Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Eighteen

June 15th, 2007.
Dear thingy,
Lexi here. It's been two days since the whole girlfriends issue. To be honest I'm still not all buddy-buddy with Leana, however no one else knows that except for maybe Evan. And no one else will, right? Of course I am. Me and all the other girls are getting along great, especially Val. She's like the mother I never had. Yeah I had a lady give birth to me but she is to no extent a mother. The only other update is the fact that I am currently on my home bus. Yes, I mean My Chemical Romance's bus.Gah, you moron. I wanna to get ready now. Peace.


I tossed my diary into my messenger bag before opening my curtain. I tip toed onto the floor when I noticed everyone was still asleep. After looking at my phone I can't blame them. 5:30 AM! I quickly grabbed my undergarments, this shirt, these pants,these shoes, and these wrist warmers. I hopped in the shower and fifteen minutes later I had blow dried my hair, straightened it, brushed my hair, was dressed, and had finished my other morning things (wash face, brush teeth, and put on eye liner). I put my pajamas in the hamper before going into the bunks. I grabbed my iPod and cell and snuck into the living room. After seeing nothing was on, boredom took over. I turned on Frank's laptop, figuring he wouldn't mind, and signed onto the AIM. I saw Aiden (Starbucks buddy) on and decided to message him before he went to sleep. To save you the trouble of reading a long and boring talk, I won't put it here. At eight Mikey stumbled from the bunks, his hair everywhere. I held back a laugh as he tiredly walked into the "kitchen".

"Morning." He paused to let out a yawn. "Lexi."

"Hey Mikey. What's up besides your hair?" I giggled. He must have been too tired to notice I made fun of him since he just replied with a 'Really fucking tired'.

"Want coffee?" I asked him as he looked at the coffee machine as if not remembering how to work it. One look told me this was a retarded question. You really need to learn to keep in those snickers by the way. After about five minutes me and Mikey sat with our freshly made coffee. After four scoops of sugar, Mikey raised an eyebrow.

"Have enough coffee in your sugar?"

"Oh hardy-har," I said sarcastically before talking a sip. "You so stole that off of Home Improvement."

"Well what can I say. Tim knows his stuff," Mikey defended with a shrug. I rolled my eyes but that ended up in a long conversation about Home Improvement and how I think Wilson has the lower half of his jaw missing and that's why he doesn't show it.

"Nu uh! He has a pimple and doesn't wanna show it!" Mikey argued. Frank walked in, actually looking like he had not just woke up, and cocked an eyebrow as if asking 'what-did-I-miss'.

"Well Mikey was complaining about I put a whole lot of sugar in my coffee then he stole a line off of Home Improvement to make fun of me and then we started to talk about how Al is always getting picked on and it's not fair and then we got to the topic of how Wilson and he never shows his lower half of his face and I say that he's missing the bottom part of his jaw but Mikey had to be a smart ass and say that he has a pimple and that's when you walked in." I took a very deep breath since I had said all that in one breath.That hurt my lungs so bad! Frank looked at Mikey and raised an eyebrow.

"How many Pixie Stixs did you give her?" he asked weakly.

"He gave me none but I did find the skittles stash and had three normal sized bags," I said extremely fast and grinned like a freakin' Cheshire cat. Frank got wide eye beforeslamming resting his head on the counter. He just made a face that read 'I'm-not-even-going-to-try' before pouring himself coffee.

"Dadddd," I sang. He raised an eyebrow as he took a sip of his drink.

"Are you going to admit you're gay with Gerard yet?" I asked, fake innocence shining through every word. Frank's coffee flew straight out of his mouth with a 'pshhhhhh'. He started to cough as Mikey patted his back.

"What would make you say that?" he asked with wide eyes.

"Well you've never mentioned anything about a girlfriend or wife or anything and never made any calls to anyone special. Plus I see the way you two stare at each other," I explained as I rested my chin in one palm and looked at my nails on the other hand.

"How would you know?" Mikey questioned, curiosity lacing every word.

"Well the staring thing is natural for a girl to see. As for the phone calls, I tend to search through his calls and contacts when he's not paying attention," I shrugged as if Frank wasn't there.

"Oh," Mikey said while nodding in understanding.

"Wait! You looked through my stuff on my phone?!" Frank exclaimed with mouth agape.

"Nothing big. Just saw what contacts so I could copy and phones calls you've made. Quit changing the subject! If that's not enough proof that I know, I have also caught you making out and cuddling when you don't think I noticed," I stated in a matter of fact way.

"You don't have any viewable proof," Frank defended. I really don't get why he's putting up such a hassle. He can just say yes or no. It's not like I'm homophobic or something, he knows that.

"Actually I do," I corrected and pulled out my phone. I showed him a picture of him in Gerard in a very passionate kiss and my background, a picture of them cuddling while sleeping in Frank's bunk.

"It's your background?" Mikey laughed as him and Frank stared at the undeniable proof.

"Yes! It's so cute. I couldn't resist," I squealed. Frank and Mikey both laughed at my childish grin.

"Okay, I admit it. Me and Gerard as sort of a thing." I raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed.

"Alright, alright. We're dating." I jumped over the table and hugged him yelling 'finally'. Suddenly Gerard came out only for me to tackle him to the ground.

"Oh shit! Oh...Hi Lexi," Gerard smiled up at me. I hugged and he returned the embrace,very, very slightly confused.

"I have to get a proper picture of you two kissing so I can use it for my contact photo for both of you!" I exclaimed and ran in circles about how awesome having a gay father is.

"I'm assuming you told her?" Gerard laughed. I saw Frank nod before Gerard pulled him into a loving kiss.

"Awww! Evan and Addie shall win pictures!" I exclaimed, snapping five pictures. Everyone turned to stared and I grinned.

"How long are you going to start spazzing if we kiss?" Frank asked.

"A longggggg time," I replied before running off to text Evan. Yeah boys, be ready.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 18. Yay! [Insert clapping of hands here] I really didn't like this update because it's wayyyy too short but I have a permanent case of Writer's Block so this is as good as it gets for now. Grrrrrr. *Falls out of chair laughing* My new dog since last week just ran into a wall. *Giggles* Please message/comment/subscribe. Please comment. No one has been commenting and that makes me sad. You + makings comments = Me happy. =] Well, I got to go. Buh-bye.

<3 Tina