Tales of Symphonia Story, Sylvarant Chronicles (1)

Tales of Symphonia Story 41

QUIZ START: Well, Kratos had to eat some of Raines... 'food'. The next morning, once you all set out, you notice Kratos dosn't look to good.
"Kratos, are you feeling ok?" you ask nervously,
"Yes...Why?" he asked,
"It's...well, you don't look so good." you explain, "Maybe Raine's food..."
"I'm fine." the Mercenary insisted. "Really."
"Okay..." *I hope that... food wasn't actually poisonous.* you think, looking at Raine who was walking ahead of you.
Not very late in the afternoon you pass the House of Salvation. You all paused for a moment, and discuss whether or not to stop here for the night or just camp out again. Finally, you came to the decision to continue on. You only made it halfway to Thoda Dock, and settled to make camp again. Sheena voiced that she'd want to spend tomorrow night at Thoda Dock to try and get used to the Water Mana circulating from the seal, and you agreed without much argument. She was the only one who knew the art of Summoning.

You stepped slightly away from camp, moving to the top of a small hill to try and watch the last of the sunset. Soon Kratos walked up the hill, taking the space next to you quietly; the two of you remained in silence for a few minutes before Kratos questioned,
"Sheena told me that you...wanted to speak with me?"
"Ah...sh-she did?" you ask awkwardly, scratching the side of your head. He gave you a odd look, "Heh..." you raise a hand, turning your locket over in your fingers; Kratos' eyes rested on the silver pendant in your hands with some interest,
"Your locket?" he asked,
"Yes." you respond,
"May I...see it?" he asked,
"Mm? Ah...sure." you reach behind your neck, unhooking the chain, and handing it to him. He brushed the pad of his thumb over your engraved name slowly,
"...this is finely crafted." he commented quietly,
"Yeah..." you agree, "It's my...treasure."
"Hm..." he handed the locket back, "May I ask...where did you get it from?"
"I...I don't remember." you admit, "I don't remember where I got this from, or who gave it to me."
"Ah..." Kratos mumbled, "I see." the two of you sat in relative silence for another ten minutes, and returned to the fire when Lloyd called that dinner was ready.