Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter One

June 3rd, 2007
Dear sorry mistake for a diary,
Hello. My name is Alexis but if your wise you’d call me Lexi. I have been here for 4 years, I’m now 14, and I can’t careless. This orphanage is hell but it’d be worse if I lived with my mom. She was a crack head and in jail for…..a long ass time. In all honesty, I couldn’t care if she died right now. Hell, I’d dance on her grave for the fuck of it. I know I sound cruel but I’m not normally that way, just when you bring up…topics. I love music, its basically my life…. That was very cliché but true. Everyone complains that I don’t listen to anyone or anything but my iPod but that’s not true. I listen, I just have nothing to add so I stay quiet. On note to that, I tend to be quiet around people I don’t know/just met. Once you get to know me I’m the complete opposite. My top bands right now are My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold, and Tokio Hotel. On a happy note, I’m out of school for the summer. I have to go now. Peace.


“ALEXIS!” the caretaker of the orphanage screamed.

“GODDAMNIT! I told you I go by Lexi!” I yelled back. I tossed my new diary into my desk and put the pen in the cup on my desktop.

“Get dressed right now missy!” I huffed and stomped into my connecting bathroom. Yeah since I’ve been here longer than anyone I get the bedroom with a bathroom. I brushed through my hair, put in all of my piercings (having lip rings and a ring for my nose today), and applied a bit of black eyeliner above and below my eyes, bringing more attention to my eyes that continue to change colors. Actually, their green right now. One of my favorite colors besides black. I reentered my room and tossed on a black Scary Kids Scaring Kids tee, black jeans with a black studded belt, and pink converse high tops. I know, I’m wearing pink converse with nothing pink on. Shuddup. I like having random colors in my outfits so…yeah. I reluctantly walked down the stairs and glared at Ms. Bonham, the caretaker.

“About time you showed up! The families are gunna show up any minute. Go find a seat,” she snapped. I rolled my eyes and walked into the playroom. There’s only 15 of us here, including me. We range from 6 to 17, most of them being brats, bitches, sluts, or jocks. No one messes with me mainly because I put this one girl who wanted my room in the hospital. Come to think of it, I never saw her again. Must of got transferred. I sat in my spot in the corner diagonal from the door. I plopped down on the Lay-Z Boy and put in my earphones. I then totally zoned out to the voice of Otep Shamaya screaming/singing my obsession song today “Warhead”.

~*~My Chemical Romance’s P.O.V. (Third Person)~*~

Frank, Gerard, Bob, Mikey, and Ray all piled out of the van and walked to the entrance of the orphanage. They’ve all talked and decided they wanted to adopted a kid. All of them. All the bands their touring with, their roadies, and even their manager claimed them to be crazy, but they didn’t care. It was their choice wasn’t it? Gerard knocked on the door and a middle aged lady opened the door with a warm smile.
“Ah. Welcome gentlemen. Please follow me. I’m Ms. Bonham,” she greet and moved to the side to let them in. Frank and Bob stifled laughs as they noticed her name almost sounded like “bottom”. And damn did she have a big one!
“Here you go please feel free to look. Come find me when you’ve made a decision.” She left them and everyone split up to talk to the kids. Frank, however, noticed a girl sitting by herself in a corner listening to her iPod. She was about 13, maybe 14, and had snakes bites. He walked over thinking she was exactly what they were looking for.

~*~Normal P.O.V.~*~

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see a man with messy black hair, green eyes, and his nostril pierced. I took out a headphone and said hi.
“Hey. I’m Frank,” he replied and sat down in front of me. I slid off the Lay-Z Boy and sat Indian style in front of him. He gave me a weird look and I shrugged.

“Lexi,” I greeted and held out a hand. He shook it and looked at my shirt.

“Like your shirt,” he commented.

“I like your’s too,” I replied as I saw he was wearing a Misfits tee. He grinned goofily and I giggled. “No offense, but how come your adopting a kid?”

“Me and my friends decided to because…well.. We wanted to,” he laughed and I did too. “Our other friends think were crazy though.”

“I like crazy people better than sane,” I said randomly. “They understand things better and take a different prospective of things.”

“Thank you!” he exclaimed and hugged me. I awkwardly patted his back and he let go.

“I’m not trying to be rude and if you guy are I think that’s kick ass, but are you guys gay or something?” I questioned and he laughed.

“Well I think I’m bi and one of my friends do too, but aside from that we’re not,” he replied. My face practically read “awesome”. “So I have a question.”

“And what would that be?” I pressed.

“What would you think of me and my friends adopting you?” he said gesturing around him. I looked at his friends that were around the room talking to kids of all ages.

“Wouldn’t you want a little kid instead?” I question.

“Nah. We want someone mature but still like a little kid at heart. And I can already tell you are,” he said and I giggled and nodded.

“You got me. Sure I’d love that,” I replied and he hugged me again.

“Frank…can’t… breathe!”

“Sorry,” he said and quickly let go.
♠ ♠ ♠
These are kinda short chapters. Please tell me what you think! If they're not good or I don't get Rates and/or Messages and/or comments I'll delete it. There's another update on the way. P.S. Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.