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The Fighting Chance ~Holiday Love Series~


I looked out the window to see Amy talking to her boy toy. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Jeremiah who walked all through the small gift store while looking at our products. He was one of our regular customers and, although I thought he was handsome in his own unique way, I had a thing about men. Men were scumbags and there was only a few in the whole world that were sweethearts. The unfortunate thing about that was that they were all taken. The ones I thought were good always ended up turning out to bad so I just stopped looking for men. I believed true love existed but no for me.

So yes, Valentine's Day is one of the days I wish I could skip but , sadly, I couldn't. I just had to do what I did every year. Just hope it comes and goes quickly. It didn't make it any easier though seeing as pink, purple, and red shone everywhere. Flowers in every store for the loved ones. Cards to express the feelings that weren't easily explained. And than there was the stuff animals. Can't forget them. The animals were smiling as if happy to see that they were getting a new owner and they held the candy in-between their paws to show how much their loved one thought they were sweet.

I sighed heavily leaning against the counter. My chin rested firmly in my palm as I watched him pace through the store. He had taken his time trying to find what would be perfect for the special someone in his life. He already had a card picked out that he had finally decided on five minutes ago.

Jeremiah finally picked up a bouquet of different colored tulips. He placed them on the counter and pulled his wallet out of his jacket pocket. "Someone's a lucky lady," I said sarcastically as I rung the items up not daring to look him the eyes. I hadn't looked at him at all in the eyes since he had walked into the store. I never even seen his eyes before. Yet he was a normal customer of ours.

"Yeah. My mom," he replied as I put the flowers in a flower bag and the card into a card bag than into a small plastic sack. I refuse to let any relief show. It still didn't say I was his type however. When it came to me I was far from any guys type.
"Well lucky her," I smiled finally looking him into his eyes for the first time. I was speechless but the second quickly passed before I told him the total. "That will be twenty even." He pulled out the twenty and handed it to me. In return I handed him the receipt. Just as he gathered his goods and opened the door to leave, Amy opened the door. She stepped out the way holding the door open as she grinned at Jeremiah. She locked the door behind him and was at my side quickly.

"So did you guys have a kissing session while I was gone?" I looked at her as if she had lost her mind. Leave it to a blonde to complicate things. I walked past her and flipped the open sign to closed.

"Well if you must know, we did not. What gave you a crazy idea like that?" I turned around to her and crossed m arms awaiting her new crazy theory.

"Well good. You deserve better. He's not your type," she said pushing her hair off her shoulder.

"And you know this how?" My hands quickly went to my hips as I stood my ground. I never understood her. She always knew everything according to her. Yet like ten percent of things she said either didn't make sense or was completely wrong.

"Just by watching you and him." I rolled my eyes. How could she be watching us when she was never really in the store. She was always outside flirting with a male customer. Married, separated, widowed or single. It didn't matter. The funny thing is you wouldn't guess her as that type of person. After all, she dressed like a professional, but in a sexy way and she majored in business and graduated. She wasn't the character she dressed and how she dressed wasn't her at all. On top of that she acted ditsy when she truly wasn't. Her breasts was either too big for her brain or she wanted to play the part of being a ditsy and slutty blonde real bad. Either way she was my coworker and my closes friend.

"Was that Mr. Henderson I saw you outside with earlier?" I just decided to change the subject. Nine out of ten she would go for it like a dog with a toy. She couldn't resist. She was the queen of gossip. Even when it came to her own.

"Oh yeah. He just wanted to buy some flowers," she said innocently shrugging it off as she turned on her heel and walked away playing with her hair. She leaned her back on the counter and crossed her arms now.

I shook my head and walked over to her. "For his wife or you?" She didn't mind me calling her out. In fact she loved it. She shrugged than smiled. "You better cut that out, Amy. He's going to get the wrong idea."

"Oh boo who. I'm not going to sleep with him and if he thinks that than his wife needs to get out the relationship anyway because she is too good for him. It's like my mamma use to tell me. It takes two to tango. If he cheats, the girl is a whore and he is a bigger one for letting his eye wander. The only way they can be stolen away is if he allows himself to be stolen. After all, if you truly love your significant other, your heart wont stray. And don't let your lover fool you. Just because they didn't cheat doesn't mean they didn't want to cheat if they pursued the whore. If given the chance, they will end up doing it if they're flirting with others."

I just stared at her in awe. Her words spoke truer than true. Sometimes I didn't understand her but she was a marvelous human being. I'd give her that.

We both rearranged the flowers, the cards, swept, and dusted so we would be ready for the day tomorrow. I was so glad to be away from the Valentine's Day crap.

The next day I woke up and groaned when I heard the doorbell. I rolled out of bed rubbing my eyes. When I opened the door, I looked around for the person who had knocked on my door only to find an envelope taped on my front door. I quickly took it off and looked around one more time for the mysterious stranger but came up with nothing.

I delivered another groan before I closed the door and looked over the envelope. Only my name was printed on it. No clues on who had given it to me. I tore it open pulled out the paper. As I read the words "Open your eyes." I suddenly felt different.
Suddenly my phone rang and I walked over and answered it.

"Hey Amy."

"Hey. Just giving you your wake up call."
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What do you think will happen?