Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Thirteen

After a while I ended up not beating Johnny's head in with the bat. A) Because that would put Avenged short a bassist and B) I have nowhere to hide the body. I know, I'm so nice. I heard that snicker by the way. Not long after that the concert started so, long story short, everyone had fun and took showers afterwards. We all know that's important to know. Now I'm stationed on Aiden's bus with Aiden, obviously, and Evan. We decided I should get to know the guys more so I will be on their bus instead of Avenged's, much to Johnny protest. They had ordered Pizza Hut since we were staying at the venue until tomorrow morning. Cue

"No! Don't open the door! The commercial lied, it's not Domino's!" I shouted. Did I mention I just had a chocolate chip cookie? Well, I did.

"Of course not. It's Pizza Hut," Evan replied in a matter-of-fact tone as Angel moved to open the bus's door. Jake W., Jake D., and Nick just watched with amusement.

"You lie! It's really Taco Bell!" wiL exclaimed. Did we give him sugar? Eh, whatever.

"Hallelujah!" I exclaimed before adapting a confused face.

"Taco Bell delivers? Since when?"

" because I said so!" wiL replied with a dorky grin. The poor, confused pizza guy gave us a weird stare as I simply waved. After they paid him and we took out three pepperoni pizzas, we popped in "Dead Silence" and watched while munching on our food. I thought it was awesome except for the fucking clown doll near the end. I hated clowns with a burning passion. Every since the movie "It"-you know, they one with the creepy clown?- I can't stand to see clowns: circus, TV, anywhere. I will find a chainsaw and attack you with it if you bring one near me. I think Nick noticed my fear of it since he saw me jump at the doll and continue to glare until the end of the movie.

"Aww. Is wittle Wexi afraid of the big bad clown?" he cooed in a baby voice. I gave him a death glare and picked up that baseball bat that wiL had given me earlier from off of the ground.

"What was that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and an evil smirk. He held up his hands in defense and just smiled.

"Nothing, nothing. Just complementing your great taste in horror movies," he said with a nervous smile.

"That's what I thought you said," I muttered and turned on FUSE.

"Hey. How about we watch "It"?" Evan suggested with a sarcastic grin. I stood and approached him but he held up the DVD case of the movie. I jumped back and held up the baseball bat like I was about to swing.

"You know what? I still have to beat your ass for not helping me earlier. This is just adding on the force of the bat or fist, whatever I use. Now put the case away or I shall swing," I threatened. Evan knew I wasn't kidding. When he was at the orphanage I threatened a kid with a knife that if he didn't put my CD back I wouldn't stab his hand. Guess what happened when he didn't do as I asked? Yeah, I went there. The judge didn't put me in juvie since I pulled my "Innocent little girl" routine and got away with it.

"Ha-ha! Evan's afraid of a fourteen year old!" Jake D. exclaimed as he, the other Jake, wiL, and Nick started to laugh.

"A fourteen year old that had charges pressed on her, anger management, been sent to four different alternative schools, and has PMS now and then," I said with a growl. Everyone's eyes got wide and instantly the laughing stopped.

"Now, now Lexi. Calm down. The world will end soon," Evan said. We all raised an eyebrow at him.

"Where did that come from?" I asked slowly. He simply shrugged in return.

"I don't know. I think I heard it on TV."

"It's like that saying that I heard that says,'Be optimistic. All they people you hate are going to eventually die'," wiL said.

"Ha-ha. That's funny," I giggled. About forty-five minutes of random quotes later, we were all watching random stuff on TV. Well, almost all of us. I was texting with Gerard since he claimed he was bored. It seemed that Ray and Bob went to sleep, Frank was almost asleep at the table they eat at, and Mikey watching something on TV he had no interest in.

'Lexi! Entertain me!' he demanded as I told him what our bus was doing.

'Sorry but I can't do that when were on different buses.'

'Then come outside.' I shrugged and told him okay.

"I'm gonna go outside. I'll be back in a bit," I announced. Everyone gave some sort of lazy reply since they were so into whatever was on TV. As I got out there I was greeted by the smell of cigarette smoke. I frowned as I approached Gerard who was taking a drag of the cancer stick. My eyebrows furrowed as he let out the nicotine filled smoke. He finally noticed me there and frowned as he saw my disappointed face.

"What's wrong Lexi?" he asked. Instead of answering I took the barely started cigarette from his hands and stomped it out on the ground with my foot.

"What the heck Lexi?" he said in disbelief.

"I hate cigarettes with as much hate as I do for clowns," I replied as I leaned against My Chem's tour bus.

"Why do you hate cigarettes so much?" Gerard asked. As I was about to answer wiL leaned out the bus and told me that the managers had changed their mind and we were heading for the next venue now.

"I'll talk to you later Gee. I'm going to got to sleep. Night," I told him heading towards the bus.

"Night," I heard him call to me with a sigh. I ascended the steps and shut the door behind me. I just walked into the bunk area and climbed into what was now my bunk, fully dressed. I let out a yawn and was out as soon as my head hit the pillow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well that's chapter 13. Hope you found it amusing. I wanted something to do besides read Eclipse the last book in the Twilight series. My eyes were hurting because I read 5 chapters straight. This chapter is the second part for heartbreakisforever since I thought the last one was boring (as was this one). Well I'm going to do something else now. Please rate/comment/subscribe/message. Bye.

<3 Tina