Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Twenty-Three

June 21, 2007
Dear thingy,
Yesterday was fun. I got my room finished and I met the Danny Stevens. Too bad he had to leave. Today is going to be fun as well. Right now I'm going to get ready to go in the pool and then I'm calling Adam. We're playing "Let's start a prank war on My Chem". Wow it's going to be great, I love it here and my new room. I woke up in this morning and fell off the bed cuz I forgot we redid it yesterday and well ya. I fell off, dad runs in, I laugh dad gets mad, sends me a glare, and leaves cuz I'm not hurt. I'm going swimming. Peace.


I put my diary in the drawer on the beside table we had gotten yesterday. I took a leap off my bed and started to hum a random tune. I turned slightly to read my clock on the desk. 12:08 PM flashed back to me. Shrugging to myself, I went to my dresser to find some clothes. After a quick journey to my walk in closet which held my shoes and accessories, I finished my outfit. I nodded to myself before skipping down the hallway and out the back door. Okay, did I ever tell you I love this house? We have a pool that goes from three feet all the way to nine feet, a hot tub, and a tiki thingy in the back corner for whenever we have friends over or a cookout. I placed my flip flops on the back patio and walked over to the hot tub. I sat down on the step that went all the way around before slipping on my glasses.

"Hello there Ms. Lexi. Any specific reason you're in the hot tub at about noon?" a voice asked me. I titled my head back and raised my glasses. Gerard was smiling at me while only in his swimming trunks.

"Well I was actually planning the world's demise," I replied before sliding my glasses back on and facing forward again. Gerard got in next to me with a raised eyebrow.

"And by "the world's demise" you mean?" he trailed off, wanting me to finish it.

"You and the band. I was just about to call Adam to get his ass out here too," I said with a shrug as I held up my sidekick.

"Ah. Since I'm up, may I help?" Gerard asked with a little smirk.

"Why not?" I shrugged. I called Adam and impatiently waited for him to pick up.

"Hello. Time to come out?" Adam asked.

"Yeah. Change of plans. Gerard's gonna help us since he's up," I told Adam as I heard him leave the guest room.

"Okay. See ya in five seconds," Adam replied before hanging up.

One Mississippi, Two Mississippi-

He wasn't being serious!

Damn it! Shuddup!

"What's up?" Adam asked before getting in the hot tub himself. I looked at his trunks before bursting out laughing,

"P-p-pink trunks?! What..the hell..dude?!" I laughed out, almost drowning myself in the hot tub. He glared at me as my laughter died down.

"My roomie decided it would be funny if he switched my trunks for his. Asshole," he muttered under his breath.

"Okay! Back to mission at hand! We need to find out what the do! I want this good and deceiving people," I said with a hard stare.

"'re screwed," Gerard shrugged.

"Oh yeah. Thanks for that confidence Gee," I muttered. He just smiled a goofy grin and nodded.

"Well, we can try the good old paint ball guns," Adam shrugged.

"This isn't gonna be much of a prank war but I'm so liking this paint ball idea of which you speak. Got paint ball guns?" I asked with an evil grin.

"No but they do," Adam replied, pointing at Gerard.

"Yep. In the tiki thing," Gerard said while nodding.

"Well what are we waiting for?!" I exclaimed and stood, running towards the tiki thingy. I jumped over the bar like thing and saw the guns off the bat (it's the ones that look like hand guns but fire paint balls). I put all ten of them on the counter.

"Okay. I say two each and then leave the rest," I said. They nodded and I put one in the back off my trunks between the shorts and my bikini bottom. We all ran towards the house and stopped at the back door.

"Well it's twelve twenty. Guess it's time for them to wake up anyway," I announced before slipping my phone in the back pocket of my shorts. I slid open the door and quiet walked into the kitchen. I snuck down the hall and stopped outside Bob's room. I pointed at Gerard and motioned for him to take Bob's room. I pointed at Adam then Ray's door and I went to Mikey's door. I held up three fingers and as soon as I put down my last finger, we slammed open the doors and shot at the bodies in the beds.

"Holy shit!" Mikey yelled, falling out of bed. After twelve more paint balls, I ran down the hall. The other two followed my example and we ran to Dad's room. We decided not to hesitate and just slammed open the door, shooting the rest of our first guns at him. He fell off the bed too and glared up at us.

"Is this payback for glaring at you this morning?" he asked angrily and he stood, paint covering his body in random splats.

"Um. Sure?" I said, backing up and tossing away the empty gun. He grinned evilly before running towards me. I got my other gun and started to fire away. When Dad fell again I ran away, tossing my sidekick on the coffee table in the living room. I ran outside and was instantly get bombarded with paint balls. I gave out a shriek as I saw Bob, Ray, and Mikey had taken the other guns. I hide behind a tree as Adam, Gerard, and Dad ran out. Mikey tossed Dad a gun and we all started to shoot at each other. Soon we had all ran out and were covered in paint.

"Ah man! It's gonna be a bitch to get this paint out of my hair," I groaned. Red, green, and orange paint clumps were splattered in it.

"Let me help," I heard Dad say before he picked my up bride style.

"Oh shit! Nononono," I cried as I saw him getting close to the deep end of the pool.

"Let's go," he smiled before jumping in with me. I swam up as soon as I felt my feet hit the bottom. I took in a deep breath and clung onto the side of the pool. I giggled when I saw that the pool was now purple, red, orange, and yellow in random spots.

"Hey, I admit it works," I told Dad when he resurfaced. He nodded before swimming over to me. I hopped up and out of the pool, completely clean of paint. I looked around and saw my glasses had fallen off by the tree so they were undamaged.

"Gerard. Can you help me out?" Dad asked, hand extended. Gerard nodded and grabbed onto his hand before Dad tugged and I pushed him. Together we ended up making him fall in.

"What the fuck?!" Gerard yelled when he came up.

"Sorry. Don't join a team when you were going to be pranked. It comes back to get ya either way," I shrugged. Suddenly someone picked me up from behind and tried to tossed me in. I quickly grabbed an arm, bringing them in with me. As soon as I got to the top, Ray was glaring at me.

"That was mean," he whined.

"So was you dunking me," I retorted.

"Yeah but you were the one that got them to shoot paint balls at us," He said back.

"Touche," I replied. I swam over to the side of the pool where Mikey was. I grinned up at him only for him to shake his head.

"Let me," he said before grabbing the back of his shirt and jumped in. I giggled and everyone looked at Bob.

"No way," he hissed with a glare. We all grabbed one of his arms but he didn't budge..until Adam tackled him, making himself fall in too. Everyone started a splash war which consisted of me and Adam versus everyone else. Yeah, we lost.

~*~One hour later~*~

I just got out of the shower from rinsing out the chlorine and was now blow drying my hair, still in my swimming suit.

"Hey Lexi. You decent?" Bob called.

"If you mean 'are you dressed' then yes," I replied, turning off my blow drier and putting it back in the drawer under the counter.

"You want pizza?" He asked.

"Um, sure. I'll take whatever everyone else is getting," I replied. He nodded before leaving my bathroom and then room. I walked in and shut the door before pulling on underwear, a strapless bra, and then this. For a finishing touch I put my dry hair in a messy ponytail with my sunglasses perched on top of my head, rings for my lips, a stud for my nose, and a green tipped piercing with a black star for my tongue.

"Hey Dad?" I asked as I sat down in the living room, phone in hand since Ryan was texting me.

"Yes?" he said, concentrating on Super Troopers playing that prank on the pot smokers.

"Can I put some streaks in my hair since the maroon is almost gone and get it cut a little?" It was true. My maroon was almost completely gone and my hair had gotten to right below my shoulder blades.

"Sure. We'll go tomorrow," Dad agreed with a smile. I nodded and started to watch the movie right before my phone started to vibrate. With Ryan texting me I decided to not annoy everyone by them being forced to hear my ring tone everyone five minutes- or less for that matter.

"WE HAVE PIZZA!" Gerard yelled as he, Mikey, Bob, and Adam walked into the kitchen. I could see at least five boxes and suddenly I was starving.

"Food!" I yelled, tossing my sidekick on the couch and running towards the kitchen, Dad right behind me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh yeah! Another chapter. I am holding onto my promise, I'm trying to update everyday before school comes so don't get too used to updates this much all the time. Feedback makes me happy so please comment/message/subscribe.
Thanks! Here's a virtual slice of pizza (think of a topping). Buh-bye, Imma go have real pizza now. =)
<3 Tina