Status: It's back and new-ish

Eternal Life

Shadow Figure

The alarm clock goes off next to Bree side of the bed. We both groan. "No," then I hear the alarm clock hit against the wall.

"Murdering the alarm clock doesn’t stop the fact that we got to get up for school." I groan, as I shift out of bed. Rubbing my face, I push Bree butt. "Come on, get up."

Bree grabs a pillow and throws it at me. "Back to sleep, it doesn’t matter if we are late to school. You 'are' the golden child, it's not like they will lock you up in the office for all time."

Stretching my arms over my head, I groan. "They might, you never know. All you would have me to remember by is our pictures together and the once in a blue moon whisper of your best friend yelling, 'You shouldn't bout that top!'" laying over her body, I look up at her as she cracks an eye open. "Come on, get your butt in the shower, we got to stop by my house so I can take care of the cat."

Bree groans, shoves me off of her, gets out of bed and walks sluggish to the bathroom across the hallway.

Stretching one more time, I get out of bed and rustle through some spare clothes I left here a time or two. Stripping down, I get dressed and mid way with my shirt on, Bree walks back into the room and closes the door. "I still want to go back to sleep," Bree tells me as I put some socks on.

"We will run by the coffee shop, get some coffee and food. Stop by my house, feed my bad cat and clean out the cat box,"

"Why doesn’t your brother take care of Crazy?"

"First of all, he had the night shift and second, my cat name is not Crazy,"

She rolls her eyes. "You have met your cat before, right?"

"Him going zipping around the house when he's in one of his weird moods, doesn’t make Skid crazy." grabbing my backpack, I stuff my clothes in my bag. "Also, got to take these home."

"You know I have a draw cleared out for you, when you stay the night. Why don't just throw them in with my stuff? Mom doesn’t care if she has to wash your clothes. Do you not remember, the hole sled mudding day?"

Thinking back, I smile. "That was a great day,"

Bree finishes getting dressed. "Let's get going, before my bed starts calling to me again."



Coffee in hand and small bag of donuts, we walk into my house. All is quite, with Ridder cruzor car out front. So since there is nothing with sound, it's a good guess that Ridder is still asleep. "Here, chill out in the kitchen, I'm going to put my stuff in my dirty hamper in my room. Remember to be quite as possible or Ridder going to go all commander on us." handing her my coffee as she heads to the kitchen and I head upstairs.

As I go upstairs I pass Ridder partly closed door. He lays half naked on his bed, with one arm dangling over the side of the bed, with his mouth open as he snores. If he wouldn’t freak out to bad, I would snap a rubber band on his back. But sometimes working nights, he isn't the 'most' funnest person to mess with.

Slipping into my room, I take out my clothes from my bag and put them in the dirty hamper. Once that is done, I look at the foot of my bed. My blonde haired cat, opens his eyes from sleeping at the foot of my bed. He gets up and stretches, like he slept there all night.

Walking up to him, I scratch him behind his ear. "You have such a hard life," I whisper to him.

He leans into my hand, but pulls away so fast and jumps on my back, he hisses. Looking over my shoulder, I look at him. "What's wrong?" looking at where he is facing, my heart pounds loud in my ears and blood runs cold. It's like I've seen that big shadow before. It's shaped like a man, with red eyes, with wings. Somewhere in my mind, I know I've seen this shadow figure before, but from where?

It charges forward, pulling away from the wall, it's hands becomes claws. I scream as it gets closer and I feel the danger and evil that comes from it. Skid jumps forward with a hiss and claws out.

Turning around fast, my eyes don't believe what they are seeing. Skid grows almost to the size of a cat four time his size. He slices the shadow with his claws. The shadow starts to fade away, as Ridder barges into my room, with the gun he keeps in his room in hand. His eyes grow large as the shadow looks at him, before it disappears all together.

"Di-Did you see that?" I stutter out.

"Yes," after getting a hold of himself, we walks on shakey legs and walks over to me, crouches down and puts his hand on my back. "You okay?"

I watch as Skid licks his paw, he is no longer a large cat. Maybe he hadn't grown at all. Maybe I had just seen him grow. But I know that shadow was real, you can't get cold chills like those just by seeing something. "Yeah, I think so." I whisper.

I hear someone run up the stairs. "Everyone okay?" Bree comes into my room, looking like she is about to kill someone.

"Think so," get up, I grab my bag. "Let's go," I tell her and wave goodbye to Ridder before leave the house. As we go outside, I look up at the old Church as it looms only blocks away. On top of the Church I see a figure, but as soon as I do, it’s gone. -I'm going crazy.- rubbing my face, I get in Bree car and we head to school
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter I know.

Hope you all liked the update.