Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Two

“I got adopted! I got adopted! I got adopteeeeed!” I sang while skipping up the stairs. Frank and his friends were talking to Ms. Bottom as I went to pack. Ha-ha. I said “bottom”. I hummed to my iPod that was, yet again, playing into my eardrums. This time it was playing “Shake It” by Metro Station. I opened my door and walked over to my closet. I pulled out my backpack that I had drawn all over with silver sharpies and decorated with safety pins. I tossed in a my iPod charger, drawing book, pens, pencils, erasers, my diary, a brush, and an extra set of headphones. I took out a black suitcase and tossed in jeans, some tees, a few tanks, undergarments, socks, 3 pairs of converse, my accessories, bathroom stuff, and, my CD collection. And, since I was finished, I started to sing out loud while dancing on the use-to-be-my bed.
“A-hem!” Someone cleared their throat loudly and I fell onto the floor.

“Owie!” I moaned and held my head.

“Oh shit! I’m sorry!” a guy exclaimed and ran over to me. He had short black hair and bright hazel eyes.

“Erm… No problem,” I said as I stood and ran a hand through my hair. “Have we met before? You seem familiar.”

“Um. Not that I’m aware of,” he replied with a thoughtful look. I shrugged more to myself.

“Well I’m Lexi. And you are?”

“I’m Gerard. Frank’s friend and your ‘uncle’,” Gerard replied with air quotes at “uncle”.

“So who’s my ‘dad’?” I asked, mimicking his moves around “dad”.

“Frank,” he replied simply. I nodded and slung a strap over my shoulder.

“Let me get that,” Gerard said as he picked up my suitcase like it was empty.

“Thanks,” I said and he nodded as a form of “no problem”. I walked down stairs with a slight hop in my step, which I think Gerard noticed since he seemed to laugh a little. After reaching the bottom and stepping into the front hallway, I was tackled into a killer hug from none other than Frank.
“Frank! Let go!”

“Nah. I don’t think I will,” he grinned. Suddenly he began tickling me and I began to laugh my tiny, bony ass off. Ha-ha. “Bony”.

“Fr-Frank. Please….st-stop!” I gasped between giggles. Gerard and three other guys started to laugh at us while Ms. Bonham had an annoyed face. I saw one of the guys to the side with a fro shrug and jump in. However he was on Frank’s side because he began tickling me.


“She’s right!” Gerard exclaimed. Trying to be a “superhero”, Gerard jumped in and began tickling Frank. He stopped but the new guy didn’t. I laughed and tried to shove him off but I accidentally pulled on his fro, making him stopped and stand quickly.

“I’m sorry!” I said as he glared at me.

“I’m just ticklish and…and….. Fuck I forgot my point,” I huffed and glared at the ground, damning my mother for my short term memory loss. I know I don’t have any memory issues but I can still blame her, can’t I? Of course I can! He laughed and patted my head.

“I was just kidding. It’s alright.” I laughed at myself and stood, petting his hair as he turned around. He turned to face me with a look that read “What-the-fuck-was-that?” and I just shrugged.

“I couldn’t resist it?” I answered/questioned. He playfully rolled his eyes and moved closer to the door. As he moved I saw something horrible! Like from a horror movie!

“Oh my god! Its that horrible creature Ms. Bonham! Whoops. That was suppose to stay inside my head,” I said with a sheepish grin. The Thing glared at me as the other guys had to stifle their laughs, Frank and a guy with “emo” glasses even having to cough to cover it up.

“I wish you the best of luck in your new family Alexis,” Ms. Bonham said, forcing a fake smile. I rolled my eyes as I pick up my back pack from the floor and put it on my back again.

“No you don’t And my name’s not Alexis, it’s Lexi you dumb shit! And another thing,” I trailed off and stomped on her foot. As she yelled out of pain the guys and I decided now would be a good time to flee. On the way out, though, I shoved this annoying 16 year old to her ass and I could have sworn I heard one of her ugly high heels snap. In other words it was a two-for-one deal on my dramatic leave. Coolness.

“TO STARBUCKS!” I said in a superhero pose and slammed the door shut as Ms. Bonham came out. Gerard, who was obviously driving, sped away and I flipped off the Thing from the passenger’s seat.
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