Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Twenty-Five

I slowly opened my eyes, light from the edge of the windows shining into them. I put together that it was now morning instead of nighttime. I hissed angrily and rubbed my eyes roughly. I sat up and saw I was between Gerard and Frank on, I'm assuming, their bed. I carefully crawled to the end of the bed and tip toed to their door. After shutting the door I went down the hall to my room, still thinking about yesterday.

Okay. I was playing the song, cried, and someone hugged me. I'm guessing Gerard came in and brought me to him and Dad's bed last night after I fell asleep since Dad was out cold. Crud, yet another story to explain.

"One last chance to reverse this curse,
You stole my heart but I had it first.
And now I see you've got something to prove,
And nothing to lose, so let me tell you the truth
" I raised an eyebrow as my phone went off. I picked it up and read 'new message from: Keith". I flipped it around and started to read it.

'Um, hey. This is the awesome Avenged Sevenfold lover from yesterday on the highway. I was wondering if maybe we could hang out today? Text meh back. =]' I thought about it before replying.

'Yeah, I remember you. Um, I would love to hang out. Where though?' As I was tossing my dirty clothes in my hamper I heard my phone go off. I waited to pull on my clothes before reading it.

'Erm. I don't know. What street do you live on?' I sent him the name as I brushed through my hair and then doing my morning routine. My phone went off with Ronnie Radke's familiar voice before I walked back into my room.

'Dude! I live on the same one! I live in the big red/white one. Where do you live?' I laughed but then got wide eyed. I looked out my window (which faced the right side of the house) and saw his house next to ours.

'I live right next to you dude! The big tan/brown one' I replied. Suddenly I saw a window open and Keith lean out. I opened mine and waved.

"Oh my god! You stalker!" he yelled at me. I'm pretty sure everyone could hear him.

"Shhh! You're not suppose to know!" I called back.

"Well can I come over? I don't think Frank and the guys would mind," he told me, shrugging.

"You know the guys?" I asked.

"Yeah. I mean, we are neighbors. I tend to talk with them sometimes when they're hanging outside. I've been gone for the past two weeks or so though. I'll be over in a minute," he smiled before shutting the window.

"Invite yourself then," I muttered as I closed my own window. I decided I didn't feel like doing the diary thing today since I had no intention to remember yesterday. I walked down the steps just as a knock came from the front door.

"Come on in Keith!" I yelled and Mikey gave me a strange stare from the kitchen.

"You mean next door neighbor Keith?" he asked, confused.

"And highway A7X lover Keith," I told him just as he walked in.

"Speak of the devil. Hey Keith," Mikey greeted as he walked by with his coffee. Keith grinned and waved before Mikey walked into the living room. Suddenly Ray ran into the hallway.

“Holy shit! Keith! Long time no see bud!” Ray yelled, dashing up to talk to Keith. Quite well know fourteen year old eh? As him and Ray had a short conversation, I couldn’t look away from him. He had beautiful green eyes, great hair,nice ass. Holy crap! Did I seriously just think that?!

Nah, of course not. It was your imagination.

So it was you?

Wha?! Of course not you dumb shit!

Well you said it was my imagination and you are part of it. Plus don’t deny it, you know it’s a great ass.

Gah, you’re right. But look, it’s actually smackable! You rarely get guys like that!

No, that’s not the problem. Most guys are gay, taken, or dead. But the ass thing comes into play too.

Oh crap. I think he said something to you.

Shit! See what you made me do! Now I look like a fucking retard!


“Sorry, what did you say?” I asked, my cheeks turning pink. He laughed and I felt my knees get weak. Damn, he even has a sexy laugh!

“I said, do you want to go in the kitchen and get some of the coffee Mikey left behind?” he repeated. I nodded and we walked inside. I quickly got two mugs and poured in the coffee. I quickly put a few scoops of sugar into the mug, mixing it with a lollipop I had just opened.

“Ha-ha. Enough sugar for you?” Keith asked as I took a sip of my coffee and then placing my sucker into my mouth.

“No way,” I replied before walking out the back door, motioning for him to follow. For the next hour me and Keith were asking each other questions, quickly bonding. All of a sudden the back door opened and Dad peeked out. Keith and I looked up from our spots on the lawn chairs right in front of the patio.

“Hey Dad? Sleep well?” I asked with a grin.

“Yep. How about you?” he asked back. I could hear the worry visible in his tone.

“Yeah, great. Dad, obviously you remember your neighbor and boy who gave me his number yesterday on the highway, Keith. He came to hang out earlier,” I explained.

“Ah long time no see. Where have ya been?” Dad asked as he leaned against the door frame.

“Visiting the cousins in Colorado. Been having fun on tour?” Keith asked politely.

“Yep. It’s improved with Lexi here,” Dad said, tossing a smile my way.

“Aww. Now I feel special,” I cooed happily. Keith and Dad started to laugh before Keith announced he had to leave. We gave him our goodbyes before he ran out the door yelling goodbye to the rest of the house. I sighed as Dad called for Gerard before walking towards me. I got up and took off my boots, pulled up my skirt slightly, and dipped my feet into the water of the pool. Dad and Gerard sat on either side of me as I started to move my legs back and forth.

“You know what we want to talk about right?” Gerard asked, breaking the minute long silence.

“Yeah. Can we just sum it up as ‘I had some shit go down in my past and rather not talk about it’? Because that’s basically all it is,” I sighed.

“It is always nice to talk about it. Better than keeping things bottled up,” Dad said wisely.

“Yeah but sometimes that’s a nuisance. Plus it’s easier to smile than to explain what’s wrong,” I countered.

“So there is something wrong,” Gerard said. He didn’t mean it as a question, it was a statement.

“Nothing’s wrong, okay?! It’s just a fucking song that gets to me okay?!” I exclaimed. I quickly stood up and picked up my boots, furiously walking into the kitchen.

“Who wants to watch Nightmare Before Christmas?!” Bob yelled, loud enough for even Dad and Gerard to hear.

“ME!” I yelled, shoving the recent conversation to the back of my mind as I ran into the living room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yayness! Chapter 25. Nothing big really happened except the fact that Lexi doesn't wanna spill and Lexi and her mind is very perverted. It actually was a "conversation" I had with my conscious. xD Comments = happiness = updates. =] I would like more comments. I mean I have 99 subscribes and not even half that many comments from an update. Pwease everyone?
In other news, school's only 6 days away. Noooo! Buh-bye everyone!
<3 Tina