Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Sixteen

"You are the so-called weak and reckless. Waiting for the next big explosion, no matter if it's wrong or right. If we let you have this, you'll be the first to destroy, be the first to destroy it," I sang out while listening to The Audition on my iPod. Yeah, I'm bored. Right now I was sitting outside Avenged's bus because everyone was doing something. Avenged was getting ready since they just woke up, Aiden was doing sound check, and My Chem was talking "business" with their manager. I looked down as I saw Aiden had replied to my text. Not the band, my Starbucks buddy. You remember him? Yeah, after he nagged at me for not contacting him for over a week he demanded my phone number. I took out an earphone after replying to the text since the bus's door opened. Once the whole band was out, Johnny and Zacky sat on either side of me while the rest stood. Right as Jimmy was going to say something he was interrupted.

"MATT!" a girl's voice yelled out. I cringed since it sounded like nails to a chalkboard. Then again, lots of girls' voices sound like that when they scream. I stared blankly as a bleach blond woman ran up and tackled Matt into a hug, almost knocking him over. I looked away with disgust as they began sucking face. Ew, something I could have lived without seeing. I saw all the guys get up and hug and kiss their own girlfriends. Oh god, I should have stayed locked up in Aiden's bus. As I was trying to sneak off unnoticed, Johnny caught me.

"Girls that's Lexi, Frank Iero's new adopted daughter," Johnny announced and brought me closer to the five chicks staring at me.

"Hello. I'm Val. I'm Matt's fiancée," she smiled. She had chin length bleached blond hair. I nodded before someone else spoke up.

"I'm Michelle. I'm Val's twin and Brian's girlfriend," a girl that looked similar to Val but with brown and blond highlights greeted. I smiled but gave Brian an angry face thinking back to that Ashley chick.

"I'm Lacey, Johnny's girlfriend," a girl smiled. She had shoulder length reddish-brown hair.

"I'm Leana, Jimmy's girlfriend," a girl, a little taller than me grinned. I cringed as I looked at her. I have heard she was a porn star, no wonder Jimmy was dating her. She had long brown hair and looked like a kid my age. Gross thought.

"And I'm Gena. I'm Zacky's girlfriend," one last girl smiled as she held Zacky's hand. She too had bleach blond hair that ended at he ears.

"Hi. I'm Lexi. I'd love to stay and talk but Evan just texted me saying he needed my help. I'll talk to you later," I rushed, lying through my teeth. Okay, I'm good at hanging out with guys because, well, I'm a tomboy. But when I hang out with girls they want to do hair and nails and all that jazz and that's not really my thing. I didn't listen to what anyone said before rushing off to the venue.

"I see someone trying to escape the wrath of the girlfriends," I heard someone whisper in my ear as I got backstage. I jumped and turned around to come face-to-face with Evan, grinning like the freakin' Cheshire cat. He even fit the pose! He was laying on top of some speakers taller than me. He had his legs up, swinging them back and forth, with his hands up and chin resting in them.

"You knew they were coming and didn't tell me?!" I screeched while pointing an accusing finger at him. He somehow managed to grin bigger.

"Yeah. You were the only one who didn't. It was a surprise for you so I didn't hang out around you for the beginning of the day. Don't look at me like that. It was Avenged's idea," he said to my face that read 'I'm-going-to-murder-you'. I rolled my eyes and climbed up to sit next to him. We talked for a while before Frank showed up.

"Oh! There you are Lexi. I've been calling and you never answered!" he exclaimed. I raised an eyebrow and looked at my phone, shocked to see four missed calls. How did I not feel them? Wow, I do have a one tracked mind.

"Sorry. Cheshire here had me entertained," I apologized motioning towards Evan. Yep, he has a new nickname.

"It's alright. So I heard you sped it out of there when the girlfriends showed up. How come?" he asked curiously.

"Well, as Cheshire knows, I don't tend to mix well with 'hanging out' with chicks. And since one's a porn star it makes matters ten times worse," I replied with a cringe.

"They're not that bad once you get to know them. And so what if one of them has a weird choice of a job," Frank shrugged. I raised an eyebrow and had an evil grin.

"So does that mean your encouraging me into those kind of jobs?" I asked innocently. His face filled with horror before filling with disgust.

"Don't kid like that or you'll be grounded," he threatened.

"Then don't get me to try and hang out with a porn star," I retorted. I hopped off the speakers and stomped towards the buses.

"Hey Le-" I cut off Leana sharply.

"Busy," I snapped. I walked past all the girls and guys to get to the opposite side of the bus. I laid on my back in the grass and glared to my left where I could see the others feet. I put in my other ear phone and blared The Audition into my ears while shutting my eyes. I was suddenly covered in two shadows and peeked an eye open. I shut them tightly before reopening them, hoping the two people I had seen were a pigment of my imagination.

"Lexi, what's up with you?" Brian demanded. Nope, I'm not that lucky.

"Well there's global warming. And have you heard about that ozone layer? Woo," I retorted with sarcasm dripping off of every word while twirling a finger in the air.

"That's not what we fucking meant," Johnny snapped harshly. I stared wide eyed at him, I've never heard Johnny act like that.

"I- er- That is-" I just stopped myself and sat up. I crossed my legs and looked down with my lap.

"You've been acting down right mean to all the girls, especially Leana. Whatever is wrong with you, you need to straighten up," Johnny told me.

"Sorry if I don't particularly want to hang out with a porn star," I muttered.

"What was that?!" Brian demanded even though he heard what I said.

"Well I'd rather not. And I'm not good at hanging out with chicks. Never have, never will be. It's that simple," I spat out.

"First things first. Why does it matter what she does?" Johnny asked angrily. Okay, I think I've hit a nerve of everyone's.

"Because I personally find it sick to sell yourself out sexually. It's just as bad as standing on a corner with a mini mini skirt and a tank that exposes everything. A dog has more dignity," I snapped back a little too loud. I heard someone start to sob and the bus's door slam shut. Oh fuck, I'm screwed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's kind of short. I really got to do something. I may update later tonight. This is another drama induced chapter. Sorry if you're angry at how I have Lexi think about Leana. I really don't like the fact that she's a porn star too but I'm happy The Rev's happy with her. Please don't message me with hate mail, okay? We all have a right to our opinions.See Talk to you later. Buh-bye.

<3 Tina