Sequel: My Chemical Life
Status: Completed

My Chemical Romance Is What?!

Chapter Nine

June 10th, 2007
Dear thing I call a diary,
It's been a whole week since I was adopted by MCR. And man a crazy fun week it's been. There's not many details. First off, we've gone from Chicago all the way to Orlando, Florida. Right now were heading to well...I can't remember where. Yeah, I don't have a too great of memory on those kind of things. Second, Frank and the guys all got me a new sidekick. ((A/N: Like this)) In a way its from all of the bands. Avenged picked it out, Panic ran around and got everyone on the tour's numbers, and My Chem is paying for it. Either way I love it! Third, Frank and Gerard took me shopping for new clothes so now I have a new wardrobe. Fourth and final thing, I'm switching tour buses every other venue. This is my last trip on Panic's bus and then I go to Avenged's. They let me stash clothes on every bus we have to make sure I get everything back when tour is over a long time from now. Well I'm going to go, I need to get dressed. Peace.


I put my diary and pen into my backpack and jumped out of my bunk. Everyone but Spencer was in the front playing, I think, Guitar Hero II. I pulled out undergarments, this shirt, these shoes, and these pants. I walked into the bathroom, changed, tossed my dirty clothes in the empty hamper (that's a shocker), brushed/straightened my hair, put on eyeliner, and pulled on black and neon green jelly bracelets. I quickly walked in the bunk area as I heard a thud. I went to my bunk and placed my sidekick into my pocket before hesitantly walking into the front. I started to laugh really hard as I saw Brendon "shredding" on the controller while sliding in circles on the floor. After a few minutes I finally regained my breath.

"What the hell is going on?" I giggled out. Ryan was holding the other controller but had stopped to laugh at Brendon, Spencer was sleeping on the couch (he must have got up to see what happened and was to lazy to get to his bunk), and Jon was just reading.

"I won! In your face!" Brendon yelled while pointing a finger in Ryan's face. Great, someone has given him sugar. Yet again. I told Johnny to stop stocking him up.

"No, you actually lost. He got spazzy as the solo on "The Beast and The Harlot" started," Ryan replied calmly to me.

"Of course," I said as I rolled my eyes. Suddenly we hit a pot hole that made me, Ryan, and the just standing Brendon fall, Spencer land on the floor (even though he stayed asleep), and it just made Jon bounce a little.

"Ouch. It's been a week and I'm still not used to that," I muttered as I landed face down on something or someone.

"We've been touring for a while and I'm not use to it," a voice said, echoing near my ear. I sat up quick to see I was on Ryan and he was on top of Brendon. He stood up and Brendon just rolled under the table Jon was sitting at.

"Alright then," I said slowly. I took the controller he left behind and went to quick play. I picked "Madhouse" and played it on Expert. After I finished Ryan looked at me shocked with his mouth wide open. I gently closed it and smiled.

"You'll catch flies Ryro," I said in a matter-of-fact tone using my nickname to annoy him.

"I didn't know you could play that good!" he exclaimed, temporarily ignoring the name. I just stared at him as if to say 'and-this-is-shocking-how'.

"I have been playing while everyone is at sound check and those two times I didn't feel like going to the concert. Plus I can catch onto stuff quickly," I replied with a shrug. Ryan hugged me and I cocked an eyebrow.

"Don't ask," Ryan replied and turned to the TV. I shrugged and grabbed my iPod before sitting where Spencer was sleeping. I whipped out my sidekick and started a new text.

'Help me,' I texted to Johnny. I forgot to mention that me and him are very close now, kind of like brother and sister. I put in my ear buds and "Left Behind" by Slipknot filled my ears. Suddenly my phone started to vibrate since I put it on silent. I slightly head banged while somehow reading his reply.

'That horrible? What happened?' I explained what happened and he just replied with an 'lol'.

'Not cool. You need to stop giving him sugar! Give it to me you dumb shit!' I replied and put a face like "X_X". As I waited "The Gangster Song" by Adam and Andrew came on.

"I'm a gangster. I'm a straight up G. The gangster life is the life for me," I rapped/sang along. When I looked up Ryan and Jon was staring at me like I'm crazy and Brendon was singing along.

"What?" I asked, lost.

"What the hell are you listening to?" Jon asked, the first words I've heard from him today.

"The Gangster Song," I replied like it was nothing. Everyone slowly looked away and Brendon continued to hum along. I looked down at Johnny's reply and laughed.

'But if I give it to you I won't have entertainment. Plus it is very fun to bug the shit out of you. [Syn hacking] I'll save you! Ignore this short shit here. [J.C.] He's lying! [Syn] No I'm not!'

'Make up your mind!' I sent just before we pulled to a stop. I looked out the window to see us in the middle of traffic.

"Great," I sighed before the door was yanked open. I looked wide eyed at Synyster as he jumped on the bus. He quickly ran over to me and tossed me over his shoulder. I barely grabbed my iPod, sidekick, and waved goodbye to the guys before he brought me outside.

"You know this is dangerous?" I inquired as he slammed the door shut and ran to his band's bus.

"Maybe," he replied and opened up the door. He climbed up two steps, shut the door, and walked into the "living room". Syn dropped me onto the couch and sat next to me with a sigh. Matt, Zacky, and The Rev all looked confused and Johnny just rolled his eyes.

"I can't believe you really did that," Johnny said.

"Well I wanted to save her unlike you," Syn said back and got a coke from the mini fridge. He gave me a look that read 'want-one'. I nodded and he tossed me a can.

"Your a retard," Matt said as he turned back to the TV. I laughed and cracked open my can as Syn, Johnny, and I started to chat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 9 up. *dances* I love you people! 139 readers, 50 subscribers, 6/10 rating, and 30 comments. Thank everyone! :3 Please continue to comment/rate/subscribe. Thank you! *gives out virtual cokes* Sorry, soda mood. *Sips own soda*
<3 Tina