Status: To celebrate Mockingjay PT 2, sign up! May the Odds be Ever in your Favor

The 1st Annual Writers Games


If you are reading thing, you either have or are considering entering this contest. Please read these guidelines carefully to avoid confusion. If you have any questions, just ask!

1. If you are accepted into the contest, you will have to make a contest entry book. It can be titled anything, from The First Writers Games, or The 73rd Annual Hunger Games, or even title it with your tribute name. Each chapter you write will correlate the challenge that I post.

2. YOUR CHAPTERS MUST CORRELATE IF YOUR TRIBUTE INTERACTS WITH OTHER TRIBUTES! The same goes for anyone's OC's. If, lets say, D1's mentor is going to talk to D2's mentor-- they need to correlate. Someone should be able to read anyone's book and follow the same time period, challenges, etc. This sounds intimidating, but trust me. It isn't, it's actually very fun and a great way to make friends and improve! I recommend using Google Docs for this.

3. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. If you suspect another tribute from stealing another story, or stealing from another tribute, tell me and I will look into it. I will then get back to you as soon as I have, and then I/you/both of us will report the problem. If you are reported for stealing work, you will be eliminated.

4. Any author who is eliminated may still continue their story as their own piece of work. Along those lines, when someone is eliminated, their tribute will remain in the story. Then once in the arena, they will be taken care of.

5. This contest is meant to be fun, help you improve, and make friends.

6. Alliances are not required, but they are really fun!
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Tribute deaths will be assigned to tributes/alliances in the arena by me =)

If you have any questions, just let me know!