Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Fifteen

I took a deep breath which echoed in the tunnel. After five minutes I out ran everyone and five minutes after that I found a playground. I had climbed up the play stuff into the biggest tunnel. I had my knees to my chest as I hugged them and rested my chin on them. I jumped a little as my phone started to vibrate. I looked at it and saw that Frank was calling. I quickly slipped it open then closed, hanging up on him. I just wanted to be alone right now, smother myself in depression and loneliness.

Maybe Brian was right. What if Frank did just take me in as a charity case? He just did it to boost up his reputation. I thought sadly.

Okay, that's it. You know that's not fucking true. If you continue at this, I'm going to go crazy! a voice yelled from inside my head.

Who the hell are you? And why can I hear you?

I'm your fucking annoyed conscious. This is ridiculous. Answer your phone and tell Frank where you are!

But he's better off without me. Brian's right.

God damnit! Woman he's drunk. Like he meant anything he said.

Yeah but the saying goes "a drunk man's words is a sober man's thoughts".

My conscious didn't have a reply to that so I guess I won. Wow, I just beat my conscious in an argument. There is something wrong with me. I sighed and, out of curiosity, looked to see what's been happening with my phone. My voice fell open from shock. 64 texts, 73 missed called, and 69 voice mails. It's only been seven minutes since Frank called! Right as I was about to look at the texts, my phone started to vibrate again. My frown managed to grow as I saw the Called ID read Johnny. I shut off my phone with a sigh.

YOU DUMB ASS! I'm going to give you advice. You won't survive out here by yourself. How long do you honestly think a fourteen year old can survive on the streets with no money, no clothes, and no shelter. My conscious ranted.

Will you shut the fuck up! I don't know, alright?!

From that point I ignored what my conscious said. I already have a fucked up night. But it's right. I guess I just need to calm down and take a little walk. I walked for about ten minutes before finding a diner. Deciding I'd rather be in a warm place, I walked inside. There was virtually no one there so I plopped down in a booth near the back of the place. When I looked up a lady in her mid eighties placed a cup of what looked like a strawberry milkshake in front of me.

"Oh ma'am I'm-" she cut me off with a smile.

"Go ahead deary. It's on the house," she said before walking off. I smiled to myself and took a sip. I'm sorry but I can never say no to a milkshake. I turned on my phone and suddenly it started to vibrate. I sighed and looked at my phone to the ID.


I took a deep breathe before answering it.


"LEXI! Oh my god! Lexi I'm so sorry! I didn't-" I cut him off quickly.

"Brian. Shut up for a second. I'm going to go back to the venue when I'm ready. I really just need some time to myself. Tell Frank and everyone I'm sorry for making them worry and not to call me anymore." Right as he was about to protest I shut the phone.

As I drank my milkshake I deleted all missed calls, read all the texts, and listen to all the messages. All of which made me feel guilty and sick to my stomach. I had put up all the fuss just because I was an idiot and believed a drunk man. I wouldn't be surprised if Frank wanted to spend me back to the orphanage.

First off, I told you he didn't mean anything he said. If you don't believe me just think of all those messages he left. And second, Frank's not going to spend you back!

It was true, well the first part for sure. Brian left seventy-five percent of everything that was on my phone. It seems he was truly guilty for everything he said. I sighed and stood since I had long since finished my drink. I gave a thankful smile to the lady before leaving. After taking many wrong turns and having to get directions from four different people, I finally made it back to the venue.God, I suck at following my trail. As soon as I neared the buses I was tackled into a hug by three different people.

"Never fucking do that again!" Frank sighed and he squeezed me along with Johnny and wiL.

"I'm sorry daddy," I sniffled. I hugged all three of them tightly. Soon everyone, and I mean everyone hugged me, except Brian. I nervously walked up to him only to be hugged in a oxygen taking hug.

"I'm so sorry Lexi. I didn't mean anything I said. Do you forgive me?" He whispered as he rested his head on mine.

"Yeah Brian, I do. I can't stay mad at you," I replied. He hugged me again but tighterif that's possible.

"Brian...can't....breath!" I gasped out. Everyone started to laugh as he quickly let go.

"I'm sorry!" he exclaimed, feeling guilty.

"Aw. It's okay Bri-Bri!" I giggled hugging him. His eye twitched at the name and looked down at me with an evil glint in his eye.

"Oh shit!" I yelled, running away. He soon tackled me and started to tickle me sides, making me laugh hysterically.

Damn my conscious for always being right

Oh you know you love me

Will you fuck off already?!
♠ ♠ ♠
Here we go, chapter 15. Okay, so I didn't really get anywhere with the whole Brian-yelling-at-her thing. Oh well. For the wait here you go! *gives out strawberry milkshakes* Crap now I want one. Well, I'llsee talk to you later. Buh-bye!

<3 Tina

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