Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Three

After directing Gerard, we finally pulled up in front of Starbucks. I was the first to jump out of the van and I ran up to the door. I was hopping up and down like a little kid about to enter the candy shop when the rest reached the door.

"FINALLY!" I exclaimed. I know I'm impatient, I have the attention span the size of a peanut a majority of the time.

"Hyper much?" the man with emo glasses asked with an eyebrow cocked. I nodded quickly and he laughed.

"I expected that much."

"Now Mikey. You make it sound like a bad thing," Gerard said with his bottom lip in a pouting fashion. Mikey rolled his eyes and released Gerard's grip on his shoulder.

"Can I have coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?" I begged, putting extra emphasis on the E's. Everyone laughed at me but nodded. I grinned really big before running to the counter. I managed to slip and slid on my butt straight into the counter.

"Owie," I moaned as I stood weakly. I looked up and almost glopped the person behind the counter. It was my bestest friend here at Starbucks, Aiden.

"Dai [Die]!" he yelled and hugged me tightly. Since my middle name is Darlene he gave me the nickname Dai and, since he's so cool like that, he's the only one who can legally call me that. Well, not on a legal term but you get my point, right?

"Addie!" I yelled back, just as loud. Many people looked at us funny, including Frank and everyone else, but we just ignored them.

"Guess what Addie?" He gave me a look that read "what?". "I got adopted!"

"Seriously?! Congrats babe!" he said with a bright smile. He finally noticed Frank, Gerard, Mikey, and everyone and his mouth hung wide open. I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his sockets!

"What?" I asked with confusion. I mean, they are hot but I didn't expect him to be stare crazy.

"Do you know who they are," he asked/whispered in my ear. I raised an eyebrow in a form of "should I?".

"That's My Chemical-fucking-Romance!" I adapted a blank face and Aiden gave me a weird stare. Suddenly I started to run around in a small circle.

"How could I not notice?! Oh Johnny Christ I'm such a dumbass! I can't believe it!" I yelled before accidentally running into a wall. I laid on my back, just staring up at the ceiling.

"This sucks! One of my all time favorite/hottest famous person adopted me! Noooooo!" I whined even though I was happy I was adopted by some of my idols.

"Are you alright now?" Frank asked as he kneeled down, hugging his legs, and poking my left cheek. I nodded and he pulled me up with some struggle.

"So you just now noticed were the oh-so-famous My Chemical Romance?" Bob Bryar asked with a slight laugh he tried to cover with his hand over his mouth.

"Shuddup!" I groaned as I placed my forehead on a nearby table.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if it is kind of slow and/or boring right now. I am seriously trying! Please comment guys. I happily have 3 subscripters but one is a close friend of mine and she's the only one that left a comment. Come on people, feedback please? *Puppy pout*
