Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Twenty-Nine

June 26, 2007
Dear thingy,
I just woke up for the second time today and I feel better. Last night we finished the music to my real dad’s song and Mikey said we could do my mom’s today when we woke up. WOW! I just had the best idea ever! I'm going to make today a national holiday for My Chem (not like the official MCR day) but it's going to be like a Halloween party and a birthday party for the band cuz when we were on tour we missed a lot of their birthdays (or I just wasn't there on their last birthdays). So I think I'm just going to make a gigantic party today so I got to go start planning. Peace.


I quickly tossed my diary onto my end table, suddenly hyper and anxious because of my idea. I hopped out of bed before skipping into the bathroom. I wash my face, brushed my teeth, hair, and then tossed my hair into a ponytail minus my fringe. I ran back into my room and went to my wardrobe and then my closet. Once I put everything together this is what it looked like. I grabbed my sidekick, a notebook, and a pen before skipping down the stairs and then into the kitchen where everyone was seated.

"You seem happy," Ray said, stating the obvious. I grinned while setting down my "supplies" on the counter.

"Soooo. Whatcya guys doing today?" I asked with a smile.

"Well we're going to hang out with-" Dad was cut off by the front doorbell going off.

"I GOT IT!" I yelled, already running for the door. As soon as I opened it I was tackled into a hug by none other than Johnny Christ.

"LEXI!" he yelled happily. I hugged back before his death grip was taken off me by Brian.

"Thank y-" I was cut off as Brian replaced Johnny, hugging me and making all the air escape my lungs. I tried to take in a breath but had problems. Suddenly he was yanked off by Matt and I took a deep breath.

Thanks..Matt," I wheezed out, smiling weakly at Matt. He just nodded to me from my place on the floor.

"Damn Brian! You almost fucking killed her!" Zacky yelled, laughing with the rest of the band.

"Shuddup you assholes," I gasped out as I turned on my side. Dad and Gerard walked in with confused faces as Jimmy shut the door. Picture if you will, your "daughter" curled up in a ball on the ground with your friends huddled around her.

"What did you do?" Dad asked confused as hell.

"Pain...causers!" I coughed out, pointing towards Brian and Johnny. They got innocent faces and started to whistle different songs. Brian glared and smacked Johnny over the head.

"Dumb ass! You're suppose to whistle Face Down!" Brian said, rolling his eyes. Everyone, including me, looked at him like he had grown three heads.

"Brian. That makes it seem worse and intentional," Gerard informed him. He opened his mouth to say something but shut it quickly.

"...Shuddup," he muttered. We all started to laugh as Jimmy helped me stand up.

"Thanks. Did anyone every tell you you're fucking tall?" I asked. He was at least a foot taller than me which I just now took the time to notice.

"Well Johnny does but everyone is tall to Johnny," Jimmy shrugged. I glared and stood next to Johnny, holding my hand above his head then mine. And then I did the same but with dad, he's only like an inch short than Johnny though. Jimmy grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head.

"You were saying?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Ha-ha. Maybe not everyone," he laughed nervously. Everyone laughed at him as we walked towards the kitchen again.

"So what are you guys doing?" I re-stated my question from earlier.

"Well we can go to lunch and go to an amusement park or something," Bob suggested. Everyone nodded except for me.

"No thanks. Me, Brian, and Johnny need to do something. Have fun," I smiled. I winked at Brian who caught on quickly.

"Yeah. Tell us how it is," he said, grinning. Johnny opened his mouth, probably to protest, but Brian hit him in his side. Johnny groaned and everyone but me and Brian raised their eyebrows.

"Have fun," me and Brian chorused, waving. Everyone said goodbye, my dad leaving a kiss on my forehead, before walking out the door. After we heard the cars drive away both men turned to me, Brian with anxiousness and Johnny with anger.

“There better be a damn good reason I didn’t get to go with. I love amusement parks!” Johnny whined. I rolled my eyes at him and glared.

“I do too but this is important. I need a lot of help. So do you guys wanna hear my idea or stand there like dorks?” I asked.

“Well,” Brian started. I rolled my eyes and pulled them both to the table by their wrists. After we sat down I told them my plan and waited for their reaction. They both had their eyes wide and I sighed sadly, thinking it must sound retarded to them.

“That sounds fucking awesome! I’m glad I didn’t go to the amusement park! Can I help with decorations?!” Johnny asked, starting to spazz.

“Okay! Shut up Christ!” Brian yelled at him. Johnny got quiet and slid down in his seat.

“Okay how many vehicles do we have left?” I asked. Brian ran off to the front door and came back in seconds.

“Um. We have our rental, a firebird, and a BMW,” he replied.

“Hm… Mikey’s car and Ray’s BMW since they rarely drive anywhere. Why would they take the Escalade and Gerard’s Mustang? Whatever. Okay, we need someone to go get decorations and cake supplies and someone to call around to people. Who’s doing what?” I questioned.

“Um. I’ll call around since Johnny seems so hyped on decorations. Who do I need to call?” Brian asked.

“The Used, the Berries, Aiden, Panic!, Keith next door, Jessie, and Evan. I know they will all, more than likely, be willing to come up. I’ve text Quinn a few times and I think he could talk everyone into it,” I replied, making a list in my notebook before handing it over with someone in each band’s number.

“Aye, aye ma’am,” Brian said while saluting me.

“At ease Mr. Gates,” I giggled. All of a sudden Johnny grabbed my wrist and started running for the door yelling something about getting supplies.

“Have fun!” He called after us.

“Fuck you Brian!” I yelled back. To save a long, long time I’ll summarize. We got all the decorations and stuff up, Brian and Johnny both telling me I should do the party thing sometime for Avenged, all the bands we invited ended up taking a jet here, we made a total mess in the kitchen, and then we ended up buying a cake at a bakery. Right now I was getting the flour out of my hair since everyone had shown up but our earlier group. I had changed into this outfit and was flat ironing my hair.

“Lexi. The guys will be here soon. Come on,” Brian told me, peeking into the bathroom. I nodded and slipped on my bracelets. We both got downstairs and everyone hid as we heard the vehicles pull up. Brian had already told Zacky, Jimmy, and Matt what was going on so they won't be shocked.

"Shuddup!" I heard wiL hiss.

"Why's the place so darK?" I heard Bob asked.

"Maybe the guys went somewhere," Matt suggested. As soon as the flicked on the lights everyone popped up, me closest to the door.

♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! I updated earlier than I thought. Hope you enjoyed it. Please comment/message/subscribe. I still am going to probably end this soon but there will be a sequel! Buh-bye.
<3 Tina