Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty...


Lily Winters was picked on by everyone her entire life. She found solace in reading, and when she discovered witchcraft, she became obsessed. What happens when a spell finally works for her? How far should she take it? What is the cost?

And the most important question of all, Is it all in her head?

I just wanted to add a disclaimer here:

I am researching "real" witchcraft for this story. The spells seen here are either "real" spells or a combination of a few similar spells for dramatic effect, but still based on "real" spells. I personally do not practice or really believe in witchcraft, but I also have no interest in dabbling in it. If you DO feel the urge to learn anything, please do not go JUST off of what I say in this story, but go do some actual research for yourself. Much of what I am using is considered "black magic" and considered "potentially dangerous" by people who practice magic. Also some of the non-english words I have used from these spells, I do not have a translation for, and it is generally considered a bad idea in the magic world to use spells that use language you don't understand. So, just, be careful, 'kay? :)