Don't Ever Think I'll Make You Try to Stay.

So Fix Your Eyes And Get Up.

(Gerard's P.O.V.)

I groaned as I rolled over and got up and off the couch. I may have cried myself to sleep but I didn't sleep all that well. I yawned and trudged to the kitchen to make myself a pot of coffee. I almost forgot Frank wasn't here and that's when I started shaking and dropped the coffee pot.

I sank to my knees on the kitchen floor and screamed out as I picked up the broken glass. I still managed to be careful not to cut my fingers with the sharp edges.

After I had the mess cleaned up, I called Mikey again. He was barely able to understand my words between my loud sobs.

It was passed 1 in the afternoon. Thankfully, it's Saturday and Mikey doesn't have to work. He said he's going to finish cleaning his bathroom and come right over.

I somehow kept myself from crying until my brother showed up. The tears began to fall right away as he hugged me.

"My heart is broken. It hurts so bad." I sobbed into his chest.
Mikey rubbed my back, trying to calm me down. "Shhh, Gee. You have to try to relax. You'll make yourself sick."
I picked my head off of Mikey's chest and nodded. "O-okay. I'll try."
"Good. Now, how out you go take a shower, okay?"
"Alright." I nodded again and took a shower. I was getting pretty gross.

I finished my shower and joined Mikey in the kitchen.

Mikey looked over at me and asked, "What happened to the coffee pot?"
"I dropped it and it shattered."
"You want me to go buy you a new one?"
I shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. I'll give you the money for it."
"That's fine. I'll go do that now. Will you be okay until I get back? It won't take too long."
"I'll be alright." I assured him.

(Frank's P.O.V.)

I borrowed Bob's clothes, which were way too big for a tiny man like me. I stayed up all night crying in Bob's spare bedroom. I couldn't get to sleep. Not without my Gee. Sleep was impossible, especially knowing that I had hurt him.

I truly feel like scum. We have been together for two years. I let one stupid night of loneliness ruin everything Gerard and I built together. I'll never forgive myself for what I've done on tour. I really don't think he's going to forgive me for it either. I don't blame him. I don't deserve him.

I trotted off to the bathroom and washed my face. My eyeliner from yesterday was majorly smeared from all the crying. I didn't ever bother fixing my eyes at all until now. I dried my face off and exited the bathroom.

"Did you sleep at all Frank?" Bob asked from the recliner when I entered his living room.
I shook my head. "Nope. I couldn't."
"Yeah, I figured as much. Coffee?"
I scratched an itch on my nose. "Of course."

Bob got up and lead me into the kitchen. He poured us both some coffee.

We talked about the situation with Gerard and I for a bit before Bob agreed to head over to my- Gerard's house to get some of my things. Bob told me I can stay here as long as I need to.

When Bob got back, he had a duffel bag full of stuff. I wondered if Gerard packed it himself or did Bob? Actually, I don't want to know the answer.

I took everything out of the duffel bag and frowned. There was a note from Gerard inside.


This breaks my heart to do, but you really hurt me. We need to take time apart and reevaluate what we want. I know I didn't let you explain thoroughly what happened, and I'm sorry. I don't care what the excuses are. The point is you cheated and I can't trust you right now. I think taking a break is for the best. I'll pack up your things and either you or Bob can come and pick them up.

xoxo Gee

I angrily ripped up the piece of paper and threw it away. How could I have been so goddamn stupid?!

I finished unpacking my duffel bag and told Bob I needed a drink, so we headed to the nearest bar.

I downed four drinks in no time. Guys and girls were checking me out, but I didn't care. I didn't give any of them a second glance. I just want my Gerard.

Bob dragged me out of the bar once I began to cry hysterically about how badly I screwed up. I was causing a scene and it didn't matter one bit. I was drunk and wanted the love of my life back.

We had fights before. But they were over petty little things that was solved in a matter of hours. This- this is way different. I need to get him back. But first, I need to sleep.

(Gerard's P.O.V.)

Mikey, his friend Pete, and I worked together to pack up Frank's things into boxes Pete got at the grocery store.

I could barely keep it together the whole time but somehow I did. We've finished packing everything and piled the boxes on the bed since there was no way I'd be able to stay in there tonight either.

Mikey thought I was packing Frank's belongings up a little too fast, but I can't bear to look at them with Frank gone.

We're taking a break and he's going to need everything he owns wherever he stays. Most likely, he will be staying with Bob. They have been best friends for years.

Mikey called up Frank and told him to pick up the boxes when he gets a chance. I would have called him myself but I have nothing to say to him.

Mikey told me Frank and Bob will stop by tomorrow to get his stuff. That's fine by me. I'll probably go talk to Frank when he comes over. I can't avoid him forever. That's cowardly. If he wants small talk, then he'll get small talk. I'm not an asshole.

I'm not going to hide out just because I don't want to be in an uncomfortable situation with ex.

It's around noon and Frank will be here in half an hour. I'm starting to get nervous. It was pretty ugly when I told Frank to get out. I don't feel bad about it per se, because I was angry. I admit throwing a TV remote at him was childish but your brain doesn't think about that kind of thing when you're angry.

I brushed my black hair in the hallway mirror so I look somewhat presentable. My eyes are bloodshot and it's quite obvious I haven't slept.

Well, I have slept for three hours and woke up from a nightmare and refused to back to sleep, so I stayed up watching Lord of the Rings.

"Hey." I greeted Frank and Bob when I opened the door to let them in.
"What's up, man?" Bob replied with a small smile.

Frank looked down at the ground, staying silent.

"Your things are on the bed. Everything is packed. If I somehow missed something, I'll get it to you."
Frank nodded. "Thanks."
"Do you want any help carrying anything out?" I asked him as we went inside the bedroom.
"Nah, we'll be alright."
I frowned slightly. "Okay..I'll just get out of your way then." I walked out into the kitchen and went outside the backdoor to smoke a much needed cigarette.

I surprisingly didn't smoke since Frank came home, but then again I had none and Mikey bought me a pack this morning.

An hour and a half later, Bob and Frank had all their things packed up into Bob's pick up truck and left. I watched from the front window and gave a sad wave then I closed the blinds.

This was it. Frank's stuff being gone made this more real. He's gone. But it's for the best right now.