‹ Prequel: Run Away With My Heart

Hear Your Heart

47: You’ve Said That Before

“Oli?” Iker posed as he stepped into the garden, his dark eyes settled on his wife who sat on the edge of the patio, her blue eyes watching Thiago who toddled around ahead of her. It had been a little while, after the small altercation at the training ground, Iker had opted to give Olivia some space, but he knew he couldn’t let it stew for too long. Leaving it alone for too long would only make it into a bigger deal than it needed to be and Iker didn’t want to fight with her. He liked where they were and didn’t want it to fall apart over something as stupid as Olivia speaking to Riley.

Olivia shifted a little at the sound of his voice, but didn’t turn, instead keeping her stare fixed ahead of herself, something which made Iker sigh. “Oli, please” he murmured “I think we need to talk about what happened” he added.

Olivia shook her head. “What happened is what always happens, Iker” she noted, still not turning her head “I spoke to a guy and you threw a fit like I was sleeping with him in front of your eyes” she muttered.


“And now you’re here to apologize and to tell me that you only do it because you worry that I will walk away from you” she added, her eyes glancing over her shoulder for a second.

Iker didn’t say a word and sat down beside her, something made her shake her head gently. “How many times do I have to tell you, Iker? How many times do I need to look you in the eye and say I love you before you finally get it into your head?” she muttered “I have done everything I can to make it clear to you. We have two children together, I left Madrid with you, I married you, but still every time I go near a man, you freak out like I am just about to run off and leave you. I am not that girl, Iker, I have never been that girl and I don’t know what I have to do to convince you. I am sick of having this same fight with you” she mused, her eyes peeking down at her hands. She knew she was being a little dramatic, part of her should have been flattered that Iker still fretted about losing her, but she was sick of it. He’d cheated on her because of a picture of her and Juan and he had freaked out about Riley more than once, something Olivia was starting to get a little irked with. She didn’t know how many more times she needed to tell him.

Iker watched her for a second before he stretched his hand out, lightly placing it over hers. “I am sorry, Oli” he whispered.

“You’ve said that before” Olivia mused, shaking her head.

“I know I have, and I know that every time I say it, I end up doing the same thing over and over again, but that doesn’t stop me being sorry, Oli” he replied, brushing his thumb over her hand.

“Why do you think I am going to leave you?” Olivia whispered “And don’t say that you think I could do better or whatever. Do you think I am lying when I say I love you?” she posed.

“No” Iker replied “Of course I don’t” he added.

“Then what is it?” she whispered “Because I am running out of ways to show you that I am here to stay” she added, offering him a sad smile.

Iker sighed gently. “I can’t help it” he murmured “I don’t trust guys easily and when Riley, or Juan for that matter, were near you, I saw red. I don’t pretend that it is rational, Oli, but in that moment, I tend to forget that you love me” he admitted gently.

Olivia shook her head gently. “I am not going anywhere” she noted firmly, her hand lightly squeezing his “And you really do need to get that into your head because if you don’t it is going to cause us a problem. 3 times is too many, Iker” she whispered softly.

“I know” he whispered gently.

“I can look after myself, querida” she whispered, leaning into him slightly “I can keep my hands to myself and you need to start believing that. They may have desires on me, but I don’t on them. I have eyes for one man and he’s sat right here” she added.

Iker smiled gently. “I do know that, querida, I just can’t help it sometimes. I am sometimes insecure and I worry” he admitted gently.

“Iker, I have known you for almost a decade, do you honestly think I don’t know that about you?” she posed, her eyes glancing at Thiago who had sat down a little away from them, playing with the ball that Callie had given him as a gift when she had visited for Catalina’s birth. “I know you worry, I know you get insecure, but when you feel like that, perhaps you could attempt to talk to me, your wife, instead of acting like an ass to guys your hardly know?” she posed softly, offering him a light smile.

“I didn’t kick up that much of a fuss” Iker scoffed gently, offering her a teasing smile.

“You were an idiot” Olivia teased “But you’re my idiot and I guess that makes it slightly better” she added.

“I really am sorry, Oli” he mumbled, leaning his head gently against hers.

“I know” Olivia whispered, holding him close “Just try not to let it happen again, eh?” she smiled.

Iker nodded his head gently and moved to place a kiss on her cheek, something Olivia greeted with a little smile. She was under no illusions, Iker was going to freak out again in the future, it was almost inevitable, but she knew there was little she could do to change it. He was jealous, it was how he had always been, and somehow they needed to get better at dealing with it before things became fractured. She didn’t want them to fall apart over his somewhat irrational fears.
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Thanks to Jayme112234 and FootieJo for the comments :)