Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Twenty-Four

June 22, 2007
Dear thingy,
Yesterday was fun. After we ate we had to clean the pool cuz it was a bunch of colors. Then after that we went inside and started watching The Notebook (my choice of course) and I got everybody to cry at the end. Haha. Well today I get to go get my hair redone and then go shopping just for clothes. Well Dad aka Frank is yelling again, does he ever not yell? Well I got to go. Peace.


"Lexi! Come on!" I heard Dad whine. Sometimes I wonder who's suppose to be the parent. I rolled my eyes as I put in my earrings. I looked in the full mirror on my door once more, checking over my outfit. I picked up my messenger bag (had my notebook, pen, sharpie, cell, and iPod) before stepping out of my room.

"I'm coming!" I yelled as Dad called me yet again. I laughed when I heard him shout 'hallelujah' before Gerard told him to shut up. I went into the kitchen to get a monster before stepping into the living room where the guys were watching TV.

"You were complaining yet you're watching TV?" I said, one hand on my hip. The guys turned and grinned sheepishly.

"Maybe," they all said in unison. I giggled before walking towards the door. I hopped into Dad's Escalade, deciding to sit in the front today. Soon Mikey got in the front while Dad and Gerard sat behind us. Ray, Bob, and Adam had decided to go in Ray's BMW. Yeah, you heard me. Ray Toro owns a BMW.

"You know something I just realized?" Gerard said. I turned around and went "awww" when I saw him and Dad were holding hands, Dad leaning on Gerard's shoulder.

"Hold that thought!" I exclaimed and quickly found my cell, snapping a picture of them. They simply rolled their eyes, used to my spazzing.

"Okay, so what did ya realize?" I asked after smiling at the picture for a minute or two and made it my background.

"You dress a lot older for your age," Gerard said.

"I noticed that too," Mikey voiced and Frank nodded.

"Well A) I'm a girl. We tend to like to do that. And B)...well I don't have a second reason so yeah," I stated before shrugging and turning around. Everyone laughed before I turned up the radio since Avenged Sevenfold's "Beast and The Harlot" was on and I wanted to sing along, which I did. I even rolled down the window screaming the lyrics.

"I DON'T BELIEVE IN FAIRY TALES AND NO ONE WANTS TO GO TO HELL!" Me and someone else screamed along. I looked next to us to see a guy about my age in the backseat of a car, slightly head banging along to the beat.

"Hey! I'm Lexi. You like Avenged? You‘re awesome!" I yelled.

"Keith! Thanks! You too!" he called back.

"Can I have your number?!" I asked over horn.

"Okay!" he shouted before giving me his number, where anyone on the highway could hear it. After wards he rolled up the window and I followed his example. I simply grinned at the men in the car who were staring at me like I had turned green.

"Did you seriously just get a kid‘s number on the highway?" Mikey asked as he sped up and away from 'Keith's' car.

"Yeah basically. I have to make friends don't I?" I asked with a smirk. Everyone just laughed at me and went back to talking while I started a mini conversation with Keith. Five minutes later we were already in the mall, walking into the salon I was getting my hair done at. A scene looking girl smiled and skipped up to us.

"Hello. I'm Jessie. How can I help you?" she grinned, waving.

"I wanna get my hair redone," I smiled.

"Ooooh! Dude, I so have something I wanna see if you'd be willing for me to test on you. We'll see you guys in a bit," the girl named Jessie exclaimed, taking my hand and seating me in a chair. She showed me a picture and I nodded, quite excitedly. Forty minutes later (she can work fast) I was gawking at the job she had done on my hair.

"So? What do ya think?" she asked with obvious anticipation.

"I fucking love it! Thank you! You're a wonderful stylist!" I yelled, jumping out of my seat and hugging her.

"Haha. No problem. Hey, I'm getting off like now. Wanna go to Hot Topic?“ she asked.

"Hell yeah. My Dad, his friends, and I were going there next anyways," I agreed as she swept up the hair that was chopped off and tossed out the dye boxes. As soon as we got to the front where the guys were all waiting, all of their mouths dropped open.

"Careful. You might catch flies," Jessie giggled as she rung up the price.

"Lexi! You look fucking amazing!" Dad yelled, hugging me. I laughed as he paid for the make over while the guys touched my hair. Finally we headed out to Hot Topic, me and Jessie ahead of them laughing our asses off. Let’s put it this way, I got a lot of clothes, me and Jessie exchange numbers, the guys got attacked by fans, and we were now home four hours later.

“Gah! Jessie can fucking shop!” I sighed as I set down my five bags on the floor. Dad grumbled something while nodding and placing down three more bags before leaving my room. I soon heard a thud and giggled as I knew Dad had fallen asleep in the middle of his doorway. He does it quite frequently and Gerard ends up carrying him to the bed. I soon went into my closet and moved a pair of shoes off a box. I opened the box and bit my lip as I saw a envelope. I quietly took it and peeked out my room’s door. No one. I tipped toed down the hall to the music room and shut it behind me. I sat on the window seat and looked over the familiar item. I carefully open the envelope and unfolded the letter inside that I‘ve read millions of times.

Hello Lexi. I know you haven’t met me yet, but I’ve met you. I know I’m not going to be around as you grow into a beautiful adult but I want you to know I do love you. I hope this song will help you through tough times and let you know I‘m always watching out for you, no matter if its on Earth or above. Whenever you read this just remember I love you and your mother and this song was meant for you and her both. Love you forever and always, Your father.” I always held onto it and I read it constantly when I was in the orphanage. I decided I would sing it for old time’s sake. I picked up the acoustic guitar near me and began strumming.

When I see your smile,
Tears roll down my face.
I can't replace.
And now that I'm stronger, I have figured out,
How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul.
And I know I'll find deep inside me,
I can be the one.

I will never let you fall.
I'll stand up with you forever.
I'll be there for you through it all.
Even if saving you sends me to heaven.

It's okay,
It's okay,
It's okay-ay-ay-ay-ay

Seasons are changing,
And waves are crashing,
And stars are falling all for us.
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter,
I can show you I'll be the one

I will never let you fall.
I'll stand up with you forever.
I'll be there for you through it all.
Even if saving you sends me to heaven.

'Cause you're my, you're my, my-e-y-e-y,
My true love, my whole heart.
Please don't throw that away.
'Cause I'm here... for you!
Please don't walk away and,
Please tell me you'll stay... here!


Use me as you will!
Pull my strings just for a thrill!
And I know I'll be okay,
Though my skies are turning grey!

I will never let you fall!
I'll stand up with you forever!
I'll be there for you through it all,
Even if saving you sends me to heaven!

I will never let you fall!
I'll stand up with you forever!
I'll be there for you through it all,
Even if saving you sends me to heaven!
” By the end of the song I had tears streaming my face, messing up my eyeliner. I placed down the guitar and tried to wipe away my tears, only for them to be replaced by more. Suddenly I was taken into a hug by strong arms and I cried into their chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Another chapter. Man, that was a lot of pictures. Well that one seemed short to me (again) but I hoped you like it. I'm kind of in a sad mood, hence the ending. =] For an author note, pretend that Red Jumpsuit Apparatus didn't make the song. Please comment/message/subscribe! Here's some math.
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<3, Tina