Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Twenty-Six

June 24, 2007
Dear thingy
Well yesterday after our little "talk" I watched The Nightmare Before Christmas with everyone. I woke up in my room this morning and I had no clue how I got there so I'm assuming Dad or someone carried me upstairs after the movie. Today I'm just going to the spa cuz well, I hate stress and there's a lot of it around the house. So I'm going to have a spa day with just me, myself, and I. I have to get going or I'm gunna miss my time. Peace!


I quickly tossed my diary into my end table before yanking up my messenger bag off the ground. I ran into my bathroom checking over my outfit (The belt just kind of sits on her hips at an angle). I nodded in approval before running down the stairs and let me tell you, that is sort of difficult with heels. As soon as I got to the bottom I ran into Dad, almost falling over.

"Whoa, what's the rush Lexi?" he asked, worry visible on his voice.

"Gah! I'm going to miss my time at the spa if I don't hurry! Mikey, ready to go?!" I called out.

"Yeah. I’m just getting my keys," I heard him reply from the living room.

"Spa?" Dad asked, confused.

"You didn't know? Mikey helped me pull a few strings and we set up some time at the local spa. He thought I needed it. Bye Daddio," I smiled, kissing his check before running out the door with Mikey. Soon he pulled up in front of the spa and I got out.

"Thanks Mikey. See ya in an hour or two?" I questioned as I hopped out of his Firebird. Yeah, Mikey actually owns a sport car.

"Yeah. Don't disturbed the innocent too much," Mikey joked.

"Ugh! Ruin all my fun!" I cried sarcastically before shutting the door. I could hear him laugh before driving away. I pushed open the door and walked up to the reception desk.

"Um, I'm Lexi Iero. I have an appointment today?" I said, nervously.

"Oh yes, right this way. I hope you don't mind, you'll have company. I really hope this doesn't impose," the lady with pin straight hair in in a ponytail said, an apologetic voice visible.

"Ah, no biggie. As long as I get my spa time," I reassured and she nodded with understanding.

"Oh my god! Lexi!" someone yelled. Suddenly I was brought into a tight hug by none other than Jessie.

"Hey Jessie. You here too?" I smiled up at the eighteen year old.

"Hell yeah. Too many dudes living at my place. I need my spa time," she said dramatically.

"So when's your time?"

"Now! And I'm assuming you are too. Yay! We can be spa buddies," she squealed.

"This will be a very interesting two hours isn't it?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Probably," she shrugged. Wow, I'm definitely losing a part of my tomboy side aren’t I? I guess it's even now. Jessie took my hand and skipped behind the receptionist, me being dragged along.

~*~Back at home. Frank's P.O.V.~*~

After Mikey and Lexi dashed off, I went back into the kitchen and retrieved my coffee. I was going to wake up Lexi but it looks like that's already taken care of. I sighed and Gerard gave me a curious look. I just ignored it before taking my mug outside to the patio. I plopped down in one of the plastic chairs and looked as the sun shone off the pool.

"What's wrong baby?" Gerard asked, sitting in front of me and resting his head in my lap.

"Gah, I don't know. I feel like Lexi doesn't trust me with her past, at least with her parents. The cigarette shit was nothing compared to what I mean. It's when it gets deep down, like what happened to her parents or whatever. I mean, I want her to tell me but then again I don't want to force her into it," I explained. Damn! How is it that I can tell Gerard stuff so easily? Oh yeah, he’s Gerard. Yeah, that’s not a very good explanation. Shuddup.

"Frankie babe, your doing all you can. She'll tell you whenever she's ready. You gotta realize, she's been by herself for four years, hell maybe longer. She's not used to just telling someone what's going on without thinking they'll bug her about it. I know she's been with us for a while but things like that take a while to get used to," Gerard told me with a light tone. I sighed and place my mug on the patio rail before getting off my chair and climbing into Gerard's lap.

"I know but she looks so unfazed and doesn't seem torn. That is until I bring it up and then she gets angry," I said with a sad tone. I curled up in his lap, gripping his shirt with my hands, and resting my head on his chest. I go almost hear Lexi awing in the back of my mind.

"Well Frankie, she's been masking it since she was ten. It's kind of hard to just show your vulnerable after so long," Gerard replied, petting my hair. I smiled softly while I nodded. I looked up at Gerard and he smiled down at me.

"When do you think she'll be able to tell me?" I questioned. His smile turned into a thoughtful look.

"I'm not sure Frankie but whenever she does I'll be here for you both," he told me with a reassuring smile. I smiled back and kissed him on the lips. Gerard quickly kissed back and our tongues fought for dominance. He smirked before pulling me up and ran into the house.

"Make sure to get all the way in the room first!" I heard Bob yell out, Ray and Mikey laughing.

"Fuck off!" I yelled before slamming our door shut.

"THAT'S GERARD'S JOB!" Ray yelled back. I rolled my eyes before Gerard started to kiss me again.

~*~Lexi's P.O.V. Two Hours Later ((A/N:Sorry no sex scenes. Hate me all you want. =] ))~*~

I stepped out of the spa place feeling much more refreshed. Jessie waved goodbye before hopping in her black mustang GT and speeding off. I rolled my eyes as I knew she was going way too damn fast. Suddenly a familiar black and red Firebird pulled up to the curb. No Mikey's not psychic, I called himdumbass.

"Ello Mike-ay," I grinned, climbing into the passenger seat.

"Hey Lex-ee," Mikey replied, taking off down the street.

"You know it sound exactly the same?" I asked, laughing a bit. I could tell he was comparing it in his head before sending me a false glare. I giggled again before I started to jam along to "Papercut", my song that I claimed when I was younger. As soon as we pulled to a stop in the driveway, I ran inside to grab a Rockstar energy drink. Yay sugar!

"Guysssss. Have you seen Gee and Dad?" I asked, cracking open my can and placed my bag on the ground. Bob, Ray, and Mikey all looked at each other then at me.

"Er. I think they’re taking a nap," Ray answered with a smile. The way he said it made me realize what they were taking a nap for. Yeah, my mind is already in the gutter area. Soon my drink came out with a 'pshhhh'. Bob patted my back while him and the other two were laughing.

"Not. Fucking. Cool," I hissed angrily.

"Well you're the one that filled in the blank," Mikey said.

"Well A) I was talking about losing some of my drink but B) Ray's the one that said it to mainly mean what was going on. I blame him," I said accusingly, pointing a finger at Ray who had his hands up in defense.

"Hey! I never said it straight out," he said, trying to get the blame off of him.

"LIAR!" I shouted. Suddenly Dad walked down the stairs in jeans and a t-shirt while drying his hair with a towel. His face basically read 'What-the-hell-did-I-miss?'.

"Well at least you shower," I subconsciously said out loud after kissing his cheek.

"What does that mean?" Dad asked. I opened my mouth and was going to make up something when the doorbell rang. Saved by the bell!

"Hold that thought," I said quickly before basically sprinting for the door. As soon as I opened it I felt a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. There in front of me stood two cops, one with two envelopes.

"Are you Miss Alexis Darlene?" the taller man said. He was about Jimmy's height.

"Y-yes. Can I help you?" I asked, hesitantly. This cannot good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Chapter 26! Don't ya love me? =] Sorry about the whole "cut off before the sex" thing, sorry but that is not my kind of thing. Please leave feedback or no updates! Remember, subscribe/comment/messgae. Buh-bye everyone.

<3 Tina