Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Twenty-Two

June 20, 2007
Dear thingy,
We came home yesterday and, well, I slept most of the flight. When I woke myself up the captain person was saying to buckle our seats and then we landed. I wokeFrank Dad up cuz he slept too and we got off. Today I get to fix up my new room with what ever I want to put in it. Dad is taking me shopping along with the rest of My Chem (they all live together so we can't get ride of them(just kidding)). Well I got to go, Dad's getting impatient and he won't stop until I get down there. Peace out girl scout (Yeah, I had sugar so don't ask)!!


"Lexi!" Dad yelled again.

"Gah! Hold on a sec!" I shouted back as I put my diary back in my bag. I had unpacked nothing since the only stuff that was in my room for now was a queen sized bed (not that I'm complaining) and a plain black desk with a laptop. My dad got it for me since he was tired of me stealing his. I was glad they had decided to at least paint the room a nice dark maroon with a black ceiling and put in black carpet. I quickly ran into the bathroom that connected to my bedroom to brush through my hair and make sure my outfit was okay. After placing in two studs for my snake bites, I ran down the stairs.

"Finally!" Dad exclaimed sarcastically. I rolled my eyes as I leaned around Gerard to get a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Are you coming with Adam?" I asked since I saw him sitting at the kitchen table with a newspaper.

"Nah. A friend of mine and the guys' is stopping by and they wanted me to stay and hang with him while you guys are shopping," he replied before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Ah, okay. See ya later," I smiled. He nodded before Dad came into the room.

"Come now or we're fucking leaving you," he demanded. I giggled and decided to follow him or I'd lose my head. On the way out I grabbed my phone that was beeping at me. I looked at the missed calls to see that Aiden had called. I figured I'd call him later so I slipped it into my pocket.

"Hallelujah!" Mikey exclaimed. I stuck out my tongue at him, showing off the blue tipped piercing that matched my outfit.

"Let's go!" Dad yelled before running to his black Escalade. I would have never though such a short man could drive such a big car. I ran after him and hopped into the passenger seat before Ray or Mikey could.

"Cheater!" they yelled in unison. I rolled my eyes and Ray got into the back. Mikey decided to go with Bob and Gerard in Gerard's blood red 4Runner. We ended up at some store mainly for room stuff. No need for a name, eh? I skipped ahead of everyone and quickly got a cart.

"Let's shop boys!" I yelled before running towards the first aisle. After a long time and having to get another cart, we finished my room shopping. I got a new swirling chair for my desk, new drawing stuff, a stereo with surround sound, black bed sheets, black comforter, blood red pillows, a black dresser, and a lot of other stuff. We ended up even finding some new posters in the back area. They have everything here! Since there are no juicy details, I'll skip to me and Mikey putting up extra decorations.

"Man! This is tiring!" I sighed after I had finished putting my jeans inside the dresser we had gotten. Mikey nodded in agreement as he put the last speaker for my stereo in place. Once I put up my last poster I fell back onto my bed, Mikey following my example.

"Did your friend ever show up yet?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Nah. Flight ran late because of a delay. Should be here soon but we have to go pick him up from the airport," he replied. I lifted my head to look at my new clock. 7:23 PM is what the little green numbers read.

"Pretty late in my opinion. Well if you don't mind I'm going to go talk a shower. I reek," I announced, scrunching my face in disgust at the end.

"Gah. I think I will too down the hall. Have fun." He waved before shutting my door. I quickly went to my bathroom and had my shower. I stepped out smelling like strawberries before entering my room. I put on undergarments before pulling on my pajamas. Okay, I'm usually one not to wear this much pink but I just loved this outfit. I looked at my walls covered in posters of Avenged Sevenfold, My Chemical Romance, The Audition, Tokio Hotel, Paramore, and other bands before leaving my room.

"Anyone here?" I called as I walked down the hall, cell phone in hand. When I got to the kitchen I saw a note saying they had left to get their 'friend'. Johnny Christ! I wanted to know who the fuck was coming already!

"Shit!" I cursed suddenly when I realized I had never called Aiden back. I quickly took out a bottle of mountain dew before scrolling to Aiden's name. I laid on my stomach as the phone started to ring. Right as I took a sip, he answered.

"Yes Miss Finally calls back five hours after I called, how may I help you?" Aiden answered sarcastically.

"Sorry Mr PMS. Me and the guys went to go get stuff for the room. What'd ya call for earlier?" I asked as I picked up the remote, starting to flip through the channels.

"Just bored on break, but I'm already off now! Since I'm bored yet again, wanna talk about guys?" Aiden asked excitedly. I rolled my eyes and stopped on Child's Play since it was at the beginning.

"Aiden, you're more of a girl than I am. I would expect Evan to be asking me that question instead of you," I laughed.

"Oh speaking of Evan, do you know if he's free yet?" Aiden asked happily. I could tell he was imagining him naked, I've known him that long.

"Keep it in your pants Addie. He's single from what I know, he's never talked about anyone special. He kept eye rapping Gerard on tour. I think he was just wanting to look at something though because he never tried to make a move," I told him before taking a sip of my drink.

"Well didn't you say that he and Frank were together?" he questioned.

"Well yeah, but if Evan likes a guy like that he flirts anyway. Believe me, I saw it in action. When Evan wants something he wants it," I informed him.

"Ah I see," Aiden said, more than likely smirking.

"Yeah you two play the same game. Flirt, beat the shit out of the guy's boyfriend, comfort the guy, become friends, then rap the willing," I laughed.

"Oh bite me bitch. It works," he laughed. After thirty minutes of talking he had to go so I focused on the movie. It was just before Chucky blew up the house where Eddie Caputo was staying at.

"Lexi! We're back," Dad called out.

"Living room!" I yelled back just before the place burst into flames. I started to giggle just as Dad walked in front of me.

"Laughing at Child's Play?" he asked with a confused face.

"I've seen this too many times to be afraid of it," I said while waving it off.

"So who'd you bring?" I asked hyperly. Yeah, me plus mountain dew equals hyper activeness like having three big Pixie Stixs.

"Lexi. I'd like you to meet Danny Stevens. Danny this is my new daughter Lexi," Dad smiled before the Danny Stevens stepped next to him.

"Hello," he smiled. I was at a lose for words. My mouth opened then closed since nothing came out. This happened two more times before someone poked my cheek.

"I think we killed her," I heard Adam 'whisper' to Gerard. I glared at the wall before biting Adam's finger.

"Ow! Maybe not," he hissed. I gave him an 'I-didn't-do-it' face and he playfully glared. I turned back to Danny and smiled a small smile.

"Hiya," I replied quietly before biting my lip, a nervous habit I recently picked up.

Oh god! I'm gonna faint!

Don't die, I don't think he's going to wanna be responsible for a dead fourteen year old.

DAMNIT! You're back?!

Sorry, can't get rid of me.

♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Another chapter. I didn't really like this chapter, I just wanted to put Danny Stevens in here. Sorry, The Audition is my obsession band right now. x]
Hope you like it. Please subscribe/message/comment. I would like feedback, it makes me happy and gets me in the mood for updates. AKA, no comments = no updates. Buh-bye.
<3 Tina