‹ Prequel: Run Away With My Heart

Hear Your Heart

00: Thiago Casillas Garcia

The hospital room was quiet around Olivia as she sat in her bed, her blue eyes fixed adoringly on the tiny baby boy who rested in her arms, his tiny hands flexing as he drifted quietly off to sleep. He wasn’t very old, he had only been born an hour previous, but already Olivia was transfixed with him. He was beautiful, even if he had been covered in who knows what when he had entered the world, and she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. “You’re so cute” she whispered, her hand gently shifting the blue knitted hat out of the little boy’s eyes, earning a little whimper from him. Olivia marveled at the sound before she placed a little kiss onto his head. “I can’t quite believe that I have you” she added, murmuring against his skin.

“Is it alright to come in?”

Olivia peeled herself away from her son and nodded, quietly beckoning Callie into the room. She owed a lot to the other girl, since ending things with Iker, Callie and Jacob had done a lot for Olivia and she couldn’t have been more grateful. They had helped her cope with losing her best friend as well as with the pregnancy which had result in the beautiful little boy who sat in her arms, his eyes closing more and more by the second. “Wow” Callie breathed as she padded into the room, Jacob and Daniel in tow “He’s certainly a looker, isn’t he?” she teased gently.

Olivia smiled. “He’s beautiful” she noted gently.

“He looks like you-know-who” Callie added thoughtfully. It was no surprise, the baby was always going to look like his father, but as he sat in Olivia’s arms, the resemblance was almost uncanny. There was no doubting whose child he was.

Olivia nodded. “He does” she noted gently “But I really don’t want to think about him today. Please?” she posed gently, her blue eyes pleading.

Daniel sighed. “I understand, Oli, I do, but shouldn’t you at least think about telling him about the baby? I am not saying that you should let him near you, trust me, I am the last person who wants you anywhere near that son of a bitch, but this is his son. Don’t you owe it to the baby to let his papa know about him?” he whispered, sitting on the edge of his sister’s bed.

“I will think about it, Danny, but not now, not today” Olivia protested, shaking her head gently. She knew she couldn’t hide it forever, Iker was one day going to find out that his son had been born, but Olivia didn’t want to think about it then. It was supposed to be a happy day, one centered on her and the beautiful baby boy she had bought into the world, and not around the man who had taken Olivia’s heart and trampled it. It was no secret, Olivia’s heart still laid firmly in the grasp of the goalkeeper who had proceeded to destroy it, and talking about it only made it harder for her to cope. She missed him, even if he was an idiot, and she didn’t want to get lost in moping then, not when her son was only an hour old.

Daniel smiled at his sister gently and nodded his head, moving to press a little kiss against her temple. “I’m so proud of you, Oli” he whispered gently “He’s a really cute baby” he added, gently touching his nephew’s hand.

Olivia nodded. “He’s perfect” she enthused.

“We bought you two a few things” Callie noted as she moved to set the present bags on the table beside Olivia “Mostly, we wanted to spoil our beautiful new godson” she added.

Olivia shook her head and gently moved to pass her son over to Daniel who whispered gently to him in Spanish. Olivia smiled at her brother briefly before she turned towards the present bags, grinning at the selection of toys and clothes that Callie and Jacob had thoughtfully bought for the new baby. “Guys, you really didn’t have to” she whispered, choosing out a small blue sleep suit to dress the baby in once he was up.

“You didn’t get to have a baby shower” Callie noted with a little shrug “And it isn’t every day that you get to welcome a new godson into the world. We just wanted to spoil him a little before…before the storm of Iker walks back into your life” she whispered gently.

Olivia sighed. “I wish I could pretend he didn’t exist” she murmured.

“But he does” Callie whispered “And he” she added, gesturing to the baby who had been transferred into Jacob’s arms “Doesn’t deserve to be caught up in the middle of a madre and a padre who cannot put aside their differences. You and Iker, it is over, but Iker and baby? That needs to happen, Liv” she added with a small smile.

Olivia nodded her head. She knew that Callie was right, regardless of her and her relationship with Iker, her son had a right to know his father and Olivia wasn’t going to be the type of mother who tried to keep them apart, it wasn’t fair on Iker, but mostly it wasn’t fair on the baby who would need his father growing up. “You’re right, Cal” she murmured.

“I tend to be” Callie grinned “Now give me the baby, I want to say hello to my beautiful new godson” she enthused, padding towards Jacob who happily held the baby out to her, allowing her to take him in his arms. Olivia watched her son with a small smile, noting the adorable ways in which he moved and the cute sounds that he made.

“Do you have a name for him yet, Oli?” Daniel smiled as he moved to wrap his sister in a side hug.

Olivia nodded her head. “I do” she teased.

“Can we hear it?” Callie mused, swaying the baby gently.

Olivia smiled. “Thiago” she cooed “Thiago Casillas Garcia” she added.

“Iker’s name?” Daniel posed.

“Iker’s son” Olivia replied gently “He has to know, Danny” she added.

Daniel nodded his head and pressed another kiss to the side of his sister’s head, mumbling about how proud he was of her.

Olivia smiled at the touch and moved to call Callie towards her, taking little Thiago into her arms. “Te amo, mi hijo” she whispered gently.
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