Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Ten

~*~Frank's P.O.V.~*~
The buses had finally stopped, I can't remember where. I got off and decided to go see how Lexi was pulling along with Panic, hell knows I wouldn't be able to handle Brendon.I knocked before stepping on and up and the steps. I cocked an eyebrow as I saw Brendon and Ryan argue about who knows what, Spencer rubbing his eyes as if he just woke up, and Jon banging his head on the table. No Lexi was in sight though.

"Um guys?" I spoke over the yelling duo. Everyone turned to me with a face that read 'what?".

"Where's Lexi?"

"Oh Syn got her at a stop in that traffic," Ryan replied.

"Right after you got your ass kicked on guitar hero!" Brendon exclaimed. Ryan turned back to him and the arguing continued. I slowly backed up and ran down the stairs. I walked over to Avenged's bus and pulled open the door only to hear yelling and running. I sighed as I figured everyone was crazy today.

"No you stick! It's my sugar!" I heard Lexi yell out. I hesitated and thought about just running back my bus. I took a deep breath and ascended the steps. I got wide eyed to see the place look like it went through World War III. Brian had Johnny in a headlock, Lexi ran into the bunk area with Jimmy following her, and Matt and Zacky just sat drinking beer in the middle of the tornado.

"What the hell happened here?" I asked with shock in my voice. Everyone simply glared at Johnny.

"I may have given Lexi a little..sugar," he paused as Brian squeezed his neck for a second.

"How much is a little?" I asked wearily. Suddenly Lexi ran out from the back and tripped, landing at my feet. She looked up quickly with a really big smile.

"Hello Dada," she grinned. i was stunned for a second since she's never called me "dad" but I just smiled.

"Twelve big Pixie Stixs," Johnny finished. I stared at him wide eyed and my mouth was wide open.

"And we sort of had a chugging contest so it all went down at once." I walked up to him and slapped him upside the back of the head.

"Come on guys. Let's go find the others," I said as I helped up Lexi.

"YAY!" she yelled and ran off the bus. Oh great, this is going to be a longggg day.

~*~Lexi's P.O.V.~*~

"GEE!" I yelled out as I saw Gerard come off My Chem's bus. He turned just as I tackled him to the ground.

"Hey....Lexi," he coughed out. I stood up and began to jump and down really fast.

"Lexi. How much sugar have you had today?" Ryan asked as he and Panic walked up. I could see Avenged and Frank walking towards us too.

"Um. Um. Um. Um. Um....Twelve Pixie Stixs this big!" I exclaimed and held my hands at either side of me. Everyone got wide eyed and gave me a look that read "who-the-hell-gave-you-them?'. I pointed at Johnny and he took a big step back from everyone's death glare.

"Lei!" someone yelled. I turned around and squealed when I saw a guy jumping up and down while waving his arms. ((A/N: Sorry if that is you or you know who it is. I just found it on Photobucket))

"EVAN!" I yelled back. I ran at him full speed and tackled him in a bear hug.

"Long time no see Lei," Evan smiled and petted my head.

"Well, your the one that went stalking a band and then became a roadie! Oh em gee! Are you a roadie for this tour?!" I exclaimed.

"Yep," he smiled. I yelled out in pure joy and started to dance my victory dance.

"High five!" I exclaimed and held up a hand. Just as he was about to put our hands together I took my down and said "who's gay?' really quick. I fell into hysterical's on the ground while Evan just laughed a little knowing it was true.

"Lexi? Who's your friend?" I heard Frank ask.

"This is my friend Evan from MySpace who use to in the orphanage. Evan this is Avenged Sevenfold, Panic at the Disco, My Chemical Romance, and my adopted father Frank Iero," I introduced. After everyone said their hello's Evan was called to the stage.

"Bye Lexi. See you later!" He called to me. I waved goodbye and smiled at the thought of having my friend back, even if he is four years older than me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 10 up, yay! Sorry I'm hyper today. I got to see The Black Parade Is Dead! yesterday and it is great. Buy now if you haven't already. My story has a few more readers and subscribers but no more comments. Do you guys not like me anymore? *Puppy eyes* Well I got to go. See you later.

P.S. Comment/rate/subscribe/message/whatever else.