Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Five

My mouth went agape and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. Oh my god! Avenged Sevenfold! My other fucking idols in front of me. And Panic at the Disco, hot mofos. Someone waved their hand in front of my face and I snapped out of my daze. I blushed heavily as the two new bands were chuckling, especially Ryan Ross who was right in front of me. I hid behind Gerard and peeked out at them.

"Oh come on. You weren't this shy with us," Mikey laughed as he kneeled to my level.

"Well I didn't know it was you guys at first," I remarked in a whisper with a light glare. Everyone short of broke off into groups talking as I started to quietly argue with Gerard and Mikey.

"What are we talking about?" I jumped as someone behind me asked in my ear. I quickly turned around to come face to face with my biggest crush, Synyster Gates, with Zacky Vengeance right behind him. I felt the blood rush to my face and I quickly looked down at my converse which seemed like the most interesting thing in the world at that moment.

"Ha-ha. Nothing. This is Lexi. Lexi this is Brian or Syn and Zacky," Gerard introduced. I could feel them burning holes into my head but I just nodded to show I had heard.

"I'm going to put my stuff on the bus," I whispered. Mikey insisted to come with so I didn't argue. I grabbed my back pack since Mikey said he'd get my suitcase. He showed me the living room/kitchen. It had a big TV, XBOX, Playstation 2, and Gamecube, a mini fridge, normal kitchen stuff, a small booth type table, and two couches. Through a doorway was the bunks. On the top right was Gerard's, below was Frank's, across from Gerard was Ray's, Bob's below his. Farther down on the top right was Mikey's, a spare one below his, mine would be across from his, and a storage thing was below my bunk. We tossed my stuff into it before he showed the studio thing in the next section and away from it on the right was the bathroom with a shower.

"Let's go back outside. Try to talk. Okay?" Mikey said as we were heading back to the front. I sighed but nodded anyways.

"LEXI!" Someone squealed as I stepped back out. Suddenly Brendon Urie picked me up and spun me in circles. I raised an eyebrow at him as he placed me down.

"Um...Yo?" I said as I held up a peace sign. He, Ryan, Spencer Smith, and Jon Walker laughed. I smiled and decided Mikey was right, I need to loosen up.

"So, how do you like our friends so far?" Ryan asked as we all sat down on the grass.

"They're alright. But between me and you, I think I'm going to hide on your bus this tour. They're crazy," I said loudly in a joking voice.

"I object!" Gerard and Frank exclaimed at the same time. Everyone around me burst out laughing and I giggled.

"Order! Order in the...venue!" I yelled back only making the laughter worse.

"My Chem and Panic, we need you at sound check!" some random stage hand called out. I got a panicked face as I realized I'll have to be let alone with one of my all time favorite bands. Oh shit....

"Bob! Don't leave me here!" I begged since he was the one closest to me.

"Oh come on Lexi. We'll be gone... 20 minutes tops. If anything, Frank's always done first. They don't bite...much," he said before fleeing with the rest of the bands.

"Oh yeah! I feel loads better!" I called sarcastically. Damn that fluffy man! Yes he's fluffy, argue with me and I will hunt you down! No one talks bad about Bob Bryar!

"Hello!" someone greeted loudly. I jumped and saw Johnny Christ and The Rev sitting in front of me with goofy grins.

"...Hi," I replied. Let's see how much I can embarrass myself, shall we?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Chapter five! Woot! Thank you everyone. Sorry if this one was kind of boring, tis very early in the morning at the moment. On the plus side, I now have 17 subscribers and 10 comments in total. Please send more rates, comments, and messages. Thank you everyone! Promise to update soon. I'm gonna go to sleep now since its 2:37 in the morning. Night everyone.
