Body Bag


Changing P.O.V from third to first

"WAKE UP!" a male voice shouted into my ear. "Five more minutes." I grumbled. "No wake up NOW! Don't make me get the bucket." the voice warned. "What bucket?" I grumbled in my sleepy state. "The ice water bucket." the voice now identified as Jaggar stated. "I'm up! I'm up!" I shouted sitting straight up in my bed.

"Good, now get dressed and we'll wait for you outside the room for breakfast." he said exiting the room. "Okay" I nodded. I got up and went to my dresser or what I thought was my dresser. I was still partially asleep and didn't know whose dresser it was. I pulled out a shirt and a pair of pants. Anything I could find.

The clothes I picked were a Dallas Cowboys jersey and a pair of basketball shorts. Hey I was half asleep and didn't realize I didn't own either of these things. I shoved my feet into my pair of Osiris and walked clumsily out the door. My hair was a mess so I quickly leaned over and put my hair up that way.

"Okay I think I'm ready." I said unsure. "Hey! Those are my clothes!" Chad yelled. I looked down. "Oh yea I guess they are." I shrugged. "I'm wearing them anyway. Deal." I replied. "Okay, okay." he said. "Oh, I almost forgot!" I ran back into the room. I unzipped my bag and pulled out my stick of Secret pear deodorant and put it on sloppily.
"Okay I'm officially ready." I said. "Finally! Let’s go." Jaggar said and we all made our way out of the door to the cafeteria.

"I smell waffles!" I cheered. I ran towards the line. I loved waffles! I grabbed a tray and waited impatiently for my turn to get my waffles. The waffles were slopped onto my plate. "Ewe." I scrunched up my nose. "These are not waffles!" I whined. "Way to ruin my day, stupid waffles." I frowned. I grabbed fruit and other things that were eatable as I headed towards the end of the lunch line. If I couldn't eat waffles I might as well get other things.
I stood at the front of the cafeteria and looked out towards the rest of the cafeteria. Where were the guys? "Feeling a little lost?" Ashton asked behind me. I nodded. "Follow me." he said as he walked ahead of me. "This is where we sit." he said. It was the only free table. We sat down and we were later joined by Jaggar, Chad, and of course Zacky. "Hey guys." I said while munching on my apple.

"So, what’s planned for today?" I asked them. "We have to go to the gym and train for like 2 hours or more. Depending on what kind of mood Salvatore is in." Chad informed. "Oh, sounds, fun." I stated. They shook their heads.
"Hey I'm gonna go get changed. Especially if were gonna spend such a long time in a gym." I said getting up from the table. "Do you need me too walk you back?" Jaggar offered. "Naw, I'm a big girl." I assured. "Okay." he said uneasily.

Jaggars P.O.V.

I felt uneasy about letting Ari go by herself so I dumped my tray and headed after her. But I made sure she was a ways ahead before I followed her. When I finally met up with her there she was pinned up against a tree being forcefully kissed. She was trying to break free but wasn't strong enough. I'd have to admit she was putting up a big fight.

This filled me with rage. I grabbed the boy by his shirt and threw him off of her. "Are you okay?" I asked. Tears were streaming down her face. Her red lips were swollen from the roughness and forcefulness of the kiss. I turned around and went after the boy. I beat him to a pulp. He didn't stand a chance. "Don't you ever touch her again." I growled at him. He just smirked back. I punched him again.

I let him up kicking him on the way. "It'll be twice as bad if you touch her again. I swear to it." I hissed through my teeth. "C'mon Ariel I knew I shouldn't have let you go by yourself. I helped her along. She stopped me and hugged me. She cried into my shirt and I comforted her until she was finished. "He won't be bothering you again. I'll make sure of it." I promised her. She nodded her thanks. We got back to the cabin and she got changed.

Aris P.O.V

I felt violated. I put my clothes on in a haze. I grabbed a pair of black Soffee shorts and a black Alesana beater. I redid my hair in a messy bun and reapplied deodorant. By the time I was down the boys were all sitting on the couch all of them in t-shirts and shorts. "Shall we go?" I asked. "Lets." they replied as we made our way outside.
We made it to the gym in five minutes. Even though I didn't know the way. I just followed the guys.

The gym was new looking but very smelly. It smelled like guy sweat. "Ewe." I scrunched up my nose. "You get used to it." whispered Zacky. "I hope so." I whispered back. We giggled together until called to attention. "We will practice fighting today." Salvatore informed. I shall pair you up." he said "Zacky and Ashton, Jaggar and Ariel, and I'll fight Chad." We all nodded and go into our positions.

"So I don't really know how you guys fight here." I informed Jaggar. "That’s okay; just make up things as you go. Use your first instinct." he said. "Okay." I said uneasily. He lunged out me first. I attempted to move out of the way. Okay that’s attempted. He hit me full force and I landed on my back with him on top. "Now that’s no way to treat a girl." I scolded while wagging my finger at him.

"Hey, I'm being gentle. You should see me when I really fight." he smirked. While he was basking in his cockiness I took this as a time to switch the roles. I rolled over so that I was on top. "Hah! Who’s better now?" I asked. "Still me." In one quick motion I was back on the bottom again. "You're cheating!" I whined. "No, I've just been practicing." he smiled. "Yea, yea." I crossed my arms. I kneed him in the gut while he was on top then I was on top again.
I pinned his wrists with my hands and I pinned his legs with mine. I moved my hands and started to tickle him under his arm-pits. "No!" he called. "My only weakness!" Jaggar broke out in a fit of giggles. "Jaggar! Ariel!" Salvatore shouted. We jumped up into attention.

"For not doing what I say 100 push ups." he commanded. "NOW!" he shouted. We dropped down and began out 100 push ups. He watched the whole time. Jaggar was done before me. But I finished just seconds later. Thank god for those one foster parent who made me do push ups every time I got in trouble.

"Very well." Salvatore commented. "Head back to your cabin." he commanded. We nodded and hurried out the room. "No offense but I was very surprised you survived that." he laughed. "No offense taken but I only survived that because one of the foster parents I was with made me do push ups every time I got in trouble." I smirked.