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The Fighting Chance ~Holiday Love Series~


For many the day was just beginning, but for me it felt like the days were ending. Although it was sunny today, it couldn't brighten my gloomy day for this was the last day I could see my mom before she disappeared into the ground. Cancer was the culprit that killed her but it would never pay for it's crime. Even the flowers drooped their heads from the sorrow in the air.

As a man, I didn't want to shed a tear but yet I couldn't hide the sadness from my face. Finally, I came face to face with my mom. Her eyes were shut and her hands were entwined over her chest. She was finally at peace and no longer in pain. That was the only good ending here. No one else was at her funeral because she had no family. Her parents didn't even show. I never even met them and my mom refused to tell me anything about them. She kept saying they were dead so I grew to accept what she said as the truth seeing I couldn't prove she was lying. A deep sigh escaped my lips before I took two steps back getting one last look at my mom and than walking away.

Even though I couldn't bare anymore sorrow today, I still went to the hospital. "Any news?" The doctor looked at me and shook slowly his head once for the hundredth time.

"You're father is still in a coma," he said. My heart dropped and my jaw clenched as I stared down the doctor.

"There's got to be something you can do," I stated doing my best not to yell at the doctor. I had just lost my mother from cancer not too long ago. I couldn't lose my father too. My hands clenched into fists as my nails digged into my palm. I ignored the slight pain. The sad feeling was fading but only to be replaced with anger. It wasn't fair. I was only twenty-five. I couldn't handle losing both my parents.

"I'm sorry Cole. We are doing the best we can." My fist made contact with the wall and the doctor closed his eyes as if he was surprised by my actions. I quickly walked around him and got on the elevator. My eyes closed as I leaned my head on the wall.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed which made me open my eyes quickly. The lights flickered off and on before they completely shut off. Than the elevator came to an abrupt stop almost making me fall on to the ground, but I caught my balance again. I looked around and groaned. Stupid hospital. With all the money they make they should be able to keep the building up.

I stood up. Out of no where, a shadow appears next to me. "What the fuck?" I didn't make a move and watched as this shadow turned into a man. "Who the hell are you?" I say this while narrowing my eyes figuring my eyes are playing some trickery on me. The guy quickly looked at me. "I must be dreaming." It was the only logic information.

He flashed me a chagrin. "I'm your uncle. Voluptos's brother,
Latrevo." No amount of words couldn't describe how much I thought the guy was crazy.

"My mom's name isn't Voluptos. You must have the wrong person."

"My bad," Latrevo said rolling his eyes. "She goes by her Earth name, Amiya. Same thing." I still had no clue what he was talking about and what he wanted. I just wanted the elevator to start up again so I could go home. "I see your mom didn't tell you anything about who she was really."

"Nope and I would like to keep it that way if you don't mind," I said pushing a button hoping it would spark the elevator back to life. I wanted to hear nothing he had to say. Even if he could prove she lied, what person wanted to learn that your family was built on a lie? The elevator remained dead. I leaned against the wall.

"Well," he began ignoring what I had just said. "I hate to break it to you kid. Your mom was Cupid." I snorted. Did he expect me to buy that? Cupid was no more than a legend people told each other so they still had hope that there was someone out there for them. "For real. She was the daughter of Cupid. When she became of age, Cupid decided to retire and give his abilities up to your mom since I refused to be next in line. The only problem is our dad is a hypocrite. He made a rule that he broke when he was younger. No marriage. Remain a virgin for the rest of her life. Now that I think about it he may have been just trying to keep her his little girl forever." I looked at my so called uncle who crossed his arms as if considering the possible thought.

"Um. OK. Thanks for the story."

"It's not a story for one and for two I'm not done." Of course he wasn't done. "Anyway so one day she was doing a pairing when she hit herself with her magic."

"You mean with an arrow," I said rolling my eyes. I had heard the story of Cupid and Psyche. Frankly, hitting people with arrows would kill them. Any idiot would know that. So the whole arrow and bow thing was full of bullshit. Plus it sounded like history just repeated itself.

"No. We are like the witches you humans made up. We use magic. The magic only makes you see your soulmate and makes falling in love easier."

"Uh huh." I crossed my arms and looked at the doors awaiting for the power to kick back on.

"Something tells me you aren't taking me seriously."

"What makes you say that uncle."

He was glaring at me and was now full on angry at me. I could see him on the corner of my eye. I just pretended not to give him any attention. "Listen. Bottom story is your mom gave up immortality for love so that's why you are mortal. Cupid saw how much love means to you so he is given your family another chance. You can be Cupid."

"And why would I do that? You already pointed out being Cupid sucks. After all, if it was like winning the lottery, you'd be Cupid yourself and wouldn't have even asked me." He looked ready to strangle me and, to add the topping to the cake, I smirked.

"Because if you become Cupid again you and your dad will become immortal and it will not only save your dad from dying but also wake him up from his coma." I looked at him. He had my full on attention now.

"Well how do I know you aren't lying to me and this isn't some prank that's going to waste my time?"

He reached into my top shirt pocket before I could stop him and withdrew the folded up letter and shoved it into my hands. "Read the letter your mother wrote for goodness sake. I'm sick of explaining stuff to you."

I looked at him while I unfolded the letter than slowly let my eyes drop down to the letter. I hadn't wanted to read it yet because I didn't want my heart to be broken into pieces knowing I would never hear her sweet voice again. Her handwriting even caught my heart because no one wrote like her. She was an angel at everything she did and no one could beat her.

Dear Cole,

Time has won. There was so many things I wanted to tell you. I know it may not be fair that you have gone twenty-five years thinking you know who you are and now I'm telling you different but I think it's about time you learn whom you are truly. Just keep an open mind or you will never believe what I am about to tell you.

For starters my name isn't Amiya. It's my Earth name. My true name is Voluptos. I come from heaven. My parents are Cupid and Psyche and my older brother is Latrevo. We were the only real family in the skies. By the time I was old enough to understand what was going on, everyone had stopped having children.

The years went by and my father got older. He couldn't handle it anymore. When Latrevo reached eighteen he asked him to be the new Cupid, but he refused. He was ashamed of my brother from than on because my brother wanted to live in between the rules. So a few years later when I hit eighteen and he asked me the same question, I couldn't say no.

Everyday I would help a person find their soulmate. It just didn't seem right to me. Especially when I met your father. I was so nervous that I wasn't focused. I cast my magic but only for it to bounce onto me.

I quickly went home and told dad I had found the love of my life and I was going to marry him. Your grandfather refused to accept it though. I went against his wishes and use my magic to open your father's eyes and we got married. Soon after, I was pulled back to heaven where my dad read me my charges than ripped me of my immortality and my powers.

He went back to being Cupid and I went on with my life. Neither of us mentioned the other. That is until I got pregnant with you. I told your father everything and he still accepted me with open arms. I can't tell you what love is and you probably think you know it. Even as Cupid, I thought I knew. But I didn't. You will need to learn that on your own like I did. I wish I could have lived long enough to see you fall in love but sadly I am gone. Just promise you won't let anything get in your way of your true love.

Please don't hold this against your father. I made him promise not to tell you and to let me tell you on my own time. If you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at me. Either way you still are my ray of sunshine.

Love always,


I didn't know what to say. The breath from me felt like it had left my body as I looked up at my uncle. She lied to me. But she chose mortality over immortality. Now it was my turn to return the favor and save my dad. "OK I'll be Cupid. But it's to save my dad."

"First you must pass the test. You are Cupid, but you aren't immortal yet. You must pair this girl. Her name is Louise." A hologram of a girl walking appeared as he handed me a piece paper. I looked down at it to realize it had two addresses. One labeled work and the labeled home. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it was the girl's. I felt like a stalker. Guess it was in the job description. My attention wandered back to my uncle. "You have until Valentine's day to pair her up with her soulmate."

"Alright," I said nodding and slipping the paper in my pocket with my mom's letter.

"Let the games began," my uncle chuckled. He disappeared into thin air and my heart raced as the lights came back on and the elevator started moving again.
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