Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Twenty-One

June 19, 2007
Dear thing I write in,
Well yesterday was fun. After we drenched everyone and I had to change, we just sat around all day and did nothing. Today we're heading home I’m going to miss touring with everyone especially A7X. We're on our way to the airport now to head home. Dad is driving, Gerard's next to him up front and I'm behind him and everyone else are in other cars. I keep poking Gerard, who in turn pokes dad, and dad yells at him for poking him. Well now I'm getting yelled at to get out of the car so we can go through baggage and those funny things that beep when you go through them with metal on you or a belt so I got to go. Peace.


"Alright, alright! I'm coming!" I groaned as I tossed my diary into my backpack before jumping out of the car. I made sure my outfit (sleeves on hoodie pushed up to below elbows) looked alright in the mirror on dad's side of the car. I nodded my head in approval before placing my sunglasses in front of my eyes.

"How much time do we have before the plane boards?" Gerard asked as we got our stuff from the back of our hummer.

"About two hours," Dad answered as he handed me my two suitcases. One was from the orphanage and the other was a new one I had to buy since I didn't have enough room.

"Damn it!" I suddenly yelled when a thought crossed my mind.

"What?" all of the guys asked in unison. Yeah, they still do that since day one. Creepy, eh?

"I forgot my hoodie from yesterday on Aiden's bus because after we dried it Evan wanted to wear it!" I explained with an angry face.

"It's okay. We'll get it back," Mikey said patting my head after he took off my cap. I grumbled a few choice words under my breath as I fixed my hair and put it back on.

"Let's go to the machines that go beep!" I exclaimed, completely forgetting about my hoodie for the time being. I rushed ahead of them and rolled my suitcases behind me. Soon we turned in our luggage and I made a mad dash to the metal detectors. As I got closer to the line I made beeping noises.

"She had sugar didn't she?" my dad asked the guys.

"Maybe a little Daddio," I grinned my rip off of Evan's Cheshire grin. He rolled his eyes as I pulled out my ticket that Dad had given everyone earlier.

From Washington To New Jersey? Oh. So that's where we are.

"Next!" someone called and I was shoved forward.

"Oh. Hi," I smiled. I took off my shoes, anklet, bracelets, piercings, belt, phone, iPod, and put my backpack on the moving..thingy. I stepped through and a beep went off.

"Whoops. I forgot," I said grinning sheepishly. I reached into my mouth and put my tongue piercing into the tray with the rest of my stuff. I walked through, no beeping this time, and replaced all my shit. When I had put my backpack on I looked up to see a wide eyed Dad.

"When did you get your tongue pierced?!" he asked. With the way his voice was I couldn't tell if her was happy, angry, or both.

"Um. Like a week ago? Matt and Jimmy took me. They said they had asked for your permission," I told him with my head titled to the side.

"No. They asked if you could go with them to the local tattoo place so Matt could get a new one," Dad corrected.

"Oh yeah, we got that afterwards. like?" I asked before sticking out my tongue. He smiled and gave a nod of approval, sliding an arm around my shoulders.

"Just as long as you didn't get anything else," he said as us and the rest of the guys started towards our gate.

"Well...." I trailed off. Dad's eyes got wide and stared at me with worry in his eyes.

"Just kidding. Matt did have an awesome tattoo though," I laughed. We all got to the gate to see almost no one there.

"Taking a wild guess but I don't think New Jersey is a big vacation spot," Ray said as he looked at about three other people.

"Really? I though it was booming," I said sarcastically with a roll of my eyes. He kind of laughed before we got into mission mode. We end up in two groups and then we'd met up back at the gate within the next hour. Ray, Mikey, and Bob walked off..somewhere. How should I know? I've never been in this place, or an airport period for that matter.

"CAN I HAVE A HAPPY MEAL?!" I practically yelled making everyone turn to stare at us.

"I gue-" Gerard didn't even have to finish before I took off down the hall. I found the McDonald's line and ran towards it. Suddenly I couldn't stop and ran smack dab into the person at the end. My glasses flew off my face and I fell on top of the person.

"Damn this happens a lot. I'm sorry!" I apologized to the person as I sat up, blushing.

"No problem," they said before sitting up. I felt my eyes go wide and I thought they were going to fall out of my sockets. I had just trampled Adam Lazzara, Adam Lazzara, from Taking Back Sunday. I started to stumble over my words but was saved when Gerard and Dad walked up.

"Oh god! Lexi are you okay?!" Dad rambled worriedly. I stood and clasped a hand over his mouth.

"I'm fine. Just a little fall," I reassured with a roll of my eyes. I turned to Adam who was dusting himself and smiled when he was Frank and Gerard.

"Guys! Long time no see!" he exclaimed happily before taking them into a tight hug. They all started a mini conversation as I placed my glasses back on my face.

"Dada! I want my happy meal," I whined with a puppy face.

"Aw. Who could say no to that? Oh. Adam. This is my adopted daughter Lexi. Lexi I'm sure you know Adam from-"

"Taking Back Sunday," I finished for him as I shook Adam's hand.

"A fan then?" He laughed. I nodded and pulled Dad up to the counter. As we order I saw the woman looking him up and down like a piece of meat. If I wouldn't get arrested I'd so jump the counter and attack her. After dad and the guys walked to go get a table, I turned to theslut chick.

"Hey. Want that short guy's number?" I smirked. She got wide eyed and nodded furiously.

"Too bad. If I catch you looking at my father like that again I won't hesitate to snap your neck in half," I hissed.

"You- he- but," she began to stutter before I smiled.

"It was so nice talking to you! See ya," I waved and blew a kiss before skipping off to the table where the three men were looking at me lost.

"What happened over there?" Gerard asked with a lost face.

"Oh nothing important," I said, waving it off. I happily grabbed my chicken nugget happy meal and dug into my food. Hey, I have a fast metabolism and I didn't eat at all today.

"I'm sorry chicken who had to die to become my food," I muttered before taking a bite of a nugget. Yeah, I feel bad for the animals so I apologize. No laughing at me!

"So how come you're over here in Washington Adam?" Frank asked as he took a bite out of salad. No he's not "worried about his weight", you should know he's a vegetarian. He doesn't mind that everyone else eats meat though.

"Oh. Well we have a break from tour and I wanted to pay a surprise visit so SURPRISE!" he exclaimed, wiggling his fingers. We all started to laugh before my phone went off with From First To Last's "Note To Self".

"Lexi's house of crazily induced morons. How may I help you?" I asked, not bothering to look at the ID.

"Where's my cuppy-cake?!" someone yelled into my ear.

"Um. Who the fuck am I talking to?" I asked, confusion crossing my face. Everyone stared at me wondering what was happening.

"Oh I see how it is! Forget all about your sugar buddy! I hate you! It's soooo over!" They hung up and I stared at my phone as it flashed 'Call ended'.

"Um. Alright then," I muttered and placed my phone the table.

"What the hell was up that?" Adam asked.

"I don't know. Someone was asking where their 'cuppy-cake' was and said something about a sugar-. Whoops. That was Brendon," I announced with a roll of my eyes. Everyone kind of shrugged. After I finished eating I ran around with hands out on either side of me making weird noises.

"Lexi, what are you doing?" Dad asked laughing as he, Gerard, and Adam tossed out their trash.

"I'm an airplane," I answered before running all the way to the gate.

"Mikey! We can be together at last! Brendon said we've broke up!" I yelled after I sat on Mikey's lap since he, Bob, and Ray all sat in one of those uncomfortable seats.

"YES! Finally!" Mikey exclaimed while hugging me. He's really good at playing along. Gerard came up to us with an angry face (fake of course).

"No! Mine!" He yelled taking me off Mikey's lap. I though he was gonna hug me but I was proven wrong. He hugged Mikey and planted a kiss on his lips. I busted out laughing and rolling on the floor while Mikey started yelling something about incest and furiously wiping his mouth. Gerard just grinned and skipped off to talk to Adam. Suddenly I heard the familiar voice of Sonny Moore and looked at the ID.

"Oh so you decided to come crawling back?" I laughed as I saw Brendon's name.

"Oh yes! That's the reason!" he exclaimed sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and we talked until I had to hang up since they were calling us on now. Oh my god! We got first class and I sat next to the window with Frank on the other side of me. The plane didn't even take off before I had fallen asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, that was short. I know. This wasn't really a chapter for me, more like a filler. Hope you liked it anyways. Please comment/subscribe/message. Buh-bye.

<3 Tina