Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Eleven

“Nooooo! I don’t want you guys to go!” I exclaimed. I was just told Panic was leaving the tour today. Yesterday was their final concert and damn was it crazy. I have another bruise to show it. They had decided to ride with us the next venue so they can get a flight to Las Vegas. Right now I was hugging one of Brendon and Ryan’s legs. Matt was trying to pull me off but I had a death grip on them.

"Ah. Parting is such a sweet sorrow," Jon sighed out.

"Don't go Shakespeare on me young man! I get confused at anything that can relate to school that's older than me," I said with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes mommy," he said sarcastically with a smile.

“Don’t worry Lexi. We’ll text you everyday,” Brendon said with a grin. Yes, for once Brendon’s not sugar high. I guess the band didn’t want him hyper on the plane. That would suck ass to deal with.

“But-but-but….Okay,” I sighed and let go. After giving them each a hug and waving crazily as they left, I left out another sigh.

“So who is taking their spot?” I questioned.

"Damn you bounce back fast," Ray laughed out. I simply shrugged like it was nothing. Right as Gerard opened his mouth, probably to answer my earlier question, a shout was heard. I turned to my left only to be tackled into a hug by Evan.

“Lei!” he yelled. I hugged him back and he helped me up.

“Lei I’d like you to meet the guys I’m roadie for,” Evan started as 5 guys walked up to us. “This is wiL Francis, Angel Ibarra, Nick Wiggins, Jake Wambold, and Jake Davison. Otherwise known as Aiden,” Evan introduced. We all smiled and waved at each other. I known this band too, I love them!

“Nice to meet you. My name’s Lexi Iero. I go by many nicknames but only certain people can call me certain names. Lei is only for him,” I said and pointed at Evan. They nodded in understanding.

“So what are we doing today?” I asked whoever would answer.

“No freakin’ idea,” wiL replied before running to what I assumed was their bus and ran into the side. I laughed as did everyone else. I followed his actions and fell on my back.

“Ouch. That was fun!” I exclaimed raising my hands in the air. wiL stared at me and I cocked an eyebrow.

“You and me are going to get along great,” he said while hugging me tight. I awkwardly patted his back and he left go. And we stood I heard a dramatic scream.

“Lexi! How could you cheat on me! I though we had something special!” Johnny sobbed with fake tears running down his face.

“I’m sorry Johnny but it can’t work out,” I replied just as dramatically. I pulled out my phone and held it up.

“You’re no longer in my 5.”

“But…you don’t have a 5!” he yelled. I made my eyes shift left to right and slipped my sidekick into my pocket.

“Well. Either way, that's incest! Ewww!” I yelled and hid behind wiL. By now everyone but me and Johnny were laughing their asses off. Johnny ran up to me, tossed me over his shoulder, and tried to run off. wiL jumped up and stole me back before running on Aiden’s bus and hiding me in, I’m assuming, his bunk. He crawled in next and raised an eyebrow as I exploded in laughing.

“Okay. That was priceless,” I announced as I wiped away my tears of laughter.

“It was, wasn’t it?” wiL laughed out. We stayed there for a while talking before Aiden had to go to sound check so I had to get off the bus.

“Johnny!” I yelled and ran to him. “I’m sowwy brother, I don’t love you like that. You’re still my favoritest brother!” I cooed.

“Aw! You too!” he replied. I hugged him before planting a big sloppy kiss on his cheek.

“Eww!” he screamed and whipped off the drool. Everyone started to laugh as he ran in circles screaming something about being contaminated.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here we go. I may update later, I'm not too sure. Sorry about taking so long, writer's block sucks. I love you guys, you rock! *Gives out [Insert person in story's name here] plushie* Comment/subscribe/message/rate. Thank you!

<3 Tina