit me!” I laughed.

“You think I’m going to hit you? I’m just going to go to your house and eat all of your Rocky Road ice cream. Then I’m going to go to your bathroom and steal all of your shampoos. This will force you to go out and get more which I’ll steal.” I crossed my arms satisfied and looked at Kevin. He stood there with a dumbfounded face, which quickly turned into a smile.

“Okay, you do that. I’ll just steal more of your stuff.”

“You’re so mean Kevin. What did I ever do to you?” I asked putting on a fake upset act.

“What haven’t you done?” Kevin laughed and I looked at him confused. “Never mind, that made no sense.” Luis did a loud guffaw which made me throw Kevin’s spoon at him.

“Hey can’t get emotional.”

“Hey Luis, shut the hell up.”

“Yes sir!”

“So, anyways, Kevin.”

“Yes, Jas?”

“Your mom home?”

“Probably is, why do you ask?”

“Because I’m going to run over to your house and steal your food before you come home.” I turned around and ran out of the kitchen. I heard Kevin say yell ‘Hey’, as I reached the front door and ran out of it. I heard Kevin coming close but as I reached his house, I noticed he was only just leaving my house. I went over to the side window which led into the basement and crawled in there. I ran up the stairs and entered the Jonas kitchen.

“Hi Mrs. Jonas, how’s it going?” She turned around and smiled at me.

“Jasmina, sweetie, how are you?” She walked over and gave me a hug.

“Fantastic, smells good it here. Do you need any assistance?”

“Thank you, but no, Frankie’s been helping me all day and I’m almost done. Where did you come from, the basement?” I nodded. I saw Kevin run into the kitchen and looked at his mother and me.

“Why hello there Kevin,” I said with a grin on my face.

“Could you explain to me why we ran here? And why you came into my house through the side window?” I laughed.

“Actually, I don’t even know why I ran here. I wanted to see if you I could confuse you, which I did. Plus, I beat you and ate the food.”

“Very funny, I’m not gullible enough to believe that like Joe.” I laughed.

“Well, it was worth a try.” I reached up towards Kevin’s curly hair and messed it up. I walked out of the kitchen and walked towards the staircase.

“You know how long it took me to fix my hair this morning?” Kevin complained as he followed me upstairs.

“Aw, were you trying to look pretty for Kelsey or something? That’s so cute Kevin.” I heard Kevin grumble as he made his way to his room and I went into Frankie and Nick’s room.

“Frankie! What are you doing?” I went in the room and sat on the floor across from Frankie who was playing with Lego’s.

“Playing with my Legos. Want to help me build something?” I smiled.

“Of course I want to help you build something, what do you have in mind?” Frankie shrugged. “Okay, you want to make a boat or something?”

“No, this is boring now. Want to play with my Care Bears?” Frankie left the Lego’s all over his floor and went to grab one of his Care Bears. “This is my favorite and only me and you can touch it.” I laughed.

“Thanks Frankie, you’re sweet.” He handed me his bear and I held it in my arms.

“I’ll be right back; Joe has ‘funner’ toys.” He ran out of his room and to Joe’s room, I guess. I continued sitting on the floor with Frankie’s bear, but I became bored – fast. I placed the bear back in his original position and left his room. I heard a guitar being plucked – badly at that. I went into Kevin and Joe’s room and saw Kevin laughing while Frankie played with a guitar.

“Hey Frank, you play guitar?” Frankie nodded.

“I’m in a band you know.” I laughed as I sat next to Kevin.

“I can’t wait to see Joe’s reaction when he notices this.”

“Kevin, you’re mean. Do you want poor Frankie to get yelled at?”

“Well, after Joe yells at Frankie, mom and dad yell at Joe. This’ll be funnier.” I laughed.

“Wow, you’re such a mean brother Kevin.”

“You’re not the best sister either.” I laughed.

“Okay, we’re both great older siblings.”

“That’s what I thought you said earlier.”

“Frankie! Clean this up!” I heard Nick yell from across the hall.

“Aw poor Frankie. He’s going to be yelled by Nick and Joe?” I went across the hall back to Nick’s room and saw him standing there with his arms crossed.

“Nick grow up and pick it up yourself.”

“But he made the mess.” I grumbled and bent down to clean up the floor.

“You remind me of Joe sometimes, just chill out.” Nick laughed as he helped me pick up the Lego pieces and placed them in the container.

“Ahh! Frankie stop!” Joe yelled. Nick laughed.

“What’s he doing now?”

“He’s in Joe and Kevin’s room messing with Joe’s guitar.” Nick laughed again as he put back the container on a shelf.

“See I told him to never touch my guitars, especially the one you gave me. That is the reason why I keep it in my bed with me.” I laughed.

“Wow Nick, I have no comment for that.” Nick laughed. I heard Kevin’s contagious, hilarious laugh walking towards Nick’s room.

“You should have seen Joe’s face! He almost dropped the bowl he was holding and then he shoved it to me and pulled the guitar from Frankie. Hilarious!” Nick and I both looked at Kevin and laughed.


“Hey just five minutes ago you said I’m a great older brother.”

“Uh huh sure.” I walked out of Nick’s room and back into Joe and Kevin’s room where it was now unoccupied. I plopped on Joe’s bed and felt like taking a nap, but I didn’t feel tired. I saw a notebook on his dresser and thought about reading it, but I didn’t feel like reading his personal things. I put my head down on his pillow. I wondered what was in that notebook, but tried putting that in the back of my mind.

“Hey, I thought I said no sleeping over,” Joe said as he ran into his room and jumped onto his bed; nearly squishing me in the process.

“I’m not sleeping over. I got bored so I came in here to try to take a nap. And don’t yell at Frankie.”

“I, but he was, ugh, you don’t understand that guitar is my life.”

“Too bad, he’s a little kid and doesn’t know better.”

“Okay, then tell me why it is okay for you to yell at Brian for every little thing he does.”

“Brian is a brat, Joseph. Plus Frankie is cute.”

“Frankie is cute, but he’s got an even hotter older brother.”

“Yeah, Nick’s pretty hot. He sure grew up.”

“I mean me.” I laughed.

“Okay Joseph, stop being conceited.” Joe rolled over and faced me.

“I’m not conceited, if you think I am, you’re pretty damn conceited yourself.” I gasped.

“Did you just say damn? Joseph Jonas, I didn’t know you swore.”

“That wasn’t a swear word.” I laughed.

“Okay, whatever.” I sat up and pulled my hair back. “Man, I feel like drinking a milkshake for some reason.”

“Me too! Want to get one later?” I laughed.

“I would but I have school tomorrow.” Joe sat up as well.

“What does that have to do with anything? We can make it ourselves.”

“But I wanted to leave the house at one in the morning and drive to Wendy’s,” I replied. Joe laughed.

“Okay, Friday night let’s do it! Me and you, okay?” I laughed.

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Yay, we have plans!” I laughed again.

“Who has plans?” Nick asked.

“Me and her and no you!” Joe said.

“Fine, I was just asking. And Mom says dinner is ready.”

“Yay, food!” Joe exclaimed as he got off his bed. I beat him to the door by standing on his bed, jumping off of it and running down the hall towards the kitchen.

“No fair Jasmina! You can’t run in my house!” I heard Joe yelling from his room. I walked into the dining room where everyone was except Nick and Joe.

“This all looks delicious Mrs. J.” I said as I sat down next to Kevin.

“Thank you Jasmina, eat as much as you want.”

“And leave nothing for me?” Joe said as he walked into the dining room and sat next to Frankie.

“There’s plenty of food Joseph.”

“Not when you have Jas and me at the same table. This food is going to be all gone.” I laughed.

“That’s such a lie, you know I don’t eat that much.” Kevin, Joe and Nick all laughed in unison. “Okay, fine, don’t believe me.” I started serving myself since Joe had already started taking almost everything in his sight.


“Well, I guess I should be going now. Stupid school.”

“No, don’t leave yet. Forget school, drop out like me,” Joe said. I laughed.

“You dropped out? You’re such a liar.”

“Okay, fine, I didn’t exactly drop out. But take one of those sick days.” I laughed again.

“It’s Tuesday, I can manage. I’ll just see you guys tomorrow, okay?”

“No,” Joe said extending his O’s, “Stay for another hour, it’s only 8.”

“I still have to take a shower and make myself smell good for tomorrow.”

“Do that in the morning Jas, you can manage by getting up an extra fifteen minutes early.” I stared at Joe.

“You’re the one to take your own advice. Who’s always the last one up and the last one out the door?”

“Uh, you?”

“Nope, you Joseph.”

“Same with you Jasmina.”

“Okay, you got me,” I sighed, “Fine, I’ll stay another hour, but what are we going to do for an hour?”

“It’s party time!” Joe yelled. “No? Fine, we can read to each other Frankie’s books. I love reading Frankie’s books, they’re so easy.” I laughed.

“You have the brain of a third grader still?” Joe nodded his head. “Aw, that’s kind of cute, kinda.

“I told you I’m cute, you just don’t believe me.” I scoffed. “What?”

“Nothing.” I got up from the couch and went towards Kevin and Joe’s room. I went straight to Joe’s bed and put my face down on his pillow. I loved the way his pillow smelt, but I think I am spending way too much time with him.

“Enjoying yourself?” Joe asked.

“Sure, why not.” Joe plopped on his bed and grabbed his other pillow and put his head down on it. “Well, this is sure fun.”

“Isn’t it?” Joe mumbled into his pillow.

“Where’s this party you promised?”

“I promised a party? When was this?” I scoffed.

“Never mind Joseph.”

“Hey, did you touch my notebook?”

“Why would I touch anything of yours?”

“I was just wondering. I talk a lot about you in here, wouldn’t want you to read that.” I laughed.

“Ooh, does Joseph Jonas write in a diary? That’s so girly!”

“It’s not a diary, and it’s not girly. It’s a journal where I write lyrics and what I did that day.” I laughed again. “What don’t tell me you don’t have a diary.”

“I don’t, I’m too cool for one.” Joe scoffed this time.

“I’m buying you one and you will use it. It’s going to be pink and fluffy with little kitties on the cover.”

“Ew Joe! You know I hate cats; let alone anything fluffy.” Joe laughed.

“Fine, but it’ll still be pink. Maybe they sell Jonas Brothers diaries. I’ll buy you one with my face plastered on the front.” I laughed again.

“You’re such a loser sometimes.”

“But I still make you laugh, am I right?”

“Sure, believe that if you want.”

“Hey, can I ask you a question?” I turned my head so I faced Joe who was lying on his back.

“Go ahead.”

“If I wrote you a song, would you throw it out?”

“Depends on my mood, the way you were acting that day and if the song’s any good.” Joe laughed.

“Okay, how was I acting today?”

“Like a normal, funny human being. The old you that I kind of miss,” I replied as I lowered my tone with the last few words.

“Well, I wrote you this one song, but I don’t know if I want to show it to you.”

“Show it, I’m pretty interested.” Joe sat up and went into his closet to pull out his acoustic guitar.

“Promise you won’t laugh?” I laughed as Joe looked at me with his eyebrow raised.

“Okay, okay. I won’t laugh. Play it, please?” Joe started strumming his guitar.

“She was all I ever wanted
She was all I ever needed and more
She walked out my door
Then she went away
Left my heart in two
Left me standing here
Singing all these blues, yeah.

You left without a single word
Not even sorry
It might've hurt worse to hear you say
I'm leaving, goodbye
But your smile still makes my heart sing
Another sad song
I can't forget it
I won't regret it
Cause I'm still in love with you”

“Okay, I don’t want to finish it; you’ll think I’m lame,” Joe said placing his guitar back on the bed.

“No, go on. It’s good so far.” I only heard a good minute of this song, but I was falling head over heels for Joseph Jonas, again.

“We had fun under the sun
And when winter came she'd be my angel
We were so in love
Then she went away
Left my heart in two
Left me standing here
Singing all these blues, yeah

You left without a single word
Not even sorry
It might've hurt worse to hear you say
I'm leaving, goodbye
But your smile still makes my heart sing
Another sad song
I can't forget it
I won't regret it
Cause I'm still in love with you
Still in love with you”

“Well, it basically repeats, so yeah. There’s your song for you.” I was in some sort of shock that I couldn’t even open my mouth to say anything to him. “Yeah, I know it sucks, sorry if you hate it.”

“Hate it?” Joe nodded. “Joe, that was sweet of you. I loved every word.” Joe beamed as he put his guitar back on his bed.

“Seriously? You’re not just saying that to be nice?”

“Would I lie to you?”

“I don’t know, would you?” Joe grinned, “I’m kidding, and of course you wouldn’t.”

“Anyways, I think I should head home now. See you tomorrow?”

“Of course, but I’m probably going to call you tonight to bother you before you go to sleep.”

“Wow Joe, you’re cool.” We both got off his bed and started walking down the hall.

“Bye Nicky!” I walked behind Nick who was on the computer and gave him a hug. “See you manana!”

“Bye Jasmina!”

“Later, give Kevin and Frankie a hug for me, okay?” Nick nodded as I turned around and walked towards the front door.

“Hey, you mind if I walk you home?” Joe asked.

“Even though it’s next door, I wouldn’t mind the company for a good twenty seconds.” We both walked out the front door and down his porch and to my house. I looked back at Joe’s house and noticed Nick at the window laughing.

“Wow, Nick’s such a loser.” Joe turned around and saw Nick at the window waving.

“Well, I’m ashamed to call him my brother.” We both laughed as we walked towards my front porch.

“Thanks for the walk,” I said as I held onto my door handle, “See you tomorrow?”

“Yeah, good night Gonzo, sleep tight.”

“Same to you Jonas, and don’t forget to dream about me.” Joe laughed as I opened my front door.

“Wait.” I turned and he placed a quick peck on my cheek, “Good night.” He put his hands in his pockets and proceeded back to his house and what did I do? I continued to stand there like an idiot touching the place where his lips were just at.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that "Still In Love With You" is in their second album, but it fits, 'kay? :D

Oh and sorry for the really late update, this weeks been pretty busy for me, but I'll try to get another one up this weekend. Comments appreciated! :)