Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Twenty

June 18, 2007
Dear thingy,
Yesterday's concert was a blast! Dad let me go into the mosh-pit and after I did a stage dive into the crowd. Why? Because he wanted me to sing with him so I did and after I wanted to mosh. So I did a stage dive into it and crowd surfed a little then I got down and started to mosh until it was over. Well today we get to just hang around and do nothing so I decided I wanted to go do something other then sit on my butt and watch wiL and own Jake W. in Guitar Hero 3. So I am currently thinking of a way to prank everyone on the My Chem bus so "hahaha" to them cuz they're gonna get it! Well I'm going to go get dressed so see ya later. Peace.


I walked into the bunks leaving a Jake W. shocked. I rolled my eyes at his awe and looked into my bag for some clothes. Shrugging to myself I picked out this outfit before heading into the bathroom. I quickly changed then straightened my hair before placing the cap on slightly to the right. After finishing my morning routine, I went into the bunks and grabbed my phone.

"Hey wwwwwiL," I called in a sing songy voice once I entered the 'living room'.

"Oh Lexxxxxi!" he sang back. I jumped and sat cross legged right in front of wiL on the couch.

"Okay. I'm bored and wanna prank everyone on the My Chem bus. Wanna help me?" I asked with a devilish smirk. I've learned this smirk scares the shit out of everyone but Evan and wiL. Evan got use to it and wiL knows that means, nine times out of ten, fun for him and me.

"Fuck yeah! What do ya wanna do?" he asked in a hushed voice.

"I don't know. That's why I came to you," I replied with a roll of my eyes.

"Hmmm...Since we're low on supply, how about the normal water balloon war? One sided though," wiL suggested after a few seconds of silence.

"Why can't we go into town to get supplies?" I asked, confusion stitching my features.

"Because it would be suspicious and plus Jake D., Angel, and Nick took the only car," wiL answered. Oh, no wonder I didn't see them today.

"What about Avenged?" I asked.

"Hm...Now that I think about it I believe they're on My Chem's bus," he replied with a thoughtful look. I whipped out my phone and texted Zacky and Brian to tell them both to get on our bus and not tell the rest where they were going.

"Okay. Why are we here?" Zacky asked as soon as he and Brian stepped on the bus.

"Well wiL and I were going to bombard the guys with water balloons and I was nice enough to let you guys join the dark side," I said the last part in a creepy voice after I put up my hood and held it almost all the way closed.

"Sure! But...when did you get that outfit?" Brian asked confused.

"wiL and Nick took me and I wanted to get something different from what I always wear. This seemed like a nice change," I explained while taking the hood back off. They both made 'o' shapes with their mouths before nodding.

"So are we gonna start on the water balloons or what?" wiL asked.

"Oh yeah. Okay, how many balloons do you have?" I asked. wiL ran to a drawer and pulled out a bag full of colorful balloons.

"Um....two hundred and fifty. That's about....fifty for each of us if Jake's in," wiL counted up before we all turned to Jake who had stopped watching FUSE when he heard his name.

"I'd rather not. I don't feel like being put in the middle of a revenge scam," Jake replied before returning to watch a Metallica Loaded thing.

"Okay so that makes....sixty-two with two left over," wiL replied after thinking for a few seconds. We all stared at him as if he grew three heads and won a new arm out of his chest.


"Since when were you good at math?" I asked in awe. I could never do that kind of shit!

"Um. I don't know. I'm only good at math when it's a prank or something candy!" wiL explained hyperly. We all rolled our eyes before finding some backpacks and started filling up balloons. We ended up putting holes in two balloons so it ended up all even. After filled up the backpacks and Brian, Zacky, and wiL took off their shirts so they won't get soaked and leaving our phones so they won't get ruined, we walked towards My Chem's bus.

"Don't you wanna take off your jacket or something?" Brian asked as we stepped off the bus.

"Nope. I don't care," I shrugged. As we got closer we saw everyone else was outside. Well I guess that saves the trouble of making sure not to hit anything electric.

"What's up guys?" Gerard asked. We all shrugged and put our backpacks on the floor.

"What's with the bags?" Matt asked suspiciously. Yeah, something's coming Matt. Imagine evil smirk here.

"Not much. NOW!" I yelled and we all started throwing balloons at the other eight guys. Johnny was the first to move and he ducked under a balloon Brian just threw only to get hit in the face with one tossed by me. Ray and Bob decided it was better to stay out of it and go on their bus. Frank, Matt, Rev, and Mikey fought back with the dud balloons that didn't pop.

"Wait. Where the fuck did Johnny and Gerard go?" I asked only to be jumped on my back. I fell to the ground and looked over my shoulder to see Johnny sitting on my waist.

"What..the fuck?!" I gasped out.

"Got her! Stop now or we shall water her!" Johnny yelled as he held one of my water balloons over my head. Brian, Zacky, and wiL let out a gasp.

"No! Please don't!" wiL sobbed out.

"Okay...." Johnny said. Suddenly the balloon was popped over my head and everyone laughing. I turned and saw Gerard grinning.

"Gerard...I th-thought you loved me!" I cried with fake tears.

"I thought the same before you attacked us with water balloons!" Gerard counted as Frank and Matt went to go get towels for everyone to dry off.

"..Touché. Plus that was the last balloon we had so I can't get you back. I'm sowwy," I cooed. I smirked evilly as I realized that Gerard never got hit and I was soaked.

"Lexi. No," he said while slowly backing away. I ran at him and tackled him into a hug.

"I lub you Gee!" I yelled and he groaned as his shirt, pants, and hair got extremely wet. I giggled and gratefully took the towel Matt offered me. I unzipped my hoodie to see that it had soaked through to my tank.

"Damn it! Now I have to change completely!" I whined and I squeezed my hoodie to get out as much water as I could.

"Well we have to do the same. Welcome to our world," Jimmy said with a roll of his eyes.

"But I don't wanna! You guys are old!" I groaned.

"Hey! We're not that old!" Johnny exclaimed.

"You're at least five years older than me. That's old in my book," I said stubbornly.

"Um. What did we miss?" Nick said as he, Angel, and Jake D. walked up with some bags.

"Nothing much," we all said at the same time. We all adapted 'what-the-fuck' faces before shrugging and sitting down while the other three took their stuff to their bus.

"So what are we doing tomorrow?" I asked curiously.

"Well actually Lexi, tomorrow we're going home for a month," Frank replied.

"SERIOUSLY?!" I exclaimed with wide eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello everyone! I got chapter 20 up much quicker than usual. Yay!
Yep, I'm having them go home now. This should be fun. Right? Of course I'm right.
Please subscribe/comment/message to make meh happeh. =] Buh-bye!

<3 Tina.