Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Author's note

Sorry for you going to your email, seeing this thinking I've updated only for you to get angry/sad I didn't update. I apologize and for that you get a virtual cookie. :3

Now, onto the reason I'm writing this. In the next ten or so chapters I want to start my sequel. A very awesome person named Lilly666 gave an idea for the sequel and I'm loving it....Crap, McDonald's sounds good now. x] I'm coming up with good ideas for it every second so I may end up writing a few chapters soon.

I have one small problem, I have no idea when and how I'm going to end this. i wanted something really good but I may have to make it plain. If you have any ideas, I don't care how weird they sound, please please, please message me. I will love you forever if you do!

I hope to update sometime soon but I have school tomorrow and Saturday my dad's coming up from Houston to help me go school shopping since my mom can't. Sunday I will be hanging out with him, my step-mom, half sister, and one of other sisters so hopefully I'll update Monday. I may update later tomorrow evening but I'm not entirely sure so don't count on it.

Erm..that's it. =] Sorry again for not updating. Blame my Spanish teacher! No really, he has such a thick accent I can barely understand him. x]

Buh-bye guys!
<3 Tina