

The day was quickly coming to an end. The sun was past the highest point in the sky and the air was starting to cool. I jumped over yet another fallen tree and silently mourned for it. As an Elf I felt one with nature and the love I felt for it was strong. It was nothing like what I felt for the sea however. The vast and endless water that held so much adventure and mystery was such a pull at my heart. I however was too afraid to go by myself. It would be yet another lonesome and long trip for me. I had planned to ask Aragorn when I saw him but I saw the necklace he worn around his neck and I backed out of asking him. He was still in love with her and I would never ask friend to leave her behind. He still had hope for them and I was oddly jealous. Not of his feelings for her because I held no feeling like that for him but because they had each other and were so in love. The only person who even remotely loved me was my mother who died of a broken heart after my human father died. I mean she lived long enough to care for me but soon it became too much for her to live without him.

It was a sad tragic love story honestly. I don’t really remember my father other than the fact that he always had a soft spot for my mother and I. He had this beautiful deep voice that would make anyone feel better and those pale green eyes that I got from him. His skin was dark from many years in the sun and his hands rough from living outdoors. His hair was a golden blonde next to my mother’s dark almost night black thick mane of hair. Her eyes were brown but held such a light in them that hinted at all the love and compassion in her small body. That light faded the moment father passed.

I suddenly felt a longing for my parents I hadn’t felt in a really long time. I never knew if I had any other family since no one approved of an Elf and human family so we lived by ourselves out in the woods to the North. The only thing I had left of them was the ring my father gave to my mother as a wedding gift and my small and distant memories.

I shook my head to clear away the dark and sad thoughts that suddenly seemed to fill my head. I had to focus for my safety and the safety of the men with me. I looked back at Aragorn who was still leading Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin across the windswept moors. The hobbits suddenly stop and unstrap their knapsacks. What on Middle-Earth are they doing?

“Gentlemen, we do not stop until nightfall.” Aragorn said just as confused as I was.

“What about breakfast?” Pippin asked like it was the most obvious question to ask us.

“You've already had it.” I stated as I walked towards them. I came to a stop as they started taking out pots.

“We've had one, yes...but what about Second Breakfast?” Strider and I stared at Pippin blankly, then turn away, shaking our heads. He looked at me but I could only roll my eyes in annoyance. Their lives are endangered and theyre worried about having a second breakfast?

“I don't think they knows about second breakfast, Pip.” Merry whispered to Pippin.

“What about Elvenses, Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, dinner...he knows about them, doesn't he?”

“I wouldn't count on it.” Merry replied continuing to walk after us. I let Aragorn get in front of me before I started rummaging through his pack.

“What are you doing?”

“Trying to get them to shut up about food.” I muttered as I finally found what I was looking for. Apples.

I threw it and it made a beautiful arch before sailing down. I heard someone catch it before I threw the second one and listened. This one made a loud smacking noise and I laughed. I could take a guess who didn’t catch theirs.

It was only confirmed for me when Pippin came up the hill behind us rubbing his head where a nice red mark was forming. I shook my head with a smile as Aragorn watched and smiled.

There was nothing but rugged countryside as the Hobbits journey on behind us. I stop and point ahead of us to catch Aragorn’s attention. He nodded and seeing what I was looking at, though his eyes weren’t as good as mine. His steps quickened and soon complete night had fallen and the sleeping beasts could be heard roaming the countryside. I kept my eyes and ears peeled for any noises rushing towards us. Finally Aragorn and I stop before a distant hill, topped by an ancient ruin.

“This was once the great Watchtower of Amon Sûl. We shall rest here tonight.” I said with a soft smile to the Hobbits as Aragorn stepped forward to drop down 4 swords at the Hobbits feet. They had collapsed into a small hollow, halfway up Weathertop and it was the first time I noticed how muddy and exhausted they are.

“These are for you. Keep them close. We’re going to have a look around. Stay here.” Aragorn ordered and they were too tired to even nod. I put my hand on Frodo’s shoulders gently before walking after Aragorn to patrol the grounds. When we made it to the bottom I turned to him grimly.

“You need sleep Strider. This is the second night in a row you’ve been up. We had a good 6 days journey to Rivendell at this slow pace. Why don’t you go rest and I’ll keep an eye out?”

He only shook his head. “I may not have your Elven abilities to not need sleep as often but I promise I don’t need sleep. I’m good, Vanadessë, thank you though.”

“Don’t say I didn’t ask mellon.” I said with a chuckle using the Elvish word for friend.

Aragorn and I talked for awhile before the air suddenly went still and silent. I held up my hand for him to be quiet and listened. My body suddenly went tense getting ready in defense for something but I didn’t hear a single thing-….suddenly there was a loud piercing shriek that stabbed at my ears.

“Go go!” I screamed at Aragorn and we dashed off not realizing how far we had walked away from the tower. I was faster than him so I didn’t bother slowing down for him but instead went as fast as my legs would take me. I wasn’t even at a pant when another scream pierced the air only it wasn’t one of the wraiths. My blood ran cold as I realized it was Frodo who yelled out.

I pulled my sword out of its sheath as I made it to the very top of the tower to see the wraiths advancing on the Hobbits. Frodo was holding a wound he had sustained on his shoulder with Sam at his side. Merry and Pippin looked frightened and clueless as to what to do but at least they were by Frodo’s side holding the swords.

I came up behind the closest wraith and jumped, bringing my swords down on it’s back. On anyone else that would have killed them but it only angered the wraiths. I started my own battle with 2 of them before Aragorn showed up charging them and wielding his sword in one hand, and a flaming torch in the other. Soon was a giant ball of flames.

“Frodo!” Sam was yelling out in a horrified panic. Another Ringwraith was burning and screaming...others screech fearfully at the flames, turn and flee form the Weathertop summit. “Mr. Frodo!!”

I knelt beside them as Aragorn kneels before Frodo. He snatched up the Witch King's Dagger from the ground, staring gravely at the long, thin, blade. “Help him, Strider!”

I looked up at my friend grimly. “He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade.” The Morgul Blade suddenly melts...vanishing into the air like smoke. Strider threw the hilt down in disgust.

“Do something.” Sam yelled us and I felt a pang of guilt of not being able to help him.

“This is beyond my skill to heal.” He turned to me. “He needs Elvish medicine.” Strider lifts Frodo onto his shoulders and started running. No one said a word as we all ran after him. I kept my sword out in case any wraiths felt noble enough to come back for another fight.

Strider was jogging grimly, carrying an ailing Frodo on his back and Sam, Merry, and Pippin are running to keep up. The hobbits are carrying Flaming torches for protection.

“Hurry!” He yelled at them. I ducked under a branch and looked around frantically. I was trying to think of what we could do to slow down his death long enough to get him to Rivendell where Elrond would know what to do but my mind was drawing a blank. I was never good with anything that involved healing of medicine. Mother tried teaching me but I was always a warrior, like my father.

“We are six days from Rivendell.” Sam said through tears as Frodo groans.

“Hold on, Frodo.” I whispered to him. He stared blankly at me, his eyes starting to get a filmy glassy look to them.

“He'll never make it!” Sam yelled at us. I rounded on him and yelled back.

“Then shut up and run!” He flinched at my tone but he ended up snapping his mouth closed. I felt bad but I couldn’t think with him constantly screaming at us in his panic.

“Gandalf...Gandalf!” I wish he was here Frodo. Oh how I wished. Frodo...his eyes flickered open...clouded, red-rimmed...his brow, beaded with sweat. I started cursing in Elvish.

“Is he going to die?” Pippin asked starting to cry himself. Frodo's breathing is getting shallow. Strider looks out into the darkness. He put him down not able to hold him further and because every movement was hurting the Hobbit.

“No. He is passing into the shadow world, he will soon become a wraith like them.” I said looking grimly at the Hobbit. I put my slender hand to my face and groaned. I failed at my one job to keep them safe. My eyes snapped open at the distant cry of a wraith as it carried through the air.

“They're close.” Merry said as he too was listening. Strangely enough he was calm and collected. He stood tall with his hand on his blade. I felt proud of him for a short moment. He would make a great warrior one day. Frodo gasps in sudden pain.

Then a thought hit me. “Sam, do you know the Athelas plant?”

Sam looked blank. “Athelas?”

Aragorn caught on. “Kingsfoil. Of course!”

“Kingsfoil. Aye. It's a weed.”

“It may help to slow the poison. Hurry!” I said urgently as we all went searching the forest floor for a little weed using only torch light. Sam and Strider desperately search in the other direction from me on the dark forest floor for the Athelas plant. I froze as a voice seemed to drift across the small area to my ears. How had I not heard this person approach?

“What is this? A Ranger caught off his guard?”

Soon I was smiling.
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Thanks for reading!!