Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Eight

The concert kicked freakin' ass! The most pit didn't really kick off until Avenged came out, but honestly, I really can't see anyone truly moshing to Panic or My Chem. No offense to them though. The main thing that happened when Matt and the guys were playing "Unholy Confessions" someone shoved me and someone kicked me in the side by accident. The dude literally started to freak out but I reassured him I was fine. He, however, insisted giving me twenty dollars since he noticed I had a bruise. I wasn't going to turn that down sinceI need the cash he was such a nice man. After the concert Johnny helped me up and onto the stage.

"Nice moshing out there," he grinned as we walked side by side to backstage.

"You saw?" I questioned. I didn't think he'd pay attention.

"Hell yeah. What was with that guy?"

"Oh nothing. He was just worried if I'd gotten hurt," I replied. Let's leave the bruise for a surprise, shall we? Matt said its nice to give surprises. He wasn't very specific on what kind.

"Aw. Is wittle Wexi hurt?" Johnny cooed in a baby voice. I slapped him on the back of the head and he let out a yelp.

"Would you quit doing that?!" he exclaimed just as we stepped into the big dressing room that all the bands were in.

"Nah," I replied. I took a sniff of the air and jumped back out the door.

"Ew! You guys smell gross!" I exclaimed.

"Hey! We're good! We took showers and everything," Ryan said walking up to me. He was right, he smelt good so I assumed the rest of Panic was too.

"Hey! We had to perform for about a thousand people," Zacky retorted from across the room.

"And I was moshing against.... a lot! I just found a bottle of water and a towel and I'm fine!" I said back while pointing to my damp hair.

"You were moshing!" Frank yelled as he ran up to me. It wasn't a bad scream, more like a very enthusiastic one. I nodded and grinned.

"Yep. And lookie." I pulled up my shirt to below my chest and showed him my bruise. Everyone except for Matt, Zacky, Frank, Gerard, and Ryan looked away. Brendon even screamed out "Pedophile" on the top of his lungs.

"What the hell? Who is giving him what and can I have some?" I asked as I pulled my shirt back down. Everyone started laughing their asses off, guess who was actually rolling on the floor? Yep, Mr. Brendon Urie. Suddenly a giant Pixie Stix was thrown at me and I looked up with a confused face. Johnny winked at me and I giggled.

"High five me!" Frank said as he regained his breath. I raised and eyebrow and slowly high fived him. I gave a look that read 'and-I-did-what?" and he laughed.

"Your bruise. I take that as I job well done," he replied like it was nothing.

"That's not what I expected," I muttered. For the next ten minutes Avenged and My Chem were taking turns taking showersone at a time you perverts and Panic and I sat around, me trying to get the Pixie Stix opened with my teeth.

"Gah! Someone give me scissors!" I exclaimed, finally realizing I wasn't going to win. Damn child proof stuff.....Well it may not be child proof, but still! Suddenly the candy was ripped out of my hand and replaced open. I turned around and Bob was walking away while whistling and twirled scissors around his finger.

"Thank you Bobby!" I yelled after him. He cringed before turning around and glaring. I got wide eyed and pointed at Mr. Sugar High AKA Brendon. Bob rolled his eyes and walked into a separate room. After a while everyone had finished their showers (including one for me) and everyone went to their buses. After we got back I took off my converse before crashing into my bunk.

Amazing. One day I'm hating my hell hole, get adopted by one of my favorite bands, meet another, and get to go to a concert. I'm going to like it here. With that thought I feel into a deep sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ello!I am Lindsay Lohan! Sorry Je-fa-fa Dun-ham (Jeff Dunham) moment. Chapter 8 up now! Yayness. Sorry if it was short and a little boring but I've been up for over 24 hours. I went to a friend's brithday party/sleepover thing and haven't gone to bed yet. I probably will now. In other news, you guys love me! You really love me! 117 readers and 42 subscribers! Yessss! *Gives out giant Pixie Stixs and Hello Kitty band aids* Comment/subscribe/rate. Bye everyone!
<3 Tina