‹ Prequel: Run Away With My Heart

Hear Your Heart

17: I’m Not Letting Go Again

Peering up at the ceiling, Olivia chewed on her lip, her blue eyes stinging a little with lack of sleep. It had been a few hours and Olivia had found it hard to fall asleep, her mind to busy thinking and overthinking what had happened. She had wanted it, there was no denying that she wanted Iker and had wanted to be close to him again, but part of her couldn’t help but feel a little unsure. It had been wonderful, that had never been a problem for them, but still she couldn’t quite get comfortable with the idea of what they had done. It had felt different, unfamiliar, and she couldn’t stop herself from worrying that things were still broken, even if on the surface they appeared better, she wondered if she would ever feel normal in his arms again. Yawning a little, she cuddled into her pillow a little more before she felt Iker’s hand move, settling against the bare skin of her hip which had been left exposed by the shirt of his that she had pulled on. Letting out a small breath, she shifted away from him slightly, only to have him follow her movements, his arm resting over her waist.

“Oli” he mumbled, his eyes still firmly closed “Nena, why do you keep moving?” he added, a small yawn falling out of his mouth.

Olivia shook her head. “I…I am just trying to get comfortable” she mused, trying to keep the odd tone out of her voice.

“If you keep moving, you’re going to fall out of the bed” Iker quipped knowingly “So why don’t you move back towards me a little and we can go to sleep OK?” he whispered as he placed his hand on her hip once more, gently using it to tug her back towards him. Olivia swallowed at the contact and shook her head, moving out of his grasp.

“I can’t do this” she muttered, pushing herself out of the bed.

Iker frowned and sat up, his dark eyes fixed on his girlfriend. “Oli, what are you talking about? We’re just sleeping” he noted.

Olivia shook her head. “It just doesn’t feel right, Iker” she protested “I…I don’t like your hands on me” she added.

“You weren’t complaining earlier” Iker retorted “Oli, I just don’t understand what the problem is. We’re in a relationship, we went on a date and we had sex, there is nothing strange about that, nena” he mused as he moved to stand up, moving towards her.

“It felt strange” Olivia murmured, her tearful blue eyes watching him.

Iker sighed gently and came to a stop ahead of her, his hands gently placing themselves on her hips. “It was wonderful, Oli, just like it always was” he explained gently “Nothing was different, nothing was strange, it was just me and you. Oli, I swear, it is OK” he whispered, moving one hand to her cheek.

“Then why do I feel so strange?” she whispered, trying not to cry.

Iker shrugged. “Perhaps because you’re still struggling, but I didn’t expect anything less, querida. This was fast, too fast, and it is OK to feel strange about it. It’s just going to take us a little while to get used to the intimacy again, but we’ll get there. I promise” he mused, his thumb gently brushing away the tears that had seeped out of her blue eyes. He didn’t like it, seeing her so upset, but he knew that he had to reassure her. It was going to take some getting used to, the idea that they were so close again and Iker didn’t want her fears getting the best of her. He had worked hard to convince her to give him another shot and he wasn’t going to let her slip through his fingers again. It was all just a little unfamiliar.

Olivia sniffed. “You really think that we can get back to where we were?” she murmured, her eyes staring straight into his.

“I think we can try, Oli” Iker replied “We had something amazing, I had never been in a relationship better than ours, and I don’t want to just give up on recapturing it at the first sign of trouble. I love you, Oli, and whilst you don’t seem…”

“I love you too” she murmured, cutting him off.

Iker blinked. “What?” he murmured.

“I have my doubts Iker, and I don’t think that tonight will be the only wobble I have now that we are seeing each other again, but I know now that I do love you. You’re possibly the only man that I have ever been in love with” she mused gently.

Iker was still for a second before he bent down a little, pressing his lips lightly to hers. Olivia stiffened at the contact, still a little unsure, but slowly she grew into it, kissing him gently. “We ought to get back to sleep, hermosa” Iker murmured as he gently pulled away from her, keeping his forehead gently rested against hers. “Thiago will be home in the morning and there is nothing worse than dealing with a baby on only a few hours’ sleep” he explained softly.

Olivia nodded her head gently and moved to pull out of his embrace, only for him to hold onto for a second. “Oli” he murmured.

“Iker” she returned, half teasingly, half sleepily.

“You know that we will get there, don’t you?” he murmured, searching her eyes.

Olivia smiled softly. “I know you won’t rest until we are there, Iker” she replied “You’re determined, strong-willed and if you want something enough, you’ll strive to get it” she explained.

“There is nothing I want more than to make us work again” he murmured.

Olivia nodded her head and moved to kiss his cheek, only for him to turn and capture her lips once more. “I am not letting you go again” he murmured, moving back from her.

Olivia smiled and moved to climb into the bed. “I know you’re not” she mused “And as hard as I have made it, I am pleased, Iker” she murmured, resting her head heavily on the pillow. Iker smiled at the sight and moved to climb into the bed beside her, dropping a small kiss on her shoulder as her blue eyes began to close. “Te amo, Oli” he whispered as he placed his arm around her waist, holding her securely against him. Olivia shifted slightly at the contact, but didn’t move away from him again, knowing she needed to get used to him being close to her again.
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Thanks to FootieJo, Jayme112234, Luuuc_19 and Hockeykid40 for the comments :)