Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Six

"So...." I trailed off. Right now Jimmy and Johnny were just sitting there smiling which freaked me out awhole lot little. I glanced over at Matt, Zacky, and Brian to see them completely ignoring us and talking away. I looked back at the two weirdos in front of me and almost faint. Jimmy was centimeters from my face, looking like he was concentrating extremely hard.

"Hi?" I said quietly while scooting back a little.

"Have I met you before?" he asked suddenly with confusion across his features.

"Um...Sort of," I replied with a shy smile.

"I got it!" Johnny exclaimed suddenly. Jimmy and I turned to stare at him with a face that read 'huh?". He was smirking triumphantly before Matt, who was leading Zacky and Brian over, smacked the back of his head.

"What are you talking about short shit?" Matt asked as they all sat down near us. Zacky was on my left and Brian on my right. I could die happily right now, two of the greatest guitarists ever right next to you? Yeah, you'd be happy.

"Remember that one concert I was talking about that one girl that no one but me saw fighting with a security guy?" Johnny said, trying to remind them but they just stared at him like he was a lunatic. "You tell them!" he exclaimed pointing at me. I felt my cheeks turn slightly pink as everyone stared at me.

"I went to one of your guys' concerts with some girls who ended up just liking you for your looks. I was about to go mosh pit on them but they got some random dude to toss me into a crowd surf. I loved the feeling but saw them trying to get me to security. When one got me I punched him and jumped back into the crowd. I managed to A) get to stay in the concert and B) beat up those chicks without getting into trouble since I claimed that they were in the pit," I explained.

"See! I told you," Johnny yelled in a 'Ha-ha-I-was-right" fashion. Not long after Jimmy, Zacky, and Brian started to give him shit and chase him around the venue. I giggled and laid on my back, hands behind my head, and eye closed. Soon I was covered by a shadow. I opened one eye and sat up really quick, accidentally ramming my forehead into Matt's.

"Ow! I'm constantly injuring myself today," I groaned as I laid back down holding my head.

"Ouch. I know your pain," Matt laughed out, as did I.

"Sorry about that," I apologized and I slowly sat up.

"No problem. Since the morons are busy," Matt started while motioning towards the others who now had Johnny in a head lock, having him beg for mercy. "I thought I'd keep you company." I could feel myself blush and lowered my head to hide it.

"You don't have to do that. You can hang out with your friends," I replied with a bright smile. "I can stay here by myself." Not like haven't before I added in my mind.

"Nah. Plus I have to deal with them all the time. I think everyone should get a personal vacation," Matt replied as he slipped off his aviators. I laughed and nodded.

"So how are you liking it with our boys," Matt asked waving his hand as if motioning towards My Chemical Romance.

"I love it. I can never tell what's going to happen next. I'm not too sure if that's a good or bad thing," I said, a thoughtful looking on my face as I hugged my knees to my chest.

"A good thing," Matt said. I looked at him, silently telling him to continue. "Well, if you know what's going to happen, what's the point? Life is filled with surprises. It's fun to be given a surprise but its also fun to give one," Matt finished and stood, stretching.

"Hey Matt!" I heard Frank yell. I took Matt's cell from his hand and looked at the time.

"Wow. That was a quick twenty minutes," I said to Frank as I hand Matt his cell phone.

"They didn't contaminate your head too bad did they?" Frank asked jokingly and Matt laughed.

"Shh! She's not suppose to know," Matt replied in a fake hush tone. We laughed but I started to think about what Matt said. I think I already know the answer but...What the hell is he trying to hint to me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. M.Shadows being a potential advice giver. I never would have thought.
Hello! I'm sorry I didn't update earlier but some family stuff has been going down. I know this is kind of slow/retarded chapter but I'm having writer's block issues. Sorry.
Thank you everyone for reading and messaging and rating and commenting. I have 66 readers, 21 subscribers, 13 comments, and a 3/10 rating. :3
Promise to update soon,
<3 Tina