Status: Thoughts?

Drown My Demons.

Best Idea.

My boots echoed off the ground as I walked through the sheriffs station, I had tried to call Jordan numerous amounts but got his voicemail. I went to his apartment, but it was empty. I even broke in to make sure it was empty, so now I was stalking through the station looking for him.

To give him a piece of my mind.

"Eve, how can I help you."

I stopped in my tracks and spun towards the voice, Stilinski stood with a stack of papers in his hands with a smile of his face, I sent him a smile back.

"Parrish?" He shook his head with a sigh, placing down the papers he stretched slightly and put his attention back on me.

"I sent him to the Hale house, apparently there is a trespasser." I gave him a small nod as I made my way over to his desk and took a seat, might as well wait for him since I have nothing better to do.
I stood in front of the young boy with my brows creesed, he looked the same from so many years ago. This was impossible, wolves grow. Slowly I poked his cheek earning a glare from him and I backed up, but not before I poked him once more to make sure he was real.

"What?" He snapped causing me to smirk.

"Nothing.." I stood straight and placed my hands on my hips, I saw Sheriff staring at him as well. A look ok of bewilderment all over his face. "I think me coming back here was the best idea I ever made."
♠ ♠ ♠
Super short I know I'm sorry.