‹ Prequel: Run Away With My Heart

Hear Your Heart

12: One Night Only

“Liv, are you OK? You’ve been kind of quiet all morning” Callie noted as she moved to place a cup of coffee down ahead of her friend, her eyes slightly narrowed and scrutinizing. It had been a quiet morning, Callie had made it routine that she visited Olivia and Thiago at least once a week whilst the brunette was on her maternity leave, and she could tell that there was something up. Olivia had hardly uttered a sound other than to tell Callie that she and Thiago were doing fine, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that it was linked to the man who had only served to make Olivia’s life harder since she had brought him back into it. Callie didn’t like Iker, she didn’t like the effects that he still had on Olivia, and she hated that he still had the ability to make her trip over herself. She had never known Olivia as nervous as she had been in the first few months after she and Iker met and started to spend time together.

Olivia, who had been reading a magazine, nodded. “Fine” she replied “Just reading” she added.

Callie scoffed. “Yeah right. Liv, you seem to forget that I actually know you. So why don’t you put the magazine down and tell me what the idiot did this time” she noted, taking the magazine out of her friend’s hand.

“He has a name, Cal” Olivia murmured “And I would appreciate if you used it” she added.

Callie rolled her eyes. “Why should I? He is an idiot, Liv, we both know it, and I don’t see why I should use his name” she muttered.

“How about because he is Thiago’s papa?” Olivia quipped.

Callie sighed. “I will never understand why you defend that man to me” she muttered “It’s not like he gives a shit about you” she added.

Olivia shook her head. She knew there was little point in trying to change Callie’s mind, the other girl hated the goalkeeper and Olivia doubted there was anything she could say to change it. “I don’t want to go through this with you again, Cal” she murmured.

“I just want to know what has upset you” Callie noted.

Olivia scoffed. “You don’t want that. You want me to say that Iker upset me so that you can bad mouth him again” Olivia muttered “Cal, I know you don’t like him, in the last year, you’ve made that clear, but I am sick of having this conversation with you. I want to keep Iker involved with our son and whilst it isn’t easy right now, it will get there and I know it. So please, for my sake and for Thiago too, stop badmouthing him” she rambled.

Callie cocked an eyebrow. “Do you really want Iker around just for Thiago?” she posed “Because the way that he can still make you cry, suggests otherwise” she mumbled.

Olivia shook her head. “I don’t know how I feel for him, Callie” she muttered.

“So you’d be OK if he moved on?” Callie posed “If he started to see other women?” she added.

Olivia sighed. “I don’t know I feel” she whispered “One second, I want to be with him, I want to go back to the way things were before France, but then the next second, after I remember the girl and the picture, I want to throttle him. It was easier when he wasn’t around, when it was just me and Thiago, but I could never ask Iker to step aside now. Thiago loves him far too much for that” she explained, her fingers pulling absently at the sofa throw she was sat on.

Callie sighed. “Why are you being so proud?” she whispered.

“What do you mean?” Olivia squeaked “How am I being proud?” she added.

“You know, it is OK to admit that you’re not OK” Callie noted “Liv, there’s a reason that you still feel like that, even after 14 months. If you truly had no feelings whatsoever left for Iker, then you would never have sought him out to introduce him to Thiago. You wouldn’t still cry when he speaks to you and you certainly wouldn’t still be pissed at him for what happened. I hate the guy, Liv, but not because he isn’t good for you or because I think he meant to hurt you, I hate him because he can still make you a mess without even really trying to. The first time I knew you liked him was a few months after you two first met. You were talking about him, still trying to disguise the fact that he was Iker Casillas, and I noticed that you stammered and stumbled over your words, something I have only ever seen you do around him. Olivia, it is Ok to admit that being near him still makes you nervous” she explained gently.

Olivia swallowed. “I am terrified, Cal” she muttered “What if I said that I loved him too and things failed again? It just seems safer this way, even if the look on his face when I told him there was a chance that I wasn’t still in love with him did feel like a knife to the stomach, I just don’t think I can do it” she murmured.

“And what’s the alternative? You can’t honestly expect him to not move on at some point” Callie noted.

Olivia sighed. “I don’t know what I want. I don’t know if I want to be with him or never speak to him again. I don’t know if I want him to move on, or wait on me forever. Callie, I just wish I could know” she rambled, her hand lightly tugging on her brown hair.

“Then test it” Callie noted, making the brunette frown. “Sergio called you earlier on the landline, you were getting Thiago dressed and I answered it for you. Iker wants to take you out, one night only, and if you can show after that that there is definitely no spark, no romance, then he is prepared to let you go. I wasn’t going to tell you, you and Iker have been through a lot of fight recently, but seeing you fret over it makes me sure that I have to tell you to go. Give him the night, Liv, one night to win your heart back and if it fails, you have your answers” she explained.

“One night?” Olivia posed.

“Tomorrow. He’ll be here at seven and Sergio and Pilar have already offer to take Thiago” Callie replied.

Olivia sighed, but nodded her head, knowing she couldn’t decide otherwise.
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Thanks to Luuuc_19, Jayme112234 and FootieJo for the comments :)