‹ Prequel: Run Away With My Heart

Hear Your Heart

36: The Only One For Me

Brushing her fingers through her hair, Olivia sighed a little, her blue eyes staring at the bedroom door. It had been a quiet night, after Iker had run into Riley, he’d barely said two words, and Olivia couldn’t help but feel a little responsible. She knew what he was like, Iker didn’t like the idea of Olivia being anywhere near another man after what had happened with Juan, and she wanted to talk about it, even if there was no real need to, she wanted to make it clear that she knew where he was coming from. She didn’t like it, the way that Iker behaved when she was near other men, but she knew questioning it would only serve to make things worse. Iker could be temperamental when it came to their relationship and Olivia didn’t particularly want to fight with him. Chewing on her lip gently, she pushed the door open and stepped inside quietly, her blue eyes watching him as he watched the highlights for the match on TV.

“Amor” she noted gently “I think we need to have a conversation, don’t you?” she added.

Iker sighed and flicked the television off. “This is about Riley, isn’t it?” he muttered.

Olivia shook her head. “This is about you and me and you needing to put a little more faith in me when it comes to being around other men” she explained softly as she sat down on the bed at his side “Iker, you need to stop freaking out about me spending my time with other guys” she noted gently.

“I don’t have a problem with you spending time with other men, Oli, what I do have a problem with is the idea of you spending time with strange men who give you the look I used to give you when we first met. I am not that petty that I would prevent you from having male friends, just like you don’t stop me from having female friends, but I don’t trust Riley. I’ve seen him around, he’s been at the training ground for the last few days, and I don’t like it, Oli. Please, I know it might be somewhat irrational, but I don’t like the idea of him around you” Iker explained gently. He knew he had gone about it the wrong way, by flatly dismissing the notion of his wife spending time with Riley, he had made it seem like he wasn’t comfortable with her being around other men, but it was merely the blonde man he didn’t trust. There was something about him and the last thing he wanted was Riley getting in the middle of a marriage that was merely weeks old.

Olivia frowned. “What is wrong with Riley?” she posed.

“Does it matter? Oli, I don’t want to be the kind of husband that controls who you do and don’t see, but I am asking you, please stay away from Riley” Iker replied, his brown eyes peeking at his wife.

Olivia sighed. “Fine” she noted “I won’t see him again” she added.

“Gracias, mi amor” Iker noted with a little smile.

“I just don’t see the issue. He seemed so nice” she noted.

Iker scoffed. “They always seem nice” he noted “But I have a feeling that if the opportunity presented itself, he would be trying to get in your pants, something that I, as your husband, strongly disagree with” he noted gently.

“How could you possibly know that?” Olivia posed, moving to rest her head against his shoulder.

“I know guys, Oli” Iker replied, hugging her close to him “And I know the types that would try and hit on you. Riley struck a note with me, one I know Delilah struck with you when you met her” he explained.

Olivia yawned a little, something which made Iker smile. “Why don’t you go and get changed and we can sit in bed and watch some movies eh? I’ll check on Thiago and get us some snacks whilst you go and take a bath” he suggested gently.

“You have no idea how wonderful that sounds to me” Olivia yawned.

Iker smiled and pressed a little kiss to her head before he stood up, making his way towards Thiago’s nursery. He knew that it was unfair, Olivia had never made a call like he had when it came to him being around other women, but he couldn’t stomach the idea of Riley hanging around. Iker already worried that he wasn’t enough for his wife, it was a worry he had had since the outset of his relationship with Olivia, and he didn’t need the handsome American man hanging around Olivia.

A small part of him was terrified that he could still lose her.

“You look comfy” Iker noted as he stepped back into the bedroom, smiling at the sight of Olivia curled up beneath the blankets, her head gently lolling on the pillow beside her.

“I am comfy, for the first time all day” Olivia replied gently “Our daughter is not easy to carry around” she added.

“You mean our son” Iker corrected with a little grin “And I bet they aren’t, something which makes me even more in love with you. You’re doing a wonderful thing in carrying around our baby and I could not be more grateful to you” he noted as he stepped towards her, pressing an affectionate kiss to her bump.

Olivia smiled. “You’re going to be so sad when that bump goes away. Sometimes, I swear, it is your favourite feature on me” she mused, a small sleepy yawn falling out of her mouth.

Iker shook his head. “My favourite feature on you is probably your eyes” he noted gently.

Olivia smiled. “I like your smile” she replied softly “Mostly because it still gives me butterflies” she added gently, snuggling closer to him.

Iker pressed a kiss to her forehead and held her close. “I don’t want to lose you, Oli” he whispered gently “That’s why I don’t want you near Riley. I am no competition for that man” he whispered.

Olivia shook her head and leaned away from him slightly so that she could look at his face. “Iker” she noted gently “Mi amor, I could never let go of you again, no matter who comes along. You’re the padre of my children, the best friend I have ever had in my life, and more importantly, I love you and no other man can take that away from you. I married you, Iker, you” she noted firmly.


“There is no but, Iker” Olivia smiled “I only want you” she added.

Iker smiled shyly. “Is it odd that I still feel strange when you say that?” he posed.

Olivia frowned. “What do you mean?” she posed.

“I mean that sometimes I still get giddy when I look at you and realize that you’re mine. For 5 years I didn’t see it and now that I do, I can’t imagine what the hell I was doing for all those years” he noted gently.

Olivia shook her head. “I didn’t see it either, Iker” she mused.

“I know” he smiled, gently moving to hold her hand “But I am glad that we did see it before it was too late. Now that we are together, I know that you’re the only one for me and I hope that I am the same for you” he mused, toying with her fingers.

Olivia watched the movement of their hands for a second before she leant into him, kissing him in a way that made it clear that she felt precisely the same way.
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Thanks to Luuuc_19 and Jayme112234 for the comments :)