Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Twelve

After all sound check was done for everyone I hung out with Aiden the whole time. wiL is the crazy retard that is now my partner-in-crime as he put it and I think that truly scares everyone else. Since we're on the subject of partners-in-crime, we're going to try something I always wanted to do. What, you may ask. Justwatch read.

"Okay. On the count of three you distract him. Got it?" I asked wiL.

"Ma'am yes ma'am," wiL replied while saluting me. I laughed and watched as my target was laughing at a joke Bob just said like everyone else was.

"One....Two....THREE!" I whispered loudly and wiL ran up behind him.

"Hey Syn!" wiL said, his hyper attitude lacing in every syllable. Everyone concentrated on him with a 'what-the-hell?' face as he began talking. About what, I have no idea. I snuck up behind Brian and everyone secretly gave me a 'this-should-be-good' face. I quickly plucked his fedora hat and placed on my own head before running off. I quickly peeked over my shoulder only to let out an "eek" and run faster since Brian was hot on my heels.

"EVAN!" I yelled out as I approached the backstage. He looked up with an amp is his hands with a confused face. He quickly placed it on the ground and ran away from me.

"Don't you come to me with that guy following you while he's pissed!" I heard Evan yelled as he ran to the merch booths. I made a mental note to kill him later before I slid on the grass to end up on the other side of the van that held equipment. I was soon tackled to the ground as I got closer to the buses.

"Surrender. The. Hat," Brian demanded. He had tackled me to my back and I was forced to look at his angry face since he sat on my legs.

"No! Never you pedophile!" I screeched, only joking on the second part. According to his face, Brian wasn't in the mood for jokes. Note to selfI miss you terribly:don't crack jokes about Brian when he's angry. His face quickly went from anger to a smirk and my eyes widened.

"Brian. No," I begged before he began to tickle my sides, arms, basically everywhere. One thing everyone has learned in the pass week, I am very ticklish. I took his hat off my head between laughs and swung it back and forth as a sign for "I-surrender'. Once Brian got up he held out a hand which I gratefully took. I pulled out my sidekick and warned Evan about my murder mission for him later. He simply replied with "Good luck with that". As I walked back over to the buses, Johnny winked at me. Just then my phone vibrated, making me jump. Everyone arched an eyebrow at me and I grinned sheepishly.

"Still not use to the phone on vibrate. Stupid vibrating phone," I muttered the last part as I pulled out the evil sidekick. It got quiet and I looked up.

"What?" I asked confused. Suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks what they were thinking and I started going "ew. ew. ew. ew." over and over. After lots of laughing I looked at the text from Johnny and reread it twice.

'Did you get your dream little Miss Gates?'

"Jonathon Lewis Seward!" I yelled. Johnny decided now would be a good time to panicat the disco and he ran off a I took the baseball bat from wiLwho the fuck knows where he got that and began chasing him with it.

"Well. This is going in home videos," Frank said as he pulled out a video camera from nowhere. Where is everyone getting all this stuff?!
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short. I'm sorry. There is an evil disease spreading to writers. It's called....WRITER'S BLOCK!!! Dun dun dunnnnnn! Sorry, really tired right now. It's.....3:23 AM over here and I'm sleepy. Oh, by the way, this update is especially for heartbreakisforever since it's her birthday. Yay! *Throws confetti* I will try to update later today if I can function. Bye, bye!

<3 Tina